Slide 6
Slide 6 text
Sarah starts the Tillless
Shopper App on her phone
which automatically locates
itself at Mary’s Store. Mary
can directly scan items using
their barcodes, or pick from
the products in the store’s
product catalog.
Sarah is able to easily scan
products via barcode or QR-
code using her phone’s
built-in camera. The process
is quick and easy, and
requires no extra hardware
or software other than the
Tillless Shopper app.
Sarah adds the products
that she wishes to purchase
to her shopping bag. She
can see the running total of
her shopping bag as she
To check out, Sarah taps
‘Pay’ and enters her payment
PIN. The payment PIN locks
her cards to her device, and
without the payment PIN
and this specific device, no-
one is able to use her
payment details.
The Tillless back-end
processes the shopping bag
and presents Sarah with the
authorisation screen.
Tapping ‘pay’ here
completes the purchase,
charging Sarah’s credit card.
Once payment has been
processed, Sarah is
presented with a receipt.
This receipt can be shown to
an in-store representative
with the Tillless Merchant
app for validation.
Mary sees that Sarah is
ready to validate her
payment. Mary can also
scan Sarah’s QR-code
receipt directly from the
Tillless Merchant app on her
smartphone to quickly jump
to purchase validation. In a
busy store, this process can
be done by a gatekeeper who
simply scans receipts and
validates the shopper’s
Once the gatekeeper
reviews the items in the
Shopper’s bag, tapping
‘validate’ completes the
purchase process.
The gatekeeper is then free
to move on to help other
As soon as Sarah’s purchase
is validated, the Tillless
Shopper app lets her know
with a validated stamp, and
she is free to leave the store
with her items. Tillless sends
Sarah an email receipt with
details of the purchase.
Simple, Fast and Secure Shopping
Shopping in a Tillless-enabled store is super fast and
super simple. Shoppers can scan a barcode or pick
items from the Store’s product catalog and pay with
their credit card using their phone.
Tillless uses bank-grade security to handle the
Shopper’s payment PIN and all card details are
stored securely with the payment gateway (not
within the app).
Tillless lets shoppers avoid the queues and
bottlenecks at the register, speeding up and
improving their experience.
Shopping with Tillless. It’s simple, fast and
for Shoppers