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Rails Plugins Authors' Guide Akira Matsuda

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self name: Akira from: Tokyo, Japan GitHub: amatsuda Twitter: @a_matsuda

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I Work on Some OSS Projects

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I Work on Some OSS Projects Ruby

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I Work on Some OSS Projects Ruby Rails

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Gems kaminari active_decorator motorhead stateful_enum action_args (asakusarb) Find more on http:/ /

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No content

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Asakusa.rb Meetup https:/ /

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RubyKaigi = ͟ ͟͞͞

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RubyKaigi 2015, 2016 Chief Organizer

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RubyKaigi 2016 September 8..10 In Kyoto

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Coming Soon! CFP Sponsorships Tickets

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Rails Plugins

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Who Here Have Never Created and Published a Rails Plugin?

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What Is a Rails Plugin? A RubyGem Adds some features to your Rails apps Written in Ruby (or C)

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History of Rails Plugins

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Rails 1, Rails 2 Placed in vendor/plugins directory No package management Usually served via SVN server on the Internet % ./script/plugin install svn:/ /...

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Rails 2.1 Ruby Gem as a Rails plugin config.gem in config/ environment.rb "Dependency Hell" problem

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Rails 2 Era GitHub hosted gems http:/ / as a gem source username-gemname as a Gem config.gem 'mislav-will_paginate', :lib => 'will_paginate'

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Rails 3.0 The Rails 3 team (@carlhuda) created Bundler No more dependency hell!

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Rails 4.0 vendor/plugins' Death

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Dealing with Plugins Is So Easy Today Your Gemfile.lock knows everything bundle show will take you to any bundled gem An IDE like RubyMine would also help exploring the gems

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Plugins Are Your App Every Rails plugin that you bundle to your app is a part of your application code You need to read them, understand them, patch them, and sometimes maintain them

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Learn How It Works So you can read the code, and understand the code

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A Typical Rails Plugin's Structure .gemspec lib exe (bin) test, spec ext (C extension source code)

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How Do Rails Plugins Work? required from the Rails app

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Ruby's require require 'foo'

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require and $LOAD_PATH require 'foo' scans through each $LOAD_PATH directory until the first 'foo.rb' (or .so, .o, .dll) were found

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RubyGems' require If it fails to require 'foo' And there's a Gem named foo installed Adds foo Gem's lib directory to $LOAD_PATH, and then requires it

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RubyGems Redefines require Behaviour This is made possible because require is nothing but just a Ruby method (Kernel#require). So you can monkey-patch and add a such feature

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Bundler's setup & require bundler also extends Kernel#require

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Bundler's setup & require Adds the bundled Gems' lib directories to $LOAD_PATH requires only from $LOAD_PATH. Not from all the installed gems

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When Requiring 'foo' Each bundled Gem's lib directory is in $LOAD_PATH And require tries to find 'foo.rb' in each $LOAD_PATH

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autoload autoload :Foo, './foo.rb'

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Ruby's autoload A technique to save memory usage, shorten the app's startup time

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Kernel#autoload Takes a Symbol and a filename "Registers filename to be loaded (using Kernel::require) the first time that module (which may be a String or a symbol) is accessed in the namespace of mod." https:/ / load.c

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Rails's autoload Convention When a constant is missing, Rails automatically looks up the autoload paths for the constant_name.underscore e.g. User.find(id) but User was still not loaded, Rails automatically finds app/models/ user.rb and loads it So we don't have to manually write require everywhere

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The Entry Point of a Gem gemdir/lib/gemname.rb This file will be loaded when require 'foo' was executed (usually performed by Bundler) When you read a plugin code, always start reading from this file You can put lib/bar.rb, lib/baz.rb or anything, but that would break other Gems. Do NEVER do that.

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The Gem Namespace For the Foo gem, Foo module becomes the gem's namespace gemdir/lib/foo/ directory is where you can physically put the code You can create any directories under your gemdir/lib/ directory, but don't create anything else Do never invade other plugins' namespace

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_ and - _ just connects multiple words action_args => 'action_args' - is for namespacing. Usually when extending another existing gem. kaminari-sinatra => 'kaminari/ sinatra'

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Now You Know How to Read You learned basic rules of RubyGems Then the next step is to know how to write

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Extending Rails’ Components

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Railties, Initializers, and AS.on_load hooks ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do (do something) end

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AS.on_load hooks The block inside AS.on_load will be executed when AC::Base was loaded

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Extending ActionPack action_args

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action_args https:/ / action_args Rails version of merb-action-args def show(id)
 User.find id

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Adding Parameters to Controller Methods module ActionArgs module AbstractControllerMethods def send_action(method_name, *args) return super unless args.empty? return super unless defined?(params) strengthen_params! method_name values = extract_method_arguments_from_params method_name super method_name, *values ennnd

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Extending ActionView html5_validators

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html5_validators https:/ / amatsuda/html5_validators Model validation => HTML5 Form Validation

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Adding an Attribute to the text_field Helper module Html5Validators::ActionViewExtension::PresenceValidator def render if object.class.ancestors.include?(ActiveModel::Validations && ... @options["required"] ||= @options[:required] || object.class.attribute_required?(@method_name) end super ennd ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField.prepend Html5Validators::ActionViewExtension::PresenceValidator

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Extending ActiveRecord stateful_enum

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stateful_enum https:/ / stateful_enum A state machine plugin on top of AR::Enum Extends enum method to take a block

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Extending AR::Base module StatefulEnum class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do ::ActiveRecord::Base.extend StatefulEnum::ActiveRecordEnumExtension end end end

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Adding a Feature to enum module StatefulEnum module ActiveRecordEnumExtension def enum(definitions, &block) enum = super definitions if block definitions.each_key do |column| states = enum[column] self, column, (states. (Hash) ? states.keys : states), prefix, suffix, &block ennnnnd

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Creating a New Layer active_decorator

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active_decorator https:/ / amatsuda/active_decorator RAILS_ROOT/app/ decorators/ as better view helpers

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app/* for a New Layer Nothing special It should just work Rails would automatically load the files there

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Generator i18n_generators

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i18n_generators https:/ / amatsuda/i18n_generators Internationalizes your Rails app

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i18n_generators % rails g i18n tl #=> generates Tagalog translated I18n resource

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Creating a Generator Place a .rb file with a Rails::Generator::Base class inside lib/generators/ directory.

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Creating a Generator lib !"" generators # !"" i18n # # %"" i18n_generator.rb

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Rake Tasks traceroute

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traceroute https:/ / amatsuda/traceroute A simple Rake task that reports unused routes and controller actions in the app

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Creating a Rake Task Place a .rake file inside lib/ tasks directory.

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Creating a Rake Task lib !"" tasks # %"" traceroute.rake %"" traceroute.rb

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Rails Engine erd

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Erd https:/ / Database ER diagram viewer / drawer at http:/ /localhost:3000/erd A Rails Engine just looks like a Rails app lib/erd/engine.rb

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Erd erd !"" Gemfile !"" app # !"" assets # !"" controllers # # %"" erd # # %"" erd_controller.rb # %"" views # %"" erd # %"" erd # %"" index.html.erb !"" config # %"" routes.rb !"" erd.gemspec !"" lib # !"" erd # # !"" engine.rb # # %"" railtie.rb # %"" erd.rb %"" vendor %"" assets

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Erd module Erd class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Erd end end

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More on Rails Engines Motorhead

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Motorhead https:/ / amatsuda/motorhead A feature prototyping framework

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Prototyping a New Feature Extending an existing controller using Rails Engines You can add a new feature prototype without touching the main app.

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Prototyping a New Feature class NewFeature::PostsController < ::PostsController def index super @something_new = ... ennd

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How Motorhead Lets an Engine Intercept the Request module Motorhead module Engine extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do isolate_namespace self.parent ActiveSupport.on_load :after_initialize do Rails.application.routes.prepend do mount engine_kls, at: '/' ennnnnd

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Some More Rails Plugin Implementation Techniques

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AMC vs prepend (Rails 5) alias_method_chain was introduced for Rails 1 Ruby has Module#prepend as a core feature since Ruby 2.0 alias_method_chain has been deprecated in Rails 5.0 Rails 5 plugins should use Module#prepend instead Rails 5 plugins should drop Ruby 1 support

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Designing and Implementing DSL stateful_enum

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instance_eval, instance_exec, and Take a look at the code!

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Do Never Monkey-patch Core Classes! SimpleCov https:/ / colszowka/simplecov/pull/ 449

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Do Never Monkey-patch Core Classes Array.send :include, SimpleCov::ArrayMergeHelper Hash.send :include, SimpleCov::HashMergeHelper

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Instead, Use Refinements!

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Refinements as a Better monkey-patching Strategy # lib/action_args/params_handler.rb module ActionArgs module ParamsHandler refine AbstractController::Base do def extract_method_arguments_from_params(method_ name) ... ennnnd

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Refinements as a Better monkey-patching Strategy using ActionArgs::ParamsHandler module ActionArgs module AbstractControllerMethods def send_action(method_name, *args) ... values = extract_method_arguments_from_params method_name super method_name, *values ennnd AbstractController::Base.send :prepend, ActionArgs::AbstractControllerMethods

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rbenv Plugin && Gem in One Codebase gem-src

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gem-src https:/ / A RubyGems hook that git clones every repo that you gem install or bundle install Makes you ready to send PRs anytime

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gem-src # etc/rbenv.d/exec/~gem-src.bash cwd="$PWD" cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../../../lib" # Make sure `rubygems_plugin.rb` is discovered by RubyGems by adding its directory to Ruby's load path. export RUBYLIB="$PWD:$RUBYLIB" cd "$cwd"

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Naming Gems is Hard There's a certain reason that people tend to choose weird Gem names Because a Gem name becomes a top-level Module We need to choose a name that would not overlap with model names in the apps Learn from Journey's case

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"Namespace Conflict: Journey is a very generic name" https:/ / journey/issues/49 ::Journey => ActionDispatch::Journey

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Merging Your Plugin into Rails Core everywhere

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everywhere https:/ / amatsuda/everywhere where.not syntax for ActiveRecord 3

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I Created the Gem First, Proved that It Works, Then Sent a PR https:/ / rails/pull/8332

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Have Fun with
 Rails Plugins! Read the plugins that you use Hack on your ideas Solve your problems Share your solutions!

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