Principal type-schemes
for functional programs
Luis Damas and Robin Milner (POPL `82)
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● Slides
● Code
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● Meta Language for LCF
● Type inference
● Influence on Haskell, Rust, F#, OCaml, ...
● “Sweet spot” in type system design
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letrec f xs = if null xs then nil
else snoc (f (tl xs)) (hd xs)
What type does this function have?
null : ∀ ( list → bool)
snoc : ∀ ( list → → list)
hd, tl : ∀ ( list → )
nil : ∀ ( list)
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What about:
let s x y z = x z (y z)
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Type Inference
f : ∀ ( list → list)
● Given f, how can we infer this type?
● What does it even mean for a value to have a type?
● How can we be sure we have the most general type?
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Lambda Calculus
Expressions e:
● Identifiers: , , …
● Applications: e e’
● Abstractions: . e
● Let bindings: let = e in e’
Type Schemes
Type schemes :
● Monomorphic:
● Polymorphic: ∀ .
Type schemes are types with identifiers bound by ∀ at the
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Mappings from variables to types
● Can instantiate type schemes using substitutions
● Gives a simple subtyping relation on type schemes
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Construct a semantic domain (CPO) V containing
● Primitives
● Functions
● An error element
and a semantic function : e → (Id → V) → V
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Identify types with subsets of V
Define the judgment
A ╞ e :
when (∀ ( : ’) ∈ A. ∈ ’) ⇒ e ∈
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Declarative System
Variable rule:
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Declarative System
Application rule:
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Declarative System
Abstraction rule:
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Declarative System
Let rule:
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Declarative System
Instantiation rule:
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Declarative System
Generalization rule:
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A e :
A ╞ e :
“Static behavior determines dynamic behavior”
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. : ∀ . ( → → ) → →
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Algorithm W
● The inference rules do not translate easily into an
algorithm (why not?)
● Introduce
w : Exp → Env → (Env, )
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Algorithm W
● W attempts to build a substitution, bottom-up
● W can fail with an error if there is no valid typing
● Intuition:
○ Collect constraints
○ Then solve constraints
● Reality: W is the fusion of these two steps
● See the code!
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● Unification gives local information about types
● We assemble a global solution from local information
Occurs Check
Prevents inference of infinite types
w( . , nil) = error!
Can’t unify ~ if occurs in the body of .
E.g. ~ →
~ ((… → ) → ) →
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w(A, e) = (S, )
A e :
“Algorithm W constructs typing judgments”
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A e :
then w(A, e) constructs a typing judgment for e which
generalises the above.
“Algorithm W constructs principal types”
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Further Reading
More type systems
● System F, F⍵
● Rank-N types
● Type Classes
● Dependent Types
● Refinement Types
Other approaches
● Constraints
● Bidirectional typechecking
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DHM axioms reproduced from Wikipedia under
the CC-3.0 Attribution/ShareAlike license