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Agile Testing Nino Aslatashvili Marine Mamulia EXTENT TALKS Tbilisi 2019

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What is agile methodology Agile is an alternative method of project management It is more frequently used in IT Companies, as the management process is very beneficial for software companies because it helps them analyze and improve their product throughout its development

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Where did agile come from Everything comes from something, and agile project management is no different. This modern project management method grew out of practices, studies and methods that were long being put together. It all started with 17 very influential agile development people and in 2001 the Agile Manifesto was designed. Later amendments were also made.

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What does agile manifesto mean

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12 principles of agile software development:

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Benefits of Agile methodology • Stakeholder Engagement and Satisfaction • Transparency • Early and Predictable Delivery • Predictable Costs and Schedule • Flexible Prioritization • Allows for Change • Focuses on Business Value • Focuses on Users • Improves Quality • It gives your team Purpose • The Business Benefits of Agile • encourages collaboration

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How does agile team work? ✔ team should never be bigger than 9 people. ✔ meetings are an integral component of a work environment Goal Update on status and actions for the next 24 hours Highlight blockers Input information Current items in progress Sprint backlog Activities Review progress toward the spring goals Discuss the previous day's achievements, plans the current day Voice problems encountered – discuss resolution offline Update the status for all tasks on the Task Board (analog or electronic) by squad members Deliverables Current status and plans List of issues (resolutions are addressed offline) Occurrence every day Timebox 15 min

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How does agile work? Agile approach allows for iterative improvement based on short client feedback cycles

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Statistics of Agile results In 2009, Dr. David F Rico compared Agile with traditional methods of software project management. During his research and synthesis, he analyzed 23 Agile processes, comparing them with 7,500 traditional projects. He found 20 benefits to Agile projects:

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Successful cases . . .

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Testing agile • Agile Testing can begin at the start of the project with continuous integration between development and testing. Agile Testing is not sequential, but continuous.

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Testing agile An agile team works as a single team towards a common objective of achieving Quality. Agile Testing has shorter time frames called iterations (say from 1 to 4 weeks). This methodology is also called release, or delivery driven approach since it gives a better prediction on the workable products in short duration of time.

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Test Plan for Agile 1. Testing Scope 2. New functionalities which are being tested 3. Level or Types of testing based on the features complexity 4. Load and Performance Testing 5. Infrastructure Consideration 6. Mitigation or Risks Plan 7. Resourcing 8. Deliverables and Milestones

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Agile testing strategies 1. identifying people for testing, installing testing tools, scheduling resources (usability testing lab)… 2. the majority of the testing occurs during this phase - Construction iteration is classified into two, confirmatory testing and investigative testing. 3. The goal of “Release, End Game” is to deploy your system successfully into production. The activities include in this phase are training of end users, support people and operational people. Also, it includes back-up & restoration, finalization of system and user documentation. 4. After the release stage, the product will move to the production stage.

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QA challenges with agile software development Chances of error are more in agile, as documentation is given less priority New features are introduced quickly, which reduces the available time for test teams Test execution cycles are highly compressed Very less time to prepare test plan Requirement changes and updates are inherent in an agile method, becoming the biggest challenge for QA

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Waterfall vs Agile

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What the results look like ☺

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Waterfall vs agile Agile Waterfall It follows an incremental approach Waterfall methodology is a sequential design process Agile methodology is known for its flexibility Waterfall is a structured software development methodology so most times it can be quite rigid Agile is quite a flexible method which allows changes to be made in the project development requirements even if the initial planning has been completed There is no scope of changing the requirements once the project development starts Test plan is reviewed after each sprint The test plan is rarely discussed during the test phase In Agile methodology, testing is performed concurrently with software development In this methodology, the "Testing" phase comes after the "Build" phase Test team can take part in the requirements change without problems It is difficult for the test to initiate any change in requirements

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Conclusion Agile and Waterfall are very different software development methodologies and are good in their respective way. Agile testing involves testing as early as possible in the software development lifecycle. It demands high customer involvement and testing code as soon as it becomes available. Communication between the team members is very important, It makes the whole process more efficient and beneficial. Communication between the teams makes agile testing success!!!

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