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Dagger + Anvil Learning to Love Dependency Injection Ralf Wondratschek @vRallev Gabriel Peal @gpeal8

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Dagger 2 Refresher - Basic @Singleton @Component interface AppComponent class MainApplication : Application() { lateinit var component : AppComponent override fun onCreate () { super.onCreate() component = DaggerAppComponent.create() } } :app @Singleton class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor() { suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() }

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Dagger 2 Refresher - Interface + Impl @Singleton @Component(modules = [WeatherModule::class]) interface AppComponent interface WeatherRepository { suspend fun getForecast(): List } @Singleton class WeatherRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor () : WeatherRepository { override suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } @Module abstract class WeatherModule { @Binds abstract fun bindsWeatherRepository (r: WeatherRepositoryImpl ): WeatherRepository } :app

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Dagger 2 Refresher - Binding Interface @Singleton @Component interface AppComponent : WeatherBindings interface WeatherBindings { fun inject(fragment: WeatherFragment) fun weatherRepository(): WeatherRepository } :app

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Dagger 2 Refresher - Multibindings @Singleton @Component interface AppComponent :app interface WeatherDataSource { suspend fun getForecast (): List } class WeatherChannelDataSource @Inject constructor () : WeatherDataSource { override suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } class WeatherUndergroundDataSource @Inject constructor (): WeatherDataSource { override suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } @Singleton class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor ( private val userPrefs: UserPrefs, private val dataSources : Map, ) { suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } @Module abstract class WeatherModule { @Binds @IntoMap @StringKey ("WeatherChannel" ) abstract fun bindsWeatherChannel (s: WeatherChannelDataSource ): WeatherDataSource @Binds @IntoMap @StringKey ("WeatherUnderground" ) abstract fun bindsWeatherUnderground (s: WeatherUndergroundDataSource ): WeatherDataSource } (modules = [WeatherModule::class])

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Dagger 2 ● Why it’s good ○ Build time guarantee ○ Fast at runtime (no reflection) ○ Huge community (Stack Overflow/Blog posts galore) ○ You can get it to do just about anything if you need it

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Dagger 2 ● Why it’s not so good ○ Boilerplate ○ Complicated to learn (names aren’t great) ○ Build time (kapt)

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Why Anvil? ● Opinionated module structure ● Hundreds of demo applications → Boilerplate code became a problem

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Why Anvil? :app.1 @Component( WeatherModule, LocationModule ) AppComponent :app.2 @Component( LocationModule, UserModule ) AppComponent :app.3 @Component( LocationModule, UserModule ) AppComponent :feature.1 WeatherModule :feature.2 LocationModule :feature.3 UserModule

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Why Anvil? Try to build :demo app Add missing dependencies in build.gradle file Sync :demo module in Android Studio Add Dagger modules to Dagger components

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Why Anvil? Try to build :demo app Add missing dependencies in build.gradle file Sync :demo module in Android Studio Add Dagger modules to Dagger components

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Why Anvil? @Singleton @Component(modules = [WeatherModule::class]) interface AppComponent

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Why Anvil? @Singleton @Component(modules = [WeatherModule::class]) interface AppComponent

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Why Anvil? ● A Dagger module must know to which component it belongs ● A Dagger component must know which modules it needs to include → The scope is the shared connection

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Why Anvil? @Component(modules = [WeatherModule::class]) interface AppComponent @Module object WeatherModule

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Why Anvil? @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent @Module @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) object WeatherModule

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Why Anvil? @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent @Module @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) object WeatherModule

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Why Anvil? :app.1 @Component( WeatherModule, LocationModule ) AppComponent :app.2 @Component( LocationModule, UserModule ) AppComponent :app.3 @Component( LocationModule, UserModule ) AppComponent :feature.1 WeatherModule :feature.2 LocationModule :feature.3 UserModule

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Why Anvil? :app.1 @MergeComponent(AppScope) AppComponent :app.2 @MergeComponent(AppScope) AppComponent :app.3 @MergeComponent(AppScope) AppComponent :feature.1 @ContributesTo(AppScope) WeatherModule :feature.2 @ContributesTo(AppScope) LocationModule :feature.3 @ContributesTo(AppScope) UserModule

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Why Anvil? :app.1 @MergeComponent(AppScope) AppComponent :app.2 @MergeComponent(AppScope) AppComponent :app.3 @MergeComponent(AppScope) AppComponent :feature.1 @ContributesTo(AppScope) WeatherModule :feature.2 @ContributesTo(AppScope) LocationModule :feature.3 @ContributesTo(AppScope) UserModule :core object AppScope

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Why Anvil? ● Allows you to construct the dependency graph in a loose way ● Aligns the build graph with the dependency graph ● Moves decision which scope to use to the declaration side ● Allows you to add new Dagger modules easily to all apps ● Creating new applications is faster

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Dagger 2 - Basic @Singleton @Component interface AppComponent class MainApplication : Application() { lateinit var component : AppComponent override fun onCreate () { super.onCreate() component = DaggerAppComponent.create() } } :app @Singleton class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor() { suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() }

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Anvil - Basic @Singleton @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent class MainApplication : Application() { lateinit var component : AppComponent override fun onCreate () { super.onCreate() component = DaggerAppComponent.create() } } @Singleton class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor() { suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() } interface AppScope :app :lib.scopes

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Anvil - Basic @Singleton @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent Two different names to memorize

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Anvil - Basic @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent Two different names to memorize

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Anvil - Basic @Singleton @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent class MainApplication : Application() { lateinit var component: AppComponent override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() component = DaggerAppComponent.create() } } @Singleton class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor() { suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() } interface AppScope :app :lib.scopes @Scope @Retention(AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME) annotation class SingleIn(val clazz: KClass<*>)

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Anvil - Basic @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent class MainApplication : Application() { lateinit var component: AppComponent override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() component = DaggerAppComponent.create() } } @SingleIn(AppScope::class) class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor() { suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() } interface AppScope :app :lib.scopes @Scope @Retention(AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME) annotation class SingleIn(val clazz: KClass<*>)

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Dagger 2 - Interface + Impl @Singleton @Component(modules = [WeatherModule::class]) interface AppComponent interface WeatherRepository { suspend fun getForecast(): List } @Singleton class WeatherRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor () : WeatherRepository { override suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } @Module abstract class WeatherModule { @Binds abstract fun bindsWeatherRepository (r: WeatherRepositoryImpl ): WeatherRepository } :app BOILERPLATE 🔥

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Anvil - Interface + Impl @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class WeatherRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor() : WeatherRepository { override suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() } interface WeatherRepository { suspend fun getForecast(): List } @Singleton @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent :app

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Dagger 2 - Binding Interface @Singleton @Component interface AppComponent : WeatherBindings interface WeatherBindings { fun inject(fragment: WeatherFragment) fun weatherRepository(): WeatherRepository } :app BOILERPLATE 🔥

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Anvil - Binding Interface @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) interface WeatherBindings { fun inject(fragment: WeatherFragment) fun weatherRepository(): WeatherRepository } @Singleton @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent :app

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Dagger 2 - Multibindings @Singleton @Component(modules = [WeatherModule::class]) interface AppComponent interface WeatherDataSource { suspend fun getForecast (): List } class WeatherChannelDataSource @Inject constructor () : WeatherDataSource { override suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } class WeatherUndergroundDataSource @Inject constructor (): WeatherDataSource { override suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } @Singleton class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor ( private val userPrefs: UserPrefs, private val dataSources : Map, ) { suspend fun getForecast (): List = TODO() } @Module abstract class WeatherModule { @Binds @IntoMap @StringKey ("WeatherChannel" ) abstract fun bindsWeatherChannel (s: WeatherChannelDataSource ): WeatherDataSource @Binds @IntoMap @StringKey ("WeatherUnderground" ) abstract fun bindsWeatherUnderground (s: WeatherUndergroundDataSource ): WeatherDataSource } :app BOILERPLATE 🔥 BOILERPLATE 🔥

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Anvil - Multibindings @Singleton @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent :app interface WeatherDataSource { suspend fun getForecast(): List } @StringKey("WeatherChannel") @ContributesMultibinding(AppScope::class) class WeatherChannelDataSource @Inject constructor() : WeatherDataSource { override suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() } @StringKey("WeatherUnderground") @ContributesMultibinding(AppScope::class) class WeatherUndergroundDataSource @Inject constructor(): WeatherDataSource { override suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() } @Singleton class WeatherRepository @Inject constructor( private val userPrefs: UserPrefs, private val dataSources: Map, ) { suspend fun getForecast(): List = TODO() }

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/* :app /src/main */ @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface AppComponent open class MainApplication : Application() { lateinit var daggerComponent: Any override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() daggerComponent = DaggerAppComponent.create() } } Anvil - Replace dependencies in tests

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/* :app /src/androidTest */ @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @MergeComponent(AppScope::class) interface TestAppComponent class TestApplication : MainApplication() { override lateinit var daggerComponent: Any override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() daggerComponent = DaggerTestAppComponent.create() } } Anvil - Replace dependencies in tests

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/* :lib.weatherdata /src/main */ interface WeatherRepository { suspend fun getForecast(): List } /* :features.weatherdata /src/main */ @SingleIn(WeatherScope::class) @ContributesBinding(WeatherScope::class) class WeatherRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor() : WeatherRepository Anvil - Replace dependencies in tests

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/* :lib.weatherdata /src/main */ interface WeatherRepository { suspend fun getForecast(): List } /* :app /src/androidTest */ @ContributesBinding( scope = WeatherScope::class ) object FakeWeatherRepository : WeatherRepository { override suspend fun getForecast(): List = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) } Anvil - Replace dependencies in tests

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/* :lib.weatherdata /src/main */ interface WeatherRepository { suspend fun getForecast(): List } /* :app /src/androidTest */ @ContributesBinding( scope = WeatherScope::class, replaces = [WeatherRepositoryImpl::class] ) object FakeWeatherRepository : WeatherRepository { override suspend fun getForecast(): List = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) } Anvil - Replace dependencies in tests

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/* :lib.weatherdata /src/main */ interface WeatherRepository { suspend fun getForecast(): List } /* :app /src/androidTest */ @ContributesBinding( scope = WeatherScope::class, replaces = [WeatherRepositoryImpl::class] ) object FakeWeatherRepository : WeatherRepository { override suspend fun getForecast(): List = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) } Anvil - Replace dependencies in tests

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What about Hilt? ● Multi-login ● Guarantee no user information leaks across accounts ● Null safe access to account

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What about Hilt? class WorkoutFragment : Fragment( R.layout.workout_fragment), DaggerComponentOwner { // github/gpeal/Anvil-Sample override val daggerComponent : WeatherComponent by fragmentComponent { scope, app -> app.bindings().workoutComponentBuilder().create(scope) } }

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What about Hilt?

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What about Hilt?

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Anvil - Build Time

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Anvil - Dagger Factory Generation plugins { id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt' id 'com.squareup.anvil' } dependencies { api "$daggerVersion" kapt "$daggerVersion" }

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Anvil - Dagger Factory Generation plugins { id 'com.squareup.anvil' } anvil { generateDaggerFactories = true } dependencies { api "$daggerVersion" }

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Build time for single modules improved by up to 65% Anvil - Dagger Factory Generation

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Build time for our full project improved by 16% on average Anvil - Build time

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Build time for Slack improved by 25% Anvil - Build time

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TL;DR ● If you use Dagger already, then Anvil will make your build times significantly faster and provide more features on top ○ (For Dagger + Hilt the diff is even bigger) Anvil - Build time

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Extend Anvil - Custom Code Generator interface WeatherApi { @GET("…") suspend fun getForecast(): Forecast } @Module @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) object WeatherApiModule { @Provides @Reusable fun providesWeatherApi(retrofit: Retrofit): WeatherApi { return retrofit.create() } } @ContributesApi(AppScope::class) Eliminated // github/gpeal/Avil-Sample

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@Module @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) public abstract class WeatherViewModelModule { @Binds @IntoMap @ViewModelKey(WeatherViewModel::class) public abstract fun bindWeatherViewModelFactory( factory: WeatherViewModel.Factory, ): TonalViewModelFactory<*, *> } Extend Anvil - Custom Code Generator @ContributesViewModel(UserScope::class) class WeatherViewModel @AssistedInject constructor( @Assisted initialState: WeatherState, weatherRepository: WeatherRepository, ) : MavericksViewModel(initialState) { … } Eliminated

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Extend Anvil - Custom Code Generator @ContributesFeatureFlag enum class MyFeatureFlag( override val flag: String, ) : BaseFeatureFlag { MyFlag("my-flag"), MyFlag2("my-flag-2"), } @Module @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) public abstract class MyFeatureFlagModule { @Provides @ElementsIntoSet fun providesMyFeatureFlags(): Set = MyFeatureFlag.values().toSet() } Eliminated

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Extend Anvil - Custom Code Generator

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Thank you! Ralf Wondratschek @vRallev Gabriel Peal @gpeal8

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Resources ● ● ● ependency-injection-on-android-8fad3d5530c9