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後⼤數據時代的陷阱與機會 Mosky

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資料科學家 是 21 世紀最性感的職業。

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「我以為在建模  結果⼤部分在 Debug」 11/19  「品質檢查、除錯、修復,⾄少要花 65% 的時間。」

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「AI 影片錯殺率太⾼  YouTube 重設審查⼈員」 9/22  「下架的 1,100 多萬則中,有 32 萬則接獲申訴,其中近半審查後重新上架。」

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「Nature 論⽂遭受嚴重質疑:  實驗⽅法有根本缺陷」 2019/6/29  「演算法在測試集上的表現,遠遠超過了訓練集,這不是有資料洩漏嗎?」

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「Science:  某些 AI 領域多年無實際進展」 5/29  「⼀篇論⽂聲稱獲得了巨⼤的性能提升,⽽實際上是對比對象精度較低。」

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「近期⼤規模裁員 5/2  為什麼那麼多公司先裁 data?」  「資料驅動產⽣的額外 impact,減去團隊薪資、資料收集的開銷,才是 return」

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Backend Lead / Backend Engineer Mosky

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2014: Graph-Tool 2017: Data Science With Python 2018: Hypothesis Testing With Python 2019: Statistical Regression With Python Mosky

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→ 2020's

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Data Leakage

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Husky Wolf Spurious Relationship

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Model-Market Fit

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MUST USE Cross Validation, Pipeline, etc. and don't get them wrong.

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➤ Statistics constructs more solid inferences. ➤ Machine learning constructs more interesting predictions. ➤ Machine Learning ⊃ Deep Learning ➤ The models may be the same, but the focuses are different. ➤ Good predictions usually needs good inferences on dataset. Statistics vs. Machine Learning

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Study Designs • RCT (A/B testing) • Cohort Study: Group by exposure. • Case-Control Study: Diff to find the exposure. • Case Series • Case Report • —Oxford CEBM 2009, Study Designs

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MUST HAVE Domain Knowledge to detect the issues.

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Science, Analysis, Scientist, and Engineering ➤ Data Engineering / Data Engineer ➤ Prepare the data infra to enable others to work with. ➤ Data Analysis / Data Analyst ➤ Analyze to help the company's decisions. ➤ Data Scientist ➤ Create software to optimize the company's operations. Role Matters

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Teamwork Helps

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Delight People With Fast Release e.g., per two weeks

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• 會⾃然發⽣許多隱晦的技術問題 → 需要扎實的基礎功 • 不只可解釋,還要理解資料與模型 → 統計學、研究⽅法中有豐富的⼯具 • 還會⾃然發⽣許多隱晦的非技術問題 → 需要領域知識才能發現 • ⼀個⼈時間有限 → 定位⾓⾊、磨練協作技能、持之以恆   例如專案管理、產品管理 • 創造價值?讓⼈感到開⼼!除了使⽤者,同事、老闆也是。

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Image Credits • “NoSQL”: • “NoSQL Databases”: • “Hype Cycle”: • “Overfitting”: • “Data Leakage”: • “Husky”: • “Wolf”: • “Stationarity”: • “Non-Stationarity”: • “Houses”: • “Linear PCA vs. Nonlinear Principal Manifolds”: File:Elmap_breastcancer_wiki.png • “Teamwork”: • “Smile”: