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Signal A Signal is a value that is “reactive,” meaning it can notify interested consumers when it changes.

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Angular Signals Dhananjay Kumar

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@debug_mode Dhananjay Kumar ✓ [email protected] ✓ Contact me for Training and Consulting on Angular. Founder : Nomad

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Angular Signal is a wrapper around a value.

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Creating Signal A signal is created by calling the signal() function with the initial value.

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Reading Signal

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Signal Getter function a() Setter function set() update() value

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.set() – to change the value directly .update() – to compute a new value from the previous one

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Signals Signals Effects Computed

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Computed signals A computed signals create derived values based on one or more dependency signal values.

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Computed Signals

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Computed Signal A computed signal derives its value from other signals.

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Computed Signal Computations are lazy Computation are disposed of automatically Computations are glitch- free It is memorized It is Read-Only you should not write to other signal here

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Computed Signal Demo

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Effects An effect is a side-effectful operation which reads the value of zero or more signals, and is automatically scheduled to be re-run whenever any of those signals changes.

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Effects An effect is an operation that runs whenever one or more signal values change.

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Effects use-cases ✓ Synchronizing data between multiple independent models ✓ Triggering network requests ✓ Performing custom rendering actions such as , charting library, and other third-party UI libraries ✓ Logging data being displayed and when it changes, either for analytics or as a debugging tool.

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Effects Effects Root View

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Root Effects ✓ Propagating state changes to other signals ✓ Effects Synchronizing state with the backend or some local storage ✓ Rendering not tied to a component ✓ Logging/Debugging

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Root Effects ✓ Root effects are scheduled via a macro task, on each ApplicationRef.tick ✓ They are queued in FIFO order: effects that become dirty first will execute first ✓ One particular consequence of dirty root effects running until the queue is empty is that you might see effects running kind-of synchronously .

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View Effects View effects are effects within the component hierarchy and execute as part of change detection cycles.

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Scheduling of Effects ✓ Effects run asynchronously during the Change Detection Process. ✓ Effects will execute in response to their dependencies changes at some point in the future. ✓ Effects always run at least Once ✓ Effects will execute minimal number of times

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Effects Do not write to a signal in the effect

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Effects The effect() function requires Injection Context

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Effects The effect() is always alive ✓ An effect created within components, directives, or service are destroyed when the same is destroyed. ✓ By default, Angular effects lifespan is linked to the underlying DestroyRef in the framework. ✓ Life span of an effect can be manually controlled by passing manualCleanup value to true

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Effects Manual cleanup

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Equality function ✓ The signal function optionally specifies an equality comparator function. ✓ The comparator decides whether the newly supplied value is the same or different compared to the current value. ✓ Equality functions can be provided to both writable and computed signals.

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Equality function If two values are equal block update of signal value stop change propagation

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Equality function Compares primitives values using === semantics Treats objects and arrays always unequal

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Component Communication

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Internal Internally the signals implementation is defined in two abstractions

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Internal Producer PRODUCES reactivity Consumer CONSUMES reactivity

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Internal • The value that can deliver change notifications • Signal Producers • It represents a reactive context depends on producers • Computed , Effect , Template Consumers

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Internal Reactive Context Computed Effect Template

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Internal Consumer keeps track of Producers Producer keeps track of only LIVE CONSUMERS

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Internal The consumer is called live ✓ It sets the consumerIsAlways property of the reactive node is set to true. ✓ It is also a producer, which is depended upon by a live consumer. •live effect •Not live computed

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Change Detection – Component Tree Root Component Child Component -1 CC-11 CC -12 CC-121 Child Component- 2 CC -21 CC- 211 CC-22 User clicks a button

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Current Component Root Component Child Component -1 CC-11 CC -12 CC-121 Child Component- 2 CC -21 CC- 211 CC-22 User clicks a button Root Component Child Component -1 CC-11 CC -12 CC-121 Child Component- 2 CC -21 CC- 211 CC-22

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Signal based component Root Component Child Component -1 CC-11 CC -12 CC-121 Child Component- 2 CC -21 CC- 211 CC-22 User clicks a button Root Component Child Component -1 CC-11 CC -12 CC-121 Child Component- 2 CC -21 CC- 211 CC-22

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Input Signal

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Input Signal • Pass signal as input • Required Input Signal • Optional Input Signal • Input with Default Value • Input Aliasing • Transform function with input value • The effect function runs side effects whenever the input changes

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Thanks Dhananjay Kumar • Email – [email protected] • @debug_mode • Contact me for Training and Consulting on Angular. • Talk to me about the Indian Angular community and the ng-India.