- ௨ৗɺίϯύΠϥΠϯλϓϦλ͔Βແࢹ͞ΕΔ
* Explanation of `fooFunction`...
fun fooFunction(parameter: Parameter /* note of the parameter */) {
barFunction() // Explanation of why `barFunction` is called
/* A comment with
multiple lines. */
ίϝϯτ > ಋೖ
ίϝϯτʹΑΔϦϑΝΫλϦϯά: ྫ
* Adds a new pair of keyword and the definition to this dictionary,
* can be referenced by [getDefinition(String)].
* If the keyword is already registered, this registration fails.
* Then, this returns a boolean representing whether the registration
* succeeded.
fun add(newData: Pair): Boolean
ίϝϯτ > ಋೖ
ίϝϯτʹΑΔϦϑΝΫλϦϯά: ݁Ռ
* Adds or overwrites a definition of a given [keyword].
* The registered definition is obtained by [getDefinition(String)].
fun registerDefinition(keyword: String, definitionText: String)
ίϝϯτ > ಋೖ
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- υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ: Ϋϥεɾؔʹॻ͘ܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ
* A list of pairs of a string keyword and the explanation text.
* ... (details of usage, limitations, etc.)...
class Dictionary {
ίϝϯτ > ಋೖ
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- υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ: Ϋϥεɾؔʹॻ͘ܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ
- ඇܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ: ίʔυதͷ༷ʑͳॴʹॻ͔ΕΔίϝϯτ
// Call `toList` here to create a copied list explicitly.
val listSnapshot = list.toList()
ίϝϯτ > ಋೖ
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- υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ: Ϋϥεɾؔʹॻ͘ܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ
- ඇܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ: ίʔυதͷ༷ʑͳॴʹॻ͔ΕΔίϝϯτ
- To do ίϝϯτ:
// TODO:
ίϝϯτ > ಋೖ
Ξϯνύλʔϯ: ఆ໊ٛͱಉ͡
* Gets the description for a keyword.
fun getDescription(keyword: String): String
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > Ξϯνύλʔϯ
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Ξϯνύλʔϯ: ίʔυΛ༁͚ͨͩ͠
* Calls [doA] if `conditionA` is satisfied.
* Otherwise, calls [doB] and if ...
fun getDescription(keyword: String): String {
if (conditionA) {
} else {
if (...) {...}
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > Ξϯνύλʔϯ
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Ξϯνύλʔϯ: ϓϥΠϕʔτϝϯόΛͬͯઆ໌
* Returns a string stored in a private map [dictionary].
fun getDescription(keyword: String): String
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > Ξϯνύλʔϯ
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Ξϯνύλʔϯ: ཁ͕ͳ͍
* Throws an exception if the given `keyword` is empty.
fun getDescription(keyword: String): String
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > Ξϯνύλʔϯ
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Ξϯνύλʔϯ: ݺͼग़͠ଆʹݴٴ
* ...
* This is called by class [UserProfilePresenter].
fun getDescription(keyword: String): String
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > Ξϯνύλʔϯ
ཁͷॻ͖ํ: ॏཁͳίʔυ 1/2
ίʔυͰ ࠷ॏཁͳ ߦɾϒϩοΫɾཁૉΛݟ͚ͭΔ
if (!user.isValid) return
val rawProfileImage = getProfileImage(user.id, ...)
val roundProfileImage = applyRoundFilter(rawProfileImage, ...)
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ཁ
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ཁͷॻ͖ํ: ॏཁͳίʔυ 2/2
࠷ॏཁͳΛॻ͖ɺ ิ͢Δ
* Shows a roundly cut profile image of a given [user].
* ...
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ཁ
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ཁͷॻ͖ํ: ίʔυͷڞ௨
ίʔυͷڞ௨Λ୳͠ɺ நԽ͢Δ
* Updates message layout with a newly received message data.
fun ...(receivedMessageData: MessageData) {
messageView.text = receivedMessageData.contentText
senderNameView.text = receivedMessageData.senderName
timestampView.text = receivedMessageData.sentTimeText
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ཁ
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ඪ४ϥΠϒϥϦɾAPI ͷॻ͖ํʹ४ͣΔ ྫ: Kotlin, Java, Swift, Objective-C
- Ϋϥε, ม: ໊ࢺ۟
ྫ: "A generic ordered collection of elements."4
- ؔ: ࡾਓশ୯ͷ ಈࢺ Ͱ࢝·ΔϑϨʔζ
ྫ: "Adds a new element at the end of the array."5
5 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/array/3126937-append
4 https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.collections/-list/#list
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ཁ
యܕతͳ͍ํ ͱ ظ͢Δಈ࡞ ʹ͍ͭͯॻ͘
* ...
* To update view components such as message text and sender name,
* give [MessageData] model object to [bindView].
class MessageViewPresenter(messageView: View)
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ৄࡉ
ࣄલ݅ ҧ࣌ͷಈ࡞ ʹ͍ͭͯίϝϯτ͢Δ
- ؔݺͼग़࣌͠ͷ Ϩγʔόͷ݅
- ࣮Ҿͷ੍
* ... [prepare] must be called before calling [play] or [seek],
* or this throws [ResourceNotReadyException].
class VideoPlayer(videoPath: String)
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ৄࡉ
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ࣄલ݅ ҧ࣌ͷಈ࡞ ʹ͍ͭͯίϝϯτ͢Δ
- ؔݺͼग़࣌͠ͷ Ϩγʔόͷ݅
- ࣮Ҿͷ੍
* ...
* Returns `null` if the given `position` is out of the array range.
fun valueAt(position: Int): T?
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ৄࡉ
- ͍ํͷྫ
- ࣮ҾͱΓͷྫ
* ... For example, this returns `listOf("a", "bc", "", "d")`
* for argument `"a, bc ,,d"`
fun splitByComma(string: String): List {...
ίϝϯτ > υΩϡϝϯςʔγϣϯ > ৄࡉ
ίϝϯτͰ ίʔυͷ·ͱ·Γ Λ࡞Γɺ֓ཁΛઆ໌͢Δ
val messageKey = ...
val messageData = messageCache[messageKey]
if (messageData == null || ...) { // <- When this satisfies?
... // <- Hard to overview code in a nest
ίϝϯτ > ඇܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ
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ίϝϯτͰ ίʔυͷ·ͱ·Γ Λ࡞Γɺ֓ཁΛઆ໌͢Δ
// Get message data cache if it's available
val messageKey = ...
val messageData = messageCache[messageKey]
// Load message data from DB if there's no cached data.
if (messageData == null || ...) {
ίϝϯτ > ඇܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ
// We restore the previous state here
// because libraryFunction() may break the receiver state
// To avoid Device-X specific tinting bug (see, ISSUE-123456)
ίϝϯτ > ඇܗࣜతͳίϝϯτ