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GitHub Enterprise How COOKPAD uses GitHub Enterprise to build COOKPAD  Integration with AWS

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Naoto Takai Cowboy Coder

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We’re Hiring to make everyday cooking fun.

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20M UU/month 1.3M recipes

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10 deploys/day 4.4K pull reqs

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✓Intel Core i7 2600K ✓16 GB Memory ✓80 licenses ✓300+ repositories Github Enterprise VMWare ESXi Helper NAS +

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Before GitHub Enterprise era...

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We used Git with SSH Developer Git Server CI Server App Server 1. push 2. pull 3. tag 4. pull 5. deploy LAN AWS

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We does not use for main project ‣Our security policy ‣Concerns about service availability

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✗ Our code base is growing ✗ Hard to track changes in the code base ✗ Review was very hard (w/ Review Board)

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No content

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We are using GitHub Enterprise since April 2012 but it was a bit difficult for our environments...

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Our servers are on AWS, but GitHub Enterprise does not work on it. ‣Need to communicate with the servers on AWS such as LDAP, SMTP, etc... ‣Need to access from external network. ‣Without changing deploy process

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Our servers are on AWS, but GitHub Enterprise does not work on it. ‣Need to communicate with the servers on AWS such as LDAP, SMTP, etc... ‣Need to access from external network. ‣Without changing deploy process

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GitHub LDAP SMTP Accessing AWS: LAN AWS Helper Gateway SSH Tunnel (autossh) GitHub Enterprise does not support SSH tunneling

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Our servers are on AWS, but GitHub Enterprise does not work on it. ‣Need to communicate with the servers on AWS such as LDAP, SMTP, etc... ‣Need to access from external network. ‣Without changing deploy process

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Access from External: LAN AWS GitHub Internet Developer Developer

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Access from External: LAN AWS GitHub Internet Developer Developer DIRECT ACCESS

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Developer Access from External: LAN AWS GitHub Gateway SSH Tunnel (autossh) Reverse Proxy Internet Developer Tips ‣ DNS lookup Helper

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Developer Access from External (SSH): LAN AWS GitHub Gateway SSH Tunnel (autossh) Internet Developer Tips: SSH con g hack Host github-enterprise Hostname gateway CheckHostIP no StrictHostKeyChecking no port 2222 Helper

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Our servers are on AWS, but GitHub Enterprise does not work on it. ‣Need to communicate with the servers on AWS such as LDAP, SMTP, etc... ‣Need to access from external network. ‣Without changing deploy process

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Developer Git Server CI Server App Server 1. push 2. pull 3. tag 4. pull 5. deploy LAN AWS Deploy Process (old):

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Deploy Process (new): Developer GitHub Gateway SSH Tunnel (autossh) CI Server Helper LAN AWS App Server Git Server 3. pull 4. tag 1. push 2. push 5. pull 6. deploy ✓We can deploy app even if GitHub Enterprise is down. ✓All commits are mirrored in the git server.

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Commit Mirroring: GitHub Git Server AWS LAN push

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Commit Mirroring: GitHub Git Server AWS LAN push DIRECT ACCESS

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Commit Mirroring: GitHub Git Server AWS LAN clone pusher service hook pull push

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require 'sinatra' require 'json' post '/update' do payload = JSON.parse(params[:payload]) project = payload['repository']['name'] cmd = "cd #{project} " "&& git remote prune origin " + "&& git fetch -q " + "&& git push -q --mirror git-server" `#{cmd}` end

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Bonus: Chrome Extension

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Favicon Hack

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Logo Hack

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cross-browser is still problem... We want to use “user JavaScript”

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We’re Hiring to make everyday cooking fun.