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FIDO2 WTF @vixentael

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Anastasiia Voitova, @vixentael Head of customer solutions, Security software engineer @ Cossack Labs. Building & breaking software in critical infra, payment processors, ML/AI, IoT and robotic devices, communication systems — where data security is a hard requirement.

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@vixentael What we will talk about 1. AuthN, MFA. 2. FIDO, FIDO2, WebAuthN. 3. WebAuthN: register, login. 4. Tokens: hardware token, phone as token. 5. Why so fragile? 6. The options!

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Authentication, 1FA, MFA

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@vixentael ID, authN, authZ Identi fi cation — establish identity. User is X. Authentication — verify the user is who they claim to be. Establish trust the user. Con fi rm that user is X. Authorization – if the user X is allowed to have access / perform function Y.

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@vixentael MFA 1. Thing I know 2. Thing I have 3. Thing I am password passphrase pin code sec question hw token OTP, TOTP phone phone number email smart card face fi ngers voice iris NIST SP 800-63B: Digital Identity Guidelines

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@vixentael MFA: 1+2 | 1+3 | 2+3 1. Thing I know 2. Thing I have 3. Thing I am password passphrase pin code sec question hw token OTP, TOTP phone phone number email smart card face fi ngers voice iris NIST SP 800-63B: Digital Identity Guidelines

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@vixentael FIDO and FIDO2 FIDO U2F – FIDO Universal Second Factor. Physical key, 2FA. FIDO UAF – FIDO Universal Authentication Framework. Passwordless. CTAP – Client to Authenticator Protocols. WebAuthN – web API protocol.

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@vixentael FIDO and FIDO2 FIDO U2F – FIDO Universal Second Factor. Physical key, 2FA. FIDO UAF – FIDO Universal Authentication Framework. Passwordless. CTAP – Client to Authenticator Protocols. WebAuthN – web API protocol. FIDO2, 1-2FA }

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@vixentael FIDO and FIDO2 FIDO U2F – FIDO Universal Second Factor. Physical key, 2FA. FIDO UAF – FIDO Universal Authentication Framework. Passwordless. CTAP – Client to Authenticator Protocols. WebAuthN – web API protocol. CTAP1, CTAP2 FIDO2, 1-2FA }

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@vixentael FIDO U2F FIDO U2F – FIDO Universal Second Factor, 2FA. Works together with password. Device computes crypto keys, doesn’t store anything. U2F – “user presence” (something we have) — just tap a button on a hw token.

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@vixentael FIDO2 FIDO UAF + WebAuthN. Passwordless. Works instead of password. Device stores unique crypto keypair per each account, each website. Requires “user veri fi cation” – tap the button + enter pin code on HW token. fi do2-webauthn-passkeys-2022-and-2023

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@vixentael OWASP ASVS Applications should strongly encourage users to enroll in MFA, and should allow users to re-use tokens they already possess, such as FIDO or U2F tokens.

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WebAuthN operations

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@vixentael Register user Client: let’s register. Server: here is random string. Client: generate keypair, store securely, send to server {username, public key, random string}. Server: receive, create user and store username and public key.

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@vixentael Login user Client: let’s login. Server: here is random string. Client: sign string, send to server {username, signed string}. Server: receive, verify signature with public key, login user.

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@vixentael Cryptography Elliptic curves: ECDSA, EdDSA. RSA: RSASSA-PSS, RSASSA-PKCS1 MHcCAQEEILOkJDyU6QgsNh6VLmU6wBkAZmUVf44nQz+ZsXJ/PeohoAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAEwzECZSx1Z8bNCp61Jms3q/HtOW4ESkE8RmRnQYmJdO/aVWceJ8R5 5LS67Dv7rhWOK0NY0VE+nVY3MqIXBEzFnw== MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEwzECZSx1Z8bNCp61Jms3q/HtOW4E SkE8RmRnQYmJdO/aVWceJ8R55LS67Dv7rhWOK0NY0VE+nVY3MqIXBEzFnw== private key, secp256r1 public key, secp256r1

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@vixentael Pros & cons of FIDO2 • Stronger than passwords. • No need to remember password. • No phishing. • Backend doesn’t store secrets. Can’t steal passwords. • Passwordless is easy for users. • Interoperability between devices.

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@vixentael Pros & cons of FIDO2 • Stronger than passwords. • No need to remember password. • No phishing. • Backend doesn’t store secrets. Can’t steal passwords. • Passwordless is easy for users. • Interoperability between devices. • Requires device. • Usability challenges, learning curve. • Limited adoption. • Lose device — lose access* • Hard to backup and recover* * — Apple and Google provide own recovery mechanisms linked to AppleID / Google account.

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@vixentael 1. Thing I know 2. Thing I have 3. Thing I am password passphrase pin code sec question hw token OTP, TOTP phone phone number email smart card face fi ngers voice iris MFA: 1+2 | 1+3 | 2+3

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@vixentael Using FIDO2 as MFA 1. Thing I know 2. Thing I have 3. Thing I am password passphrase pin code hw token phone face fi ngers 1 + 2; 1 + 3; 2 + 3

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Types of tokens

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@vixentael Hardware token A small portable specialized HSM. 
 - createKeypair(entityID) 
 - exportPublickey(entityID) 
 - signData(data) Protects keypairs per account. 
 Not a fl ash drive! 
 Can’t export private keys. 
 Supports USB, USB-C, BLE, NFC… “Security key”

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@vixentael Hardware token External hardware token.

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@vixentael Hardware token on MacBook

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@vixentael Hardware token on iPhone

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@vixentael Passkeys (phone as token) iPhone, Android phone or laptop as hardware token. Generates keypairs. Stores in secure storage. Looks easier than password.

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@vixentael My Mac as passkey. Passkeys (laptop as token)

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@vixentael Passkeys (laptop as token)

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@vixentael Passkeys (phone as token)

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Why so fragile?

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@vixentael Why so fragile? Operating system iOS 14+, Android 10+. MacOS, Linux, Windows. Passkeys Cryptographic co-processors, phones, laptops. Browser support Chrome, Safari, Firefox, others API application API platform support Security tokens HW tokens: USB, USBC, BLE, NFC.

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@vixentael Why so fragile? Operating system iOS 14+, Android 10+. MacOS, Linux, Windows. Passkeys Cryptographic co-processors, phones, laptops. Browser support Chrome, Safari, Firefox, others API application API platform support Security tokens HW tokens: USB, USBC, BLE, NFC. token token server

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@vixentael System support (2020 pic) fi fi do-authentication-in-ios-and- macos/

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@vixentael Azure Active Directory fi do2-compatibility

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@vixentael YubiCo support (YubiKeys) system-and-web-browser-support-for-FIDO2-and-U2F

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Authentication? Easy!

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