user persona
travels minimum of
3 weeks
solo traveler
scar on forehead
weekend city trips
27 years old
honours degree
likes cats
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…though some
cases are very
simple Harry’s fun trip with
friends to Azkaban
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tightly-knit big family
mum easily gets worried
very lazy
instead of long messages - non at all
better: user scenarios
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tightly-knit big family
mum easily gets worried
very lazy
instead of long messages - non at all
better: user scenarios
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better: user scenarios
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better: user scenarios
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better: user scenarios
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better: user scenarios
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… you have been in those situations yourself
… talk to lots and lots of people
… very specific examples from the past
… difficult workarounds
customer development
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“I know what the app
is missing!”
- Everybody
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“Cool, so how did you
solve this in your past?”
- Me
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how our travel journal
app could look like now
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“I need blood pressure and
weight input features.
Everybody wants that
together with all the travel
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Don’t bring a scale while you
travel (like you usually do!)…
-> use journi!
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“Just focus on the most
important user segment:
Journalists who write about
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Show Travel Moment:
“Protesting against whale
hunts, oh and what a great
view of this melting iceberg
over there!”
Protesting against
whale hunts, oh and
what a great view!
Slide 33
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“If my friends can’t upvote my
posts, how do I know which ones
to post to Facebook?”
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Anna-Clara upvoted
your moment.
Anna-Clara upvoted
your moment.
Bianca downvoted
your special moment.
Andreas downvoted
your special moment.
Andreas downvoted
your special moment.
Andreas downvoted
your special moment.
Bianca downvoted
your special moment.
Slide 35
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Reddit all the things!
Anna-Clara upvoted
your moment.
Anna-Clara upvoted
your moment.
Bianca downvoted
your special moment.
Andreas downvoted
your special moment.
Andreas downvoted
your special moment.
Andreas downvoted
your special moment.
Bianca downvoted
your special moment.
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… and frustrations because of those non-technical people
Slide 37
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… people who are your
power users on the team or
as close advisors
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bringing everybody on one
working technical level
Slide 39
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bringing everybody on one
working technical level
Slide 40
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… workshops (e.g. Pyladies)
what I’ve tried
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… codecademy
(CSS & a bit of javascript)
what I’ve tried
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what I’ve tried
… learning with a friend
Slide 43
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what I’ve tried
… coming up with mockups
Slide 44
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what I’ve tried
… actually trying to
build something
Slide 45
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what I’ve tried
workshops (e.g. Pyladies)
codecademy (CSS & a bit of javascript)
learning with a friend (a few hours per week)
coming up with mockups
actually trying to build something
Slide 46
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my experience
blog posts
everything about the coding language
Slide 47
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where does this help?
… process of transferring product vision into tiny tasks
… talking about features, issues, bugs
… adapting the same kind of language for e.g.:
“pop-ups” or “tables”
Slide 48
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my amazingly scientific
… hackathon for your non-techies
… a few hours within a week
… something real to solve
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No content
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recognition & praise
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… learning makes people happy
… happy means more engaged at work
… engaged means more productive
… more productive means fast iterations
learning process