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Choosing WordPress Themes Making Good Choices in Picking a Theme
 & Website Review WordPress St. Petersburg

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Jim True Support Lead & Community Manager
 Pods Framework | @podsframework | @jimtrue

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WordPress St. Petersburg Downtown St. Pete @ TEC Garage
 1st & 3rd Thursdays / Monthly Meetup:
 Slack Chat | Facebook Group | Meetups
 A Member of Tampa Bay WordPress Network

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Upcoming Meetups & Events • WordCamp Jacksonville, April 7th & 8th • WordCamp Atlanta, April 13th - 15th • Ask Us Anything: WordPress Crowdsourcing Workshop
 TEC Garage, Downtown St. Pete, April 19th, 6:30PM • Gutenberg: What is it going to mean to me?
 TEC Garage, Downtown St. Pete, May 3rd, 6:30PM

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We are looking for SPEAKERS! • You actually learn more about something when you TEACH it • Getting over your fears of public speaking is much easier in a safe, non-judgmental space • It’s FUN! •

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Events @ TEC Garage • 4/10 Tech Talk Entrepeneur Program, Tampa • 4/19 Catalyst Series “From Innovator to Entrepreneur”

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What is a Theme, anyway?

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What is a Theme, anyway? index.php styles.css

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Index.php Handles Content index.php styles.css Menu Header Content Sidebar Footer {

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Styles.css Handles Display { Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer index.php styles.css

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Theme Files Help Modularize Content Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer index.php styles.css header.php sidebar.php footer.php {

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Call these files from Index.php Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer index.php header.php sidebar.php footer.php

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What is “The Loop”? Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer // The Loop!

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Where do these parts come from? Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer Posts Pages Custom Post Types Taxonomies Search 404

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Where do these parts come from? Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer Menus & Widgets

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Where do these parts come from? Header Menu Content Sidebar Footer Also:
 Customize &

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Themes can define: • Multiple MENU Areas (and Menus) • Multiple Widget Areas (and locations) • Different Page/Post Templates for Different Content • Multiple ways to Apply Content & Images to your site on a Site WIDE basis.

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What about Styles.CSS? This is what makes a site go from THIS

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What about Styles.CSS? To THIS

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What about Styles.CSS? To THIS

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What about Styles.CSS? Or THIS

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What’s in Styles.CSS? // Defines the actual Theme Name & Details /* Theme Name: Twenty Seventeen Theme URI: Author URI: Description: Twenty Seventeen brings your site… Version: 1.0 // More stuff here, not going into details on it. */

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Also contains the actual CSS // 5.0 Typography body,button,input,select,textarea { color: #333; font-family: "Libre Franklin", arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.66; }

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So What’s a Child Theme? A way to prevent THIS From blowing away all your changes and customizations in your theme.

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So What’s a Child Theme? // Bare Minimum, Theme Name & Theme its based on /* Theme Name: Jim’s Theme Template: twentyseventeen */

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Easier Method?

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Themes vs. Plugins Design
 Content Options
 Images & Fonts FRONT END Content Types
 Access & Control
 System Interaction BACK END vs.

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Themes vs. Plugins FORM FUNCTION vs.

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Picking a Theme (5 Point Checklist) • Does it have a free or trial version? • Is it on the Theme Repository? • If I change themes, is my website still functional? • Does it focus on front-end & layout? • Does it have good support?

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Divi from elegant themes • Theme with Front-end Editing & Layout • Visual Drag & Drop Builder • Multiple possibilities in design and ‘modules’ • Most popular premium WP
 Theme (in the world!)

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Divi: Does it have Free or Trial? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support?

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Divi: On the WP Theme Repo? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? NOPE!

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Divi: Switch Themes, Functional? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? NOPE!

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Divi: Focus on Front End & Layout? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support?

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Divi: Good Support? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support?

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Genesis from StudioPress • Genesis Framework based on WordPress Standards • Child Theme Marketplace • Responsive Turnkey Designs • Large Developer Network

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Genesis: Does it have Free or Trial? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? NOPE!

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Genesis: On the WP Theme Repo? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? NOPE!

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Genesis: Switch Themes, Functional? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support?

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Genesis: Focus on Front End & Layout? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? • Primarily ONLY Focuses on Front-end & Layout • Some Widgets & Shortcodes, Mostly Page Layouts • Rainmaker Platform is focused on SEO/Real Estate, etc.

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Genesis: Good Support? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? • Almost all REAL Support is hidden behind a Paywall • Support focuses on driving you towards hiring a Genesis Developer • Theme Customization is ALL Hooks & Action Filters (ie PHP Required) NOPE!

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GeneratePress • VERY Customizable, Responsive & Flexible Theme • NEW Site Library of professionally designed themes (automatically loads plugins & builders as needed) • Works flawlessly with Beaver Builder & Elementor • FAST and Reliable

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: Does it have Free or Trial? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support?

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: On the WP Theme Repo? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support?

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: Switch Themes, Functional? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support?

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: Focus on Front End & Layout? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? • Seamless Integration with Beaver Builder & Elementor • GP Premium provides complete flexibility for Headers, Mega Menus, Layout, Sidebars, Colors & More! • One Click Import/Export of Settings

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: Good Support? Free / Trial? WP Repo? Functional? Front-end? Support? • Great Documentation & Support Forum. • Community Support, Facebook Group & Designers • Thom Osborne, Developer, friendly and very responsive WINNER!

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Builders vs. Themes? • Provide Front-end Design with Drag & Drop and No code • Beaver Builder/Themer, Elementor, Divi Builder, Visual Composer, Site Composer (and others…) • Avoid SHORTCODE-Itis! • Does it provide a FREE or TRIAL version? • Support Saved Layouts and Work with Custom Post Types or NOPE! • Too much here to discuss in less than an hour – Dedicated Talk on Builders

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What Themes Do YOU Love?

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Get the Slides & Video • downtown • Also on Facebook & on Meetup • Published by Friday • Thank you for attending!