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Ruby Quiz Oct. 8, 2017 第4回 学生エンジニア限定LT大会

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I have only 5 minutes, so I'll speak very fast.

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Self introduction ● Pocke ● Actcat, Inc. / SideCI ● RuboCop' s core developer ● Student at The Open University of Japan

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Automated Code Review as a Service

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Please access here!

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Ruby Quiz

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Do you write Ruby?

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Ruby Quiz ● You are a Ruby interpreter. ○ You are a parse.y. ○ You are a YARV. ● You execute ruby code, and you output result.

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Quiz 1

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Q. What does the code output? p(??) p(%_?_)

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Answer p(??) # => "?" p(%_?_) # => "?"

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A. Why does it output "?"? p(??) p(%_?_) %… is a string literal. e.g.) %_?_ == "?" , %!???! == "???" ?_ is a character literal. e.g.) ?_ == "_" , ?? == "?"

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Quiz 2

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Q. What does the code output? p(????::?:) p(% %s% %%%%)

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Answer p(????::?:) # => ":" p(% %s% %%%%) # => "%"

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Answer p(????::?:) p(% %s% %%%%) 1. ?? is "?" 2. ? is a part of conditional op 3. ?: is ":" 4. : is a part of conditional op 5. ?: is ":" "?" ? ":" : ":" 1. % %s% is "%s%" 2. % is a format op(Like sprintf) 3. %%% is "" sprintf("%s%", "")

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Quiz 3

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Q. What does the code output? a = ["1","2","3"] a&.map(&:to_i)&.&([1])

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Answer a = ["1","2","3"] a&.map(&:to_i)&.&([1]) # => [1]

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Answer a = ["1","2","3"] a&.map(&:to_i)&.&([1]) # => [1] &. is a safe navigation op(nil guard). &:to_i is an implicit to_proc op. A safe navigation op & is an intersection op call (like [1,2,3] & [1])

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● We can write tricky code in Ruby. ○ Very fun!!! Thank you for listening! Conclusion