Slide 26
Slide 26 text
Phonon Theory for CH3
Harmonic Phonon Dispersion, ⍵(q)
Good comparison to IR and Raman spectra over full
0–3000 cm-1 range [PRB 92, 144308 (2015)]
Quasi-Harmonic Phonons, ⍵(q,T)
Thermal expansion 1.25⨉10-4/K compared to
1.32⨉10-4/K from neutron diffraction
Three-Phonon Interactions, ⍵(q,T) with (⍵,T)
Very strong interactions, with short lifetimes and
ultra-low thermal conductivity (0.05 Wm−1K−1)
[PRB 94, 220301 (2016)]