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Subscribe! @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Kamlesh Chandnani Associate Architect - Frontend @_kamlesh_

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Peri Nikhil Engineer, Tech Evangelist, OSS Enthusiast @peri_nikhil

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Enough! Let’s talk about building the thing " @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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What are Subscriptions? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Subscriptions return data to the client every time an event happens on the server @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Subsription is a root level type like Query and Mutation const typeDefs = gql` type Subscription { postAdded: Post } type Query { posts: [Post] } type Mutation { addPost( author: String, comment: String, ): Post } type Post { author: String comment: String } ` @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Let's look at a typical GraphQL flow! @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP POST GraphQL Document HTTP Server (Express) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Courtesy: Robert Zhu

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HTTP Server (Express) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers HTTP POST GraphQL Document @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP Server (Express) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers GraphQL Document @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP Server (Express) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers GraphQL Document @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP Server (Express) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers GraphQL Document @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP Server (Express) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers GraphQL Response @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP Server (Express) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers GraphQL Response @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Let's see how Subscriptions fit into this @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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WS:Subscribe GraphQL Document Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Subscriptions Server (WS) WS:Subscribe GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System EVENT @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System EVENT @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System EVENT @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System Executable GraphQL Document @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System GraphQL Executable Document @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System GraphQL Executable Document @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System GraphQL Response @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Event Stream

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Subscriptions Server (WS) GraphQL Document GraphQL Server PARSE GraphQL Language VALIDATE Schema EXECUTE Resolvers Event System GraphQL Response Event Stream @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Why can’t I just poll? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Client repeatedly initiates a request without knowing if there’s any new data.
 @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Server resources get unnecessarily consumed.
 @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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It’s not real-time, really. @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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So, how would Subscriptions help? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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We can build real time apps!! @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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You see them everywhere, everyday! @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Focus on the retweet count and not the tweet @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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@_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Subscriptions use web sockets under the hood and can be accessed using“wss”(websockets) protocol @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil wss://

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What does that even mean? $ @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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The WebSocket specification defines an API establishing "socket" connections between a web browser and a server. @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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In plain words: There is a persistent connection between the client and the server and either of them can send data at any point of time. @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTPS vs WSS? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTPS vs WSS? Wrong question to ask @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP works in the form of request- response pair, where in the client always sends a request and server responds to that request @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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HTTP Server Client Can I have a ? request response Here you go @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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In contrast WebSocket(“wss”) is a full duplex connection where either the server or the client can send data at any point of time. @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Websocket Server Client Sure Beers Whiskey Can we be friends? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Quit blabbering, show us an actual demo! @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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What’s happening behind the scenes? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Client Server PubSub Impl. Event Stream Subscribe Publish Messaging System Publish Subscribe @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Wait! What is PubSub?
 " @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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PubSub is a form of service- service communication pattern @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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PubSub keeps a track of who subscribed to what. @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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In a nutshell PubSub is an orchestrator. @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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There are multiple pubsub engine interfaces available:
 •Redis •RabbitMQ •Kafka •Google PubSub •MQTT enabled broker •Postgress @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Won’t a client get ALL events published on the channel? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil Client Server PubSub Impl. Event Stream Subscribe Publish Messaging System Publish Subscribe

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What if there are concurrent matches? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Filter to the rescue @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Client Server Event Stream Subscribe Filter PubSub Impl. Publish Messaging System Publish Subscribe @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Okay, but show us how these things work in code! @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Live Code?! @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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@_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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2 steps 1. Write a subscription type on server 2. Subscribe to it from your client @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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1. Write a subscription type on server

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const typeDefs = gql` type Subscription { matchUpdates( matchId: ID! ): Match! } `; @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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const resolvers = { Subscription: { matchUpdates: { subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator([‘matches_updated’]), resolve: (payload, args, context) => context.getMatchById({ matchId: args.matchId }), }, }, }; @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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The Resolver Map for a field on the Subscription type takes an object, not a function like Query and Mutation. const resolvers = { Query: { matchesQuery: (parent, args, context) => {...} }, }; const resolvers = { Subscription: { matchUpdates: { subscribe: () => {...}, resolve: (payload, args, context) => {...} }, }, }; Function Object with “subscribe” and “resolve” fields @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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The “subscribe” field describes what events you’re concerned with subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator([‘matches_updated’]) Client Server PubSub Impl. Event Stream Subscribe Publish Messaging System Publish Subscribe @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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The “resolve” field figures out what data to send to the subscribed clients resolve: (payload, args, context) => context.getMatchById({..}) Client Server Event Stream Subscribe PubSub Impl. Publish Messaging System Publish Subscribe @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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“withFilter” allows the server to filter out events that are sent to the client based on some arguments subscribe: withFilter( () => pubsub.asyncIterator([‘matches_updated’]), (payload, args) => payload.matchesAffected.some((match) => === args.matchId), ), Client Server Event Stream Subscribe Filter PubSub Impl. Publish Messaging System Publish Subscribe @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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2. Subscribe to it from your client @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Every Query variable will have the “subscribeToMore” function on it @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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const unsubscribeMatchUpdates = matchQuery.subscribeToMore({ document: subscriptions.MATCH_UPDATES_SUBSCRIPTION, variables: { matchId, }, updateQuery: (previousResult, { subscriptionData }) => { if (! return previousResult; return { ...previousResult, matchById: { ...previousResult.matchById,, }, }; }, }); @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Use the “updateQuery” function to merge the new data with the Apollo store to update the UI @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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const unsubscribeMatchUpdates = matchQuery.subscribeToMore({ document: subscriptions.MATCH_UPDATES_SUBSCRIPTION, variables: { matchId, }, updateQuery: (previousResult, { subscriptionData }) => { if (! return previousResult; return { ...previousResult, matchById: { ...previousResult.matchById,, }, }; }, }); @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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“subscribeToMore” returns a function to terminate the subscription (unsubscribe) @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeMatchUpdates = matchQuery.subscribeToMore({ document: subscriptions.MATCH_UPDATES_SUBSCRIPTION, variables: {matchId}, updateQuery: (previousResult, { subscriptionData }) => { if (! return previousResult; return {...}; }, }); return () => unsubscribeMatchUpdates(); }, [matchId, matchQuery]); @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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But, how do we really make a case to our managers? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil manager you

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If you want to build a module which requires real time updates, then definitely subscriptions is your way to go @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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You can’t really use polling because it won’t be real time and you’ll waste server resources @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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But, why should I use GraphQL Subscriptions? @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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Coz, it is the cleaner soulution, utilising all the benefits of Apollo cache and the GraphQL schemas @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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And of course because we all ❤ GraphQL @_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil

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@_kamlesh_ @peri_nikhil That’s all folks! Thank You Repo Url: