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for working with React JavaScript Essential Carlos Souza [email protected] @caike

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Who is this talk for ? • Beginner JavaScript developers • Tech-leads, managers and recruiters

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1. runtime 2. class 3. functions AFCC 4. inheritance 5. this 10 things about the JS language and ecosystem 6. constructor 7. buildtime 8. npm 9. imports 10. build process

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#1 - Browser is the runtime Here!

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class HelloMessage extends React.Component { render() { return (
Hello {}
); } } ReactDOM.render( , mountNode ); the class 
 syntax inheritance this keyword

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#2 - The class syntax class Message { } sayHello() { ...
 } let message = new Message() Defining a class Creating an object message.sayHello() Calling methods on the object

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#3 - functions as first class citizens Can be passed as arguments someMethod( message.sayHello ); Can be stored in variables let sayHello = message.sayHello; a callback function

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#4 - inheritance class HelloMessage extends React.Component { } ...
 someHandler() {
 inherits property and behavior from parents in the inheritance chain NOT defined in HelloMessage, but inherited from parent

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#5 - this (1/2) class HelloMessage extends React.Component { } ...
 someHandler() {
 this refers to the "enclosing object" the object which someHandler() belongs to

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#5 - this (2/2) class Timer extends React.Component { tick() { ... } componentDidMount() { this.interval = setInterval(() => this.tick(), 1000); } ... } arrow functions keep the value of this to
 the context of its enclosing function the object which componentDidMount() belongs to a callback function

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1. runtime 2. class 3. functions AFCC 4. inheritance 5. this 10 things about the JS language and ecosystem 6. constructor 7. buildtime 8. npm 9. imports 10. build process

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#6 - The constructor method (1/3) class Message { } let message = new Message() Defining a constructor Constructor called when object is created constructor() { console.log("Hello");
 } "Hello" =>

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#6 - The constructor method (2/3) class Timer extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { seconds: 0 }; } tick() { this.setState(prevState => ({ seconds: prevState.seconds + 1 })); } ... } calling constructor from parent class

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#6 - The constructor method (3/3) always call super() when overriding constructor()

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#7 - buildtime runtime runs for the user buildtime runs for the developer

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#8 - npm (node package manager) • manages packages (aka libraries), like React! • helps with development and deployment $ npm install react $ npm start $ npm test

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ReactDOM.render( , mountNode ); index.js hello.js the component the renderer
Hello {}
class HelloMessage extends React.Component { render() { return ( } } );

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#9 - imports (1/2) export default HelloMessage; File: hello.js The Component class HelloMessage extends React.Component { render() { return ( ); ... import React from 'react'; } }

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#9 - imports (2/2) File: index.js import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import HelloMessage from './Hello'; ReactDOM.render( , mountNode ); The Renderer npm modules local module

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Code we write here (buildtime)... ...does NOT run here (runtime) unchanged.

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#10 - the build process File: your-app-min.js File: hello.js File: index.js File: dashboard/index.js File: dashboard/avatar.js File: dashboard/form.js etc... Resolves imports, transpiles code, 
 uglifies, minifies, etc.

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1. runtime 2. class 3. functions AFCC 4. inheritance 5. this 10 things about the JS language and ecosystem 6. constructor 7. buildtime 8. npm 9. imports 10. build process

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for working with React JavaScript Essential Carlos Souza [email protected] @caike Thank you!