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8th Light, Inc. Colin Jones @trptcolin Underestimated costs of microservice architectures

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☠ Sad ☠

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Avoid microservices?

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Avoid microservices?

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On other hand But to gain any benefit from microservice thinking, you have to understand what it is, how to do it, and why you should usually do something else. - Martin Fowler

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Hype Cycle

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We underestimate costs

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independent deployability

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independent scalability independent deployability

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fault tolerance independent deployability independent scalability

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avoid dependency hell independent deployability independent scalability fault tolerance

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architectural boundaries independent deployability independent scalability fault tolerance avoid dependency hell

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small team ownership independent deployability independent scalability fault tolerance avoid dependency hell architectural boundaries

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eliminate legacy code independent deployability independent scalability fault tolerance avoid dependency hell architectural boundaries small team ownership

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eliminate legacy code independent deployability independent scalability fault tolerance avoid dependency hell architectural boundaries small team ownership microservices!

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Costs & Mitigations

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Well-understood costs

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Latency Mitigations • Cache responses • Batch calls together • Coarse-grained service API

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Additional infrastructure Latency

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Additional infrastructure Mitigations • Containers (e.g. Docker) • Infrastructure automation & configuration management • Virtual machines / cloud • Auto-scaling (metered cost) • Serverless

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Understanding != Paying

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Underestimated Costs

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Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Data consistency Orders Service Main App Main DB

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Data consistency Orders Service Main App Orders DB Main DB

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Data consistency Mitigations • Design for eventual consistency • Canonical source for data (aka “system of record” / “source of truth”) and derived data • Backend sync processes • Service teams co-own ETL for analytics/ business intelligence / data warehouse

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Data consistency

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Failure modes Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Failure modes A B

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Failure modes A B ???

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Failure modes A B

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Failure modes A B

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Failure modes A B ???

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Failure modes Mitigations • Use retries (with backoff; cap the max time) • Read the remote end to see if it succeeded • Use fallbacks for read timeouts • Use circuit breaker to limit cascading failures • Use bulkheads to protect independent modules

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Failure modes

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Development & testing Failure modes Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Development & testing

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from "Testing Microservice the Sane Way" by Cindy Sridharan Development & testing

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Mitigations • Expand testing mindset to staging/production observability efforts • Integrate only a few services / API checking and rely more on unit tests • Unify on lightweight runtimes and single database technology [only delays the problem; conflicts with team ownership] • Test against external environments with services set up [risks test pollution] • Orchestrate new isolated infrastructure for each test run Development & testing

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Observability Failure modes Development & testing Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Observability Mitigations • Log aggregation with correlation IDs • Error reporting / alerting [generally on symptoms, not causes] • Distributed tracing tools • Monitoring tools / dashboards • Fancier 3rd-party observability tools

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Tunnel vision Failure modes Development & testing Observability Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Tunnel vision

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Mitigations • Measure business metrics, not team velocity • Make sure team / service incentives are aligned with the company’s • Rotations / team exchanges / dynamic re- teaming • Cross-org communication Tunnel vision

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Implicit connection data Failure modes Development & testing Observability Tunnel vision Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Implicit connection data

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Mitigations • Well known API contracts / specifications (e.g. JSON Schema, Swagger, Protocol Buffers, Thrift) • Centralized/standardized repository to track service metadata for service discovery • Put all services in one codebase (monorepo) for easier searchability • Custom tooling based on log aggregation / monitoring Implicit connection data

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Inter-team priority conflicts Failure modes Development & testing Observability Tunnel vision Implicit connection data Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Inter-team priority conflicts Them Us

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Inter-team priority conflicts Them Consumer B Us (Consumer A) Consumer C Consumer C

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Mitigations • Make our case really well to the service team, or management • Add staff on heavily-used microservices • Split heavily-used services further • Contribute to their project (aka “internal open- source”) • Rebuild a similar service with the changes we need Inter-team priority conflicts

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Hard to change across boundaries Failure modes Development & testing Observability Tunnel vision Inter-team priority conflicts Implicit connection data Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency

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Hard to change across boundaries

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Hard to change across boundaries

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Mitigations • Be deliberate about the choice to Extract Microservice • Version your API? [controversial] • If versioning / breaking: Have a well-defined way to communicate breaking changes / deadlines • Sticking with the same runtime (e.g. JVM) makes Inline Microservice possible • Cross-org communication Hard to change across boundaries

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Mitigations • Skill and culture of backwards compatibility (SemVer, Postel’s Law) • Don’t make breaking changes • Well known API contracts / specifications (e.g. JSON Schema, Swagger, Protocol Buffers, Thrift) • Consumer-driven contract tests in CI • See also “Connection data is implicit” mitigations Hard to change across boundaries

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Failure modes Development & testing Observability Tunnel vision Inter-team priority conflicts Implicit connection data Data consistency Additional infrastructure Latency Hard to change across boundaries microservices!

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Milliservices? Centiservices?

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Modules / encapsulation

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Modules / encapsulation

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Modules / encapsulation

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Modules / encapsulation

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List problems. Then solutions. Then pros and cons.

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Don’t believe the hype.

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Be ready to pay the costs.

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Make sure you’re getting the benefits.

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Make the change easy. Then make the change.

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Make the change easy. Then make the change. (maybe)

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Learn more

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Learn more

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Learn more •Ben Christensen. “Don’t Build a Distributed Monolith”: https:// •Michael Feathers. “Microservices and the Failure of Encapsulation”: https:// •Michael Feathers. Working Effectively with Legacy Code: https:// 0131177052 •Martin Fowler. Enterprise Application Architecture: https:// •Martin Fowler. “MicroservicePremium”: bliki/MicroservicePremium.html •Martin Fowler. “Microservice Prerequisites”: bliki/MicroservicePrerequisites.html •Martin Fowler. “Microservices Resource Guide”: https://

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Learn more •Susan Fowler. Production-Ready Microservices: •John Gall. The Systems Bible: Guide-Large/dp/0961825170 •David Heinemeier Hansson. “The Majestic Monolith”: the-majestic-monolith-29166d022228 •Rich Hickey. “Hammock Driven Development”: v=f84n5oFoZBc •Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. Enterprise Integration Patterns: http:// •Mike Knepper. “The Hidden Costs of Leaving a Monolith”: blog/mike-knepper/2016/01/20/hidden-costs-of-leaving-a-monolith.html •Dan Manges. “The Modular Monolith: Rails Architecture”: @dan_manges/the-modular-monolith-rails-architecture-fb1023826fc4 •Sam Newman. Building Microservices: building_microservices/

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Learn more •Michael Nygard. “The Entity Microservice Antipattern”: http:// •Michael Nygard. Release It!, 2nd edition: release-it-second-edition •Ozan Onay. “You are not Google”: google-84912cf44afb •Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz. “Fallacies of Distributed Computing Explained”: http:// •Cindy Sridharan. “Testing Microservices, the Sane Way”: @copyconstruct/testing-microservices-the-sane-way-9bb31d158c16 •Cindy Sridharan. “Testing in Production, the safe way”: @copyconstruct/testing-in-production-the-safe-way-18ca102d0ef1 •Jim Waldo, Geoff Wyant, Ann Wolrath, and Sam Kendall. “A Note on Distributed Computing”: Waldo_NoteOnDistributedComputing.pdf

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8th Light, Inc. Colin Jones @trptcolin Thank you!