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Why Can’t We be Friends? Do Corporations & FOSS really mix? Noa Resare | @blippie Lynn Root | @roguelynn

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What is the problem?

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Tragedy of the Commons

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A shared-resource system where individual users acting independently and rationally according to their own self-interest behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting that resource. – Wikipedia “ ”

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Tragedy of the Commons ‣ Assumptions

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Tragedy of the Commons ‣ Assumptions ‣ Expectations

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Tragedy of the Commons ‣ Assumptions ‣ Expectations ‣ The Reality

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Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all. – Garrett Hardin, Tragedy of the Commons (1968) ” “

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Tragedy of the Commons, continued

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Tragedy of the Commons, continued ‣ What is self interest?

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Tragedy of the Commons, continued ‣ What is self interest? ‣ Let’s not require altruism

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Tragedy of the Commons, continued ‣ What is self interest? ‣ Let’s not require altruism ‣ The cost of bugs

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Tragedy of the Commons, continued ‣ What is self interest? ‣ Let’s not require altruism ‣ The cost of bugs ‣ The cost of lack of usability

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What can I do about it?

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What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others

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What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others ‣ What barriers are there?

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What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others ‣ What barriers are there? ‣ Become friends with legal

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What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others ‣ What barriers are there? ‣ Become friends with legal ‣ Financial contributions

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What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others ‣ What barriers are there? ‣ Become friends with legal ‣ Financial contributions ‣ Write blog posts and give presentations

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Make Thoughtful Contributions ‣ High quality maintenance trumps features ‣ Consider the existing community members ‣ Think long-term

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I’m sold! But how do I convince my (manager | company | employer)?

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Incentives & Economics of FOSS: Why give back to FOSS?

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Why should companies give back? ‣ Behavioral Economics

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‣ Behavioral Economics ‣ Recruitment Why should companies give back?

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‣ Behavioral Economics ‣ Recruitment ‣ Vendor Management Why should companies give back?

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Incentives & Economics of FOSS: Examples to learn from

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Examples to learn from: City of Munich

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Examples to learn from: City of Munich We saw from the start that if you're only relying on one contributor to supply your operating system, your office system and your infrastructure, you're stuck with it. You have to do what your contributor tells you to… “

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Examples to learn from: City of Munich … If they say 'There's no longer support for your office version', you have to buy and implement a new one. You're no longer able to make those kinds of decisions by yourself. – Peter Hofmann, RM for LiMux Project ”

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Examples to learn from: Microsoft

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Examples to learn from: Microsoft Linux is a cancer… “ ”

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Examples to learn from: Microsoft Microsoft loves Linux “ ”

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