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Comparing Kubernetes and Dapr: Overlaps and Differences Bilgin Ibryam @bibryam Product Manager, Diagrid

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Learning by Comparison

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Agenda ● K8s App lifecycle vs Dapr Deployments ● K8s Services vs. Dapr Service Invocation API ● K8s Health Probes vs. Dapr App Health Check ● K8s vs. Dapr for creating EDA ● K8s StatefulSet vs. Dapr Workflow ● K8s PVCs vs. Dapr State API ● K8s CronJob vs. Dapr Cron ● K8s Lease vs. Dapr Distributed Lock API ● K8s ConfigMap vs. Dapr Config API

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Why Should I talk about this topic? ● Product Manager at Diagrid ● Former Architect/PM at Red Hat ● Former Committer at Apache Camel ● Blogger and Author ○ Camel Design Patterns ○ Kubernetes Patterns @bibryam

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Dapr Concepts

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Dapr APIs HTTP API gRPC API Microservices written in Application code Any code or framework… Any cloud or edge infrastructure Microservices written in Virtual or physical machines State Management Distributed Lock Publish and Subscribe Service Invocation Secrets Bindings (In/Out) Workflows Configuration Actors Cryptography Observability Security Resiliency

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My App Over 115 Components (swappable YAML file) State Stores Distributed Lock Pub/Sub Brokers Secret Stores Bindings & Triggers Workflow Configuration Cryptography Firebase Cassandra Redis Azure CosmosDB AWS DynamoDB Redis AWS SQS Azure Service Bus RabbitMQ GCP Pub/Sub GCP Storage AWS S3 Kafka Azure Storage Twilio AWS Secrets Manager Azure KeyVault GCP Secret Manager HashiCorp Vault Kubernetes Secret Redis Redis Dapr Workflow Azure KeyVault Kubernetes Secret Dapr Components Azure App Config PostgreSQL Redis PostgreSQL Azure CosmosDB MongoDB AWS DynamoDB Actors

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Dapr state API Save state POST /v1.0/state/orderstore Retrieve state GET /v1.0/state/orderstore/myorder1 Delete state DELETE /v1.0/state/orderstore/myorder1 Get bulk state POST /v1.0/state/orderstore/bulk Submit multiple state transactions POST /v1.0/state/orderstore/transaction Redis Component apiVersion: kind: Component metadata: name: orderstore spec: type: state.redis version: v1 metadata: - name: redisHost value: redis.default.svc.cluster.local:6379 - name: redisPassword value: supersecret

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Dapr state API Save state POST /v1.0/state/orderstore Retrieve state GET /v1.0/state/orderstore/myorder1 Delete state DELETE /v1.0/state/orderstore/myorder1 Get bulk state POST /v1.0/state/orderstore/bulk Submit multiple state transactions POST /v1.0/state/orderstore/transaction CosmosDB Component apiVersion: kind: Component metadata: name: orderstore spec: type: version: v1 metadata: - name: url value: - name: masterKey secretKeyRef: name: master-key key: cosmos-key - name: database value: orders - name: collection value: processed

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1. Application Lifecycle

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Kubernetes Workloads Stateless Service Stateful Service Serverless Workloads Batch/Periodic Job

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Dapr Control Plane on Kubernetes Diagrid Conductor $ kubectl create -f ubernetes-operator.yaml Dapr Operator from Helm $ dapr init -k Dapr CLI $ helm upgrade --install dapr dapr/dapr \ --version=1.13

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Dapr Data Plane Deployments My App Dapr API HTTP/gRPC Application Code Dapr Runtime

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Sidecar Model kind: Deployment / StatefulSet … annotations: "true" "my-app" "8080" (for long-lived workloads)

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Dapr-Shared Model Trade Offs Advantages • Faster startup times (Knative, OpenFunctions) • Reduced resource usage • No App restart on Dapr upgrade Disadvantages • Shared downtime • Noisy neighbor • Manual scaling DaemonSet / Deployment (for serverless workloads)

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Job Model package main import ( "context" "log" "os" dapr "" ) func main() { client, err := dapr.NewClient() if err != nil { log.Panic(err) } defer client.Close() defer client.Shutdown() } apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job / CronJob metadata: name: my-job spec: template: metadata: annotations: "true" "with-shutdown" spec: containers: - name: job image: alpine command: ["/bin/sh"] restartPolicy: Never (for short-lived tasks)

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Deployment Types

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Application Lifecycle Kubernetes Kubernetes manages heterogeneous workloads regardless of the language, including stateless, stateful, serverless (through Knative), and short-lived jobs. Dapr Dapr doesn't manage the application lifecycle, but it adapts to all of these: stateless, serverless, stateful, and short-lived jobs.

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2. Health Checks

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Failure Detection and Recovery Process APIs Health Check APIs

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Kubernetes Health Probes ● Startup Probe ○ Restarting containers if startup probes fails ● Readiness Probe ○ Removing from service endpoint if readiness probe fails ● Liveness Probe ○ Restarting containers if liveness probes fails ■ Probe methods ■ HTTP endpoint ■ gRPC endpoint ■ TCP socket endpoint ■ Unix command return value

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Dapr Sidecar Health readinessProbe: httpGet: path: v1.0/healthz port: 3500 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds : 5 failureThreshold: 3 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: v1.0/healthz port: 3500 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds : 5 failureThreshold : 3 My App kubelet HTTP /healthz HTTP /healthz HTTP /healthz/outbound

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Dapr App Health Checks kind: Deployment … annotations: "true" "my-app" "7001" "http" "true" "/healthz” My App App health check (failed) Dapr stops accepting new work ● Short-circuiting all service-invocation requests ● Unsubscribing from all pub/sub subscriptions ● Stopping all input bindings requests ✓ X

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Health Checks Kubernetes Reboots applications to rectify issues Redirects incoming traffic away from unhealthy app instances Dapr Stops outgoing connections on behalf of the app

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3. Synchronous Interactions

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Kubernetes Service Discovery Node Port Load Balancer Ingress

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Kubernetes Service Discovery External Service Discovery Internal Service Discovery Advantages ● Simplifies access to pods through service discovery ● Provides load balancing across pods to distribute traffic ● Integrates with DNS for easy name resolution Limitations ● Lacks built-in resiliency features like retries, circuit breakers, and timeouts ● Does not offer tracing or network metrics ● Does not support traffic encryption

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Dapr Service Invocation API Shopping cart Checkout POST http://checkout:5000/order

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Dapr Service Invocation API POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/checkout/method/order POST http://localhost:5100/order Shopping cart Checkout DNS Service discovery Access Control Resiliency mTLS encryption Observability token authentication token authentication

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Dapr Service Invocation API Features ● Service discovery (Kubernetes, HashiCorp Consul, SQLite, mDNS) ● Mitigating request timeouts or transient failures. ● Built-in distributed tracing & metrics ● Access control policies ● End-to-end security and mTLS ● Chain pluggable middleware components const order = {orderId: 1}; const url = `localhost:3500/order` const response = await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "dapr-app-id": "checkout", }, body: JSON.stringify(order), });

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Kubernetes - Network Policy kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-database spec: podSelector: matchLabels: id: checkout ingress: - from: - podSelector: matchLabels: id: shopping-cart Features ● Pod-level network isolation ● Supports both IP address and namespace-based rules ● Defines inbound and outbound traffic rules ● Allows for TCP/UDP/SCTP and port-based filtering Notification services Pod Checkout Pod Shopping cart Pod

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Service Invocation: Access Control Features ● Unique App Identity based on SPIFFE ID ● Granular access control (Layer 7) ● HTTP verbs / Path or gRPC operation ● Support for both HTTP and gRPC protocols apiVersion: kind: Configuration metadata: name: checkout-config spec: accessControl: defaultAction: deny trustDomain: "public" policies: - appId: shopping-cart defaultAction: deny trustDomain: 'public' namespace: "default" operations: - name: /order httpVerb: ['POST'] action: allow

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Is Dapr a Service Mesh?

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Synchronous Interactions Kubernetes ● Service discovery and load balancing across pods ● L3/L4 network policies Dapr ● Traffic encryption ● Resiliency policies ● Distributed tracing & metrics ● L7 granular access control ● Swappable service discovery ● Pluggable middleware

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4. Event-driven Interactions

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Event-Driven Apps on Kubernetes

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Dapr Pub/Sub API Checkout Shipping Message broker

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Dapr Pub/Sub API POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/publish/mybroker/order-messages POST http://localhost:5100/orders Checkout Shipping Observability backend Message broker Cloudevents Access Control Resiliency token authentication token authentication Encryption

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Dapr Pub/Sub API const client = new DaprClient({ daprHost, daprPort }); const order = { orderId: 1 }; await client.pubsub.publish(“mypubsub”, “new-orders”, order); Publish Subscribe (Dapr pushes each message to the app) const server = new DaprServer({ serverHost, serverPort, clientOptions: { daprHost, daprPort } }); server.pubsub.subscribe(“mypubsub”, “new-orders”, data => console.log("Received:" + JSON.stringify(data)) ); await server.start(); stop, err := cl.SubscribeWithHandler(context.Background(), client.SubscriptionOptions{ PubsubName: "pubsub", Topic: "orders", }, eventHandler, ) Streaming Subscription (Bidirectional stream between app/sidecar ) Features ● Integrates with many message brokers and queues ● Push or Pull mode for subscriptions ● Content-based message routing and filtering ● Aggregator/Splitter through message batches ● Dead-letter topics and resiliency policies ● Access control per topic ● Message expiration ● Delayed delivery (coming soon)

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Event-driven Interactions Kubernetes ● Platform for other projects: Knative Eventing, Strimzi, KEDA, CloudEvents, Dapr.. Dapr ● Message broker abstraction ● Push or Pull mode for subscriptions ● Content-based message routing and filtering ● Aggregator/Splitter through message batches ● Dead-letter topics and resiliency policies ● Access control per topic ● Message expiration ● Delayed delivery (coming soon)

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5. State Management

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Kubernetes Storage Abstraction (PVs) PVC accessModes ● ReadWriteOnce a volume that can be mounted to a single node at a time. ● ReadOnlyMany The volume can be mounted to multiple nodes ● ReadWriteMany - the volume can be mounted by many nodes ● ReadWriteOncePod - guarantees that only a single Pod has access to a volume.

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Dapr StateStore API (a.k.a Key/Value)

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Dapr StateStore API GET http://localhost:3500/v1.0/state/mystatestore/order1 POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/state/mystat estore [{ “key”: “order1”, “value”: “{orderId: 1}” }] Read Operation Write Operation Features ● Integrates with many state stores ● Concurrency: first-write / last-write; ● Consistency behaviors: strong / eventual ● Transactional operations ● Resiliency policies ● Bulk operations ● Time-to-Live (TTL) ● Data at rest encryption ● Limit access per app (not operation)

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Transactional Outbox Pattern apiVersion: kind: Component metadata: name: mysql-outbox spec: type: state.mysql version: v1 metadata: - name: connectionString value: "" - name: outboxPublishPubsub # Required value: "mypubsub" - name: outboxPublishTopic # Required value: "newOrder"

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State Management Kubernetes ● Provides durable storage abstraction over the file system interface Dapr ● Key/Value API with powerful features independent of the storage providers

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6. Stateful Workloads

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Stateful Workloads on Kubernetes Features ● Unique instance identity ● Stable network address ● Stable ordinality ● Non-shared persistent storage ● Minimal availability (quorum)

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Stateful Workloads with Dapr Workflows Features ● Durable execution with persisted state ● Author workflows in C#, Java, Python or JavaScript ● Apply patterns such as: chaining, Split/Synchronize, external trigger, durable timers, child workflows.

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Split/Syncrhonize with .NET SDK // Get a list of N work items to process in parallel. object[] workBatch = await context.CallActivityAsync("GetWorkBatch", null); // Schedule the parallel tasks, but don't wait for them to complete yet. var parallelTasks = new List>(workBatch.Length); for (int i = 0; i < workBatch.Length; i++) { Task task = context.CallActivityAsync("ProcessWorkItem", workBatch[i]); parallelTasks.Add(task); } // Everything is scheduled. Wait here until all parallel tasks have completed. await Task.WhenAll(parallelTasks); // Aggregate all N outputs and publish the result. int sum = parallelTasks.Sum(t => t.Result); await context.CallActivityAsync("PostResults", sum);

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End Activity A Activity B Activity C Start End Activity A Activity B Activity C Start Activity CreateTimer Continue As New Start Wait with further execution Restart the workflow Wait for event Approval Event End Get Approval Not Approved Start Approved Sequence Split/Synchronize Timer External trigger

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Choreography or Orchestration?

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Stateful Workloads Kubernetes ● Coarse-grained, process-level orchestration ● Start/stop processes in sequence ● Manage storage Dapr ● Define stateful business processes in code ● Durable execution guarantees ● Flexible storage options

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7. Tasks

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Jobs in Kubernetes Job - is an isolated atomic unit of work run until completion. apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: test-job spec: template: metadata: name: test-job spec: containers: - name: test image: alpine:latest command: - "bin/sh" - "-c" - "for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do echo $i ; done" restartPolicy: Never

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Actors in Dapr public class HelloWorldActorImpl extends AbstractActor implements HelloWorldActor { public HelloWorldActorImpl(ActorRuntimeContext runtimeContext, String id) { super(runtimeContext, id); } @Override public CompletableFuture sayHello(String name) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("Hello " + name); } } Features ● No concurrency or threading required ● Built-in distribution and fail-over ● State is persisted in a configurable state store

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Recurring Tasks in Kubernetes ● CronJob - allows the execution of a unit of work to be triggered by a temporal event. apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: hello-world-cronjob spec: schedule: "*/1 * * * *" # Runs every minute jobTemplate: spec: template: spec: containers: - name: hello image: busybox args: - /bin/sh - -c - echo "Hello, World!" restartPolicy: OnFailure

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Cron Binding in Dapr (Jobs API in v1.14) My App HTTP POST Application Code Dapr runtime apiVersion: kind: Component metadata: name: my-job spec: type: bindings.cron version: v1 metadata: - name: schedule value: "@every 15m"

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Tasks Kubernetes ● Job: Finite unit of computation ○ Runs a container ● CronJob as temporal tasks Dapr ● Actors as a “unit of computation” ○ Runs a class/function ● Actor timers/reminders ● Cron Binding - stateless cron ● (New Jobs API) - stateful cron

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8. Distributed Locks

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Distributed Locks in Kubernetes ● Runs a single replica with StatefulSet ● Hold a lock on Kubernetes ConfigMaps ● Use Kubernetes Lease resource ● Custom distributed lock e.g.: ○ Zookeeper ○ Consul ○ Redis ○ etcd

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Dapr Distributed Lock API ✖ Lock acquired Waiting for the lock curl -X POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0-alpha1/lock/lockstore -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' {"resourceId":"my_file_name", "lockOwner":"abc123", "expiryInSeconds": 60}'

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Distributed Locks Kubernetes ● StatefulSet - process lock ● Lease resource - for Kubernetes itself and custom controllers Dapr ● Simple HTTP based lock API

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9. Configs and Secrets

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ConfigMaps and Secrets in Kubernetes

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Dapr Configuration API

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Dapr Secrets API

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Configurations and Secrets Kubernetes ● Requires pod restarts or app reloads for changes ● Scoped at the namespace level Dapr ● Supports dynamic updates without restarts ● Scoped to specific services or applications ● Supports multiple config and secret stores

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10. More?

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Bindings API for bi-directional connection to 3rd-party systems Resiliency: Retries/Back-offs, Timeouts, Circuit Breakers Observability: Distributed Tracing, Network Metrics, Logs. Crypto API for encrypting and decrypting messages Other Dapr APIs

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Kubernetes or Dapr? Kubernetes enables Ops to operate heterogeneous applications on any infrastructure, with consistent abstractions. Dapr eables Devs to implement polyglot applications, using any backing infrastructure and interaction style, with consistent APIs.

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No content

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Resources @bibryam @diagridio

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Thank You @bibryam