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DEVFEST FLORida ViewMODEL IN ACTION the new architecture components @PreusslerBerlin

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Introducing The architecture components

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starring Room LiFe cycle LiveData ViewModel Pagination (new)

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ViewModel like in Model-View-ViewModel ?

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ViewModel in MVVM world Model ViewModel View View ViewModel Model

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in new suggested architecture

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in new suggested architecture

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Is MVP dead?

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Is MVP dead? It’s like Java and Kotlin: •MVP will stay for quite some time •There is a new cooler kid in town that won’t leave

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Is MVP dead? It’s like Java and Kotlin: •MVP will stay for quite some time •There is a new cooler kid in town that won’t leave

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Is MVP dead? It’s like Java and Kotlin: •MVP will stay for quite some time •There is a new cooler kid in town that won’t leave

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Is MVP dead? •Start by putting the ViewModel behind Presenter

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In architecture components •A ViewModel provides the data for a specific UI •The ViewModel does not know about the View! •Survives configuration change

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In architecture components •A ViewModel provides the data for a specific UI •The ViewModel does not know about the View! •Survives configuration change

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In architecture components •A ViewModel provides the data for a specific UI •The ViewModel does not know about the View! •Survives configuration change

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In architecture components •A ViewModel provides the data for a specific UI •The ViewModel does not know about the View! •Survives configuration change

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In architecture components •Remember configuration change can be: •Rotation •Any other resize i.e. split screen •Language change

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life cycle: rotation onCreate onStart onResume onPause onStop onDestroy onCreate onStart onResume ViewModel

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life cycle: finish onCreate onStart onResume onPause onStop onDestroy ViewModel

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How to use implementation 'android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.0.0’ kapt 'android.arch.lifecycle:compiler:1.0.0’

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How to use class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {

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How to use class MyViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {

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How to use class MyViewModel() :ViewModelObservable() { Coming soon Jose Alcérreca, Google

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How to use override fun onCreate(...) { model = ViewModelProviders .of(this) .get( }

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What if… constructor arguments needed?

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How to use class MyViewModelFactory :ViewModelProvider.Factory(useCase: MyUseCase) { fun create(aClass: Class): T { return MyViewModel(useCase) as T } }

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How to use ViewModelProviders .of(this, MyViewModelFactory(usecase)) .get(

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How to use •Always try to build your own Factory •Default factory uses newInstance() which is some hundred times slower than new calls (reflection) frameworks-and-internals-for-android

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How to use •Always try to build your own Factory •Default factory uses newInstance() which is some hundred times slower than new calls (reflection) frameworks-and-internals-for-android

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How to use override fun onStopped() { … } No more life cycle forwarding!

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What if… I need to clean something when destroyed?

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What if… class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() { override fun onCleared() { super.onCleared() cleanupSubscriptions() }

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How does it survive orientation change?

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How does it actually work? class HolderFragment extends Fragment { public HolderFragment() { setRetainInstance(true); } …

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How does it actually work? String HOLDER_TAG = "android.arch.lifecycle.state.StateProviderH olderFragment";

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How does it know the activity is finishing?

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How does it actually work? @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mViewModelStore.clear(); }

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Can I do it differently? ViewModel is not life cycle aware?

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It just refuses to die

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remember Never hold View or Activity references in the ViewModel!

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Tell us more

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What if Two Fragments of same Activity ask for same ViewModel.class via ViewModelProviders .of(this) .get(

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Different ViewModels RESULT

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What if Two Fragments of same Activity ask for same ViewModel.class via ViewModelProviders .of(this) .get(

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result •Fragment and Activity share the same FragmentManager •But implementation uses Activity’s FragmentManager but ChildFragmentManager for Fragments

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result •Fragment and Activity share the same FragmentManager •But implementation uses Activity’s FragmentManager but ChildFragmentManager for Fragments

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What if Two Fragments of same Activity ask for same ViewModel.class via ViewModelProviders .of(getActivity()) .get(MyViewMode::class).java

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result Same ViewModel

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Tell us more

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Other uses cases communication layer between activities and fragments or fragments and fragments

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Other uses cases Replace Loaders (plus Room and LiveData/Rx)

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Could you Write that?

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Could you write that? •What if asked for ViewModel but fragment transaction not done yet? •You might end up with duplicates

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Could you write that? •What if asked for ViewModel but fragment transaction not done yet? •You might end up with duplicates

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Could you write that? static class HolderFragmentManager { private Map mNotCommittedActivityHolders = new HashMap<>(); private Map mNotCommittedFragmentHolders = new HashMap<>(); …

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Could you write that? •What if activity dies before fragment transaction? •You might end up with memory leaks

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Could you write that? private ActivityLifecycleCallbacks mActivityCallbacks = new EmptyActivityLifecycleCallbacks() { @Override public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) { HolderFragment fragment = mNotCommittedActivityHolders.remove(activity); if (fragment != null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to save a ViewModel for " + activity); } } }; …

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Does that mean all problems are solved?

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all problems solved? ViewModels provide a convenient way to retain data across configuration changes but they are not persisted if the application is killed by the operating system odel_vs_savedinstancestate

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but but WHY?

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Why? The data saved via onSaveInstanceState is kept in the system process memory and the Android OS allows you to keep only a very small amount of data so it is not a good place to keep actual data for your app. TransactionTooLargeException anyone?

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MeaNS ViewModels gives us rotation But takes away recreation

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after The truth •Keep non-UI states in non-UI layer Not in bundle! •Use real caching strategies •Allows updating cache in background

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after The truth •Keep non-UI states in non-UI layer Not in bundle! •Use real caching strategies •Allows updating cache in background

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after The truth •Keep non-UI states in non-UI layer Not in bundle! •Use real caching strategies •Allows updating cache in background

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but but EditText might have restored it’s state but the ViewModel will not now about it

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but but Where to store the UI state?

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store the UI state In Bundles!

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but but Who owns the UI state?

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store the UI state The ViewModel

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store the UI state

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lets tweak it class MyModelFactory(val bundle: Bundle?) :ViewModelProvider.Factory() { … fun create(aClass: Class): T { return MyViewModel().apply { readFrom(bundle) } as T } ...

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lets tweak it override onSaveInstanceState(bundle: Bundle){ super.onSaveInstanceState(bundle); viewModel.writeTo(bundle); }

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So what about this LIFE CYCLE THING?

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LIFECYCLE is a class that holds the information about the lifecycle state of a component

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LIFECYCLE OWNER is a single method interface that denotes that the class has a Lifecycle. Fragments and Activities in Support Library 26.1.0+ already implement

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LIFECYCLE OBSERVER class MyListener() : LifecycleObserver { @OnLifecycleEvent(Event.ON_START) fun onStart() { … }

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LIFECYCLE OBSERVER activity.lifecycle.addObserver(listener)

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LIFECYCLE OBSERVER activity.lifecycle.addObserver(listener) An observer added with a Lifecycle will be automatically removed if the corresponding Lifecycle moves to Lifecycle.State#DESTROYED state.

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ViewMODEL lives LOngER! Activity Activity ViewModel

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IntroduciNG LIVE DATA Activity Activity LiveData LiveData ViewModel

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IntroduciNG LIVE DATA •Observable similar to RxJava •Life cycle aware •Doesn’t emit when not needed •Memory leaks save

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IntroduciNG LIVE DATA class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val message = MutableLiveData()

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IntroduciNG LIVE DATA myModel.message.observe( this, Observer { display(it) })

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What if I USE Rx Java?

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Rx Java FULL PICTURE Activity ViewModel (un)subscribe

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Rx Java FULL PICTURE Activity ViewModel Life cycle aware class (un)subscribe (un)subscribe

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Data binding full picture XML ViewModel bind

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ViewModel in data binding

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How do I…

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.. show a toast class SeriesViewModel : Viewmodel() { … @Bindable var error = ObservableField()

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.. show a toast viewModel.error.addOnPropertyChangedCallback( object : OnPropertyChangedCallback() { override fun onPropertyChanged(…) { showToast(viewModel.error.get() } })

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.. show a toast @BindingAdapter("showError") fun ViewGroup.onErrorAppeared(error: String?){ errorString?.let { showToast(context, error)) } }

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Data binding full picture XML Activity ViewModel (un)bind bind Life cycle aware class (un)bind

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WAYS TO OBSERVE DATA from VM? •Data binding Observable from xml or code, might need unregister •RxJava Observable from code, needs unregister •LiveData Observable, from code, no unregister, life cycle aware

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OR DON’T USE ARCH COMP VIEWMODEL Activity Life cycle ware ViewModel Repository Activity Life cycle ware ViewModel

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let`s sum up •Well designed API •Goal: common architecture language •Use the parts you need •Know about life cycle

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let`s sum up View Model Its production ready!

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Want to know more • viewmodel-to-your-mvvm-36bfea86b159 • viewmodel-cf28b8a7c5fc • purist • viewmodel/ • •

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Southpark copyright Disclaimer

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View Model IN ACTION @PreusslerBerlin