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• ༧ଌϞσϧͷೖྗύλʔϯ
- ืूը૾ͷΈ
- ืूςΩετͷΈ
- ืूը૾ͱืूςΩετͷ྆ํ
• ਖ਼ղɾෆਖ਼ղͷఆٛ
- ධՁղऍ͕͍͢͠ͷͰೋྨʹམͱ͠ࠐΉ
- ༧ଌରͷͷ 60 percentile ͔Β্Λਖ਼ྫɺ40 percentile ͔ΒԼΛෛྫ [1]
[1]: Azimi, Javad and Zhang, Ruofei and Zhou, Yang and Navalpakkam, Vidhya and Mao, Jianchang and Fern, Xiaoli. 2012.
Visual Appearance of Display Ads and Its Effect on Click through Rate. Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management P. 495-504.