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EXPLORATORY Online Seminar #52 Introduction to Exploratory Server

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Kan Nishida CEO/co-founder Exploratory Summary In Spring 2016, launched Exploratory, Inc. to democratize Data Science. Prior to Exploratory, Kan was a director of product development at Oracle leading teams to build various Data Science products in areas including Machine Learning, BI, Data Visualization, Mobile Analytics, Big Data, etc. While at Oracle, Kan also provided training and consulting services to help organizations transform with data. @KanAugust Speaker

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3 Questions Communication Data Access Data Wrangling Visualization Analytics (Statistics / Machine Learning) Data Science Workflow

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4 Questions Communication (Dashboard, Note, Slides) Data Access Data Wrangling Visualization Analytics (Statistics / Machine Learning) ExploratoryɹModern & Simple UI

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EXPLORATORY Online Seminar #52 Introduction to Exploratory Server

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Agenda • What is Exploratory Server • Publish • Share • SchedulE • Discover • Interact • Reproduce 6

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Exploratory Desktop BI Excel R / Python / JS Exploratory Desktop Search / Data View / API Data Catalog Insight Catalog Search / Insight Page Scheduling / Interactive Runtime Management Sharing Management Exploratory Server 7

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8 Reporting Analytics Data Access From Data to Insight Visualization Data Wrangling Exploratory Desktop Exploratory Desktop

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Share View Schedule 9 Reporting Analytics Data Access From Data to Insight Visualization Data Wrangling Exploratory Server Insight & Data Management Exploratory Server Exploratory Desktop Discover Reproduce Publish

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Data Exploratory Server Lifecycle 10 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights Exploratory Desktop

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 11 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create

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Data 12 Top 100 Customers based on Sales

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Chart & Analytics 13

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Dashboard 14

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Note 15

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 16 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights

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17 Publish Data Note

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18 Publish Dashboard

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Publish in the Private mode to have only the invited people can access it.

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20 Once published, an unique URL is assigned.

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21 Open the Dashboard in a web browser.

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Add Tags. 22

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23 Click the Tag button to show the tags.

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24 You can click on them to open the tag specific page.

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25 Tag Page

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You can edit the tag names directly from the server UI. 26

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 27 View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights Share Publish

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28 Click the Share button to invite others you’d like to share with.

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29 Type a message (Optional) and send the invitation.

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30 The invited ones will receive an email like below.

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31 If they don’t have Exploratory accounts they’ll be asked to create one. These accounts are ‘Viewer’ accounts, and free!

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32 You don’t want to have others to create Exploratory accounts? No worry. You can share with a special URL.

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34 It generates a unique URL that can be shared with others.

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35 This URL is different from the ‘official’ URL and regenerated when you disable and enable again.

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Sharing Mode Types 36 Public Mode Private Mode Private with URL Level of Sharing Anybody can access and open. Only the invited people can access and open. Login will be required. Anybody with the URL can open. URL The published URL. The published URL. A different URL from the published URL will be generated and can be used to share. This URL can be regenerated by disabling/enabling. Message when inviting No You can write a message when sharing. No Search from Insight Page (Web Site) Yes Yes, but only for logged in users. Users who don’t have access to the data/ insights won’t see them in the search result. No User Type Any Need an Exploratory account to log in. (either paid plan or free plan) Any Usage of Parameter Yes Yes Yes

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 37 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights

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• View Insight • View Data • Download Data • Interact

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39 Dashboard Note

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40 Chart Analytics

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• View Insight • View Data • Download Data • Interact

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Browse Published Data - 3 Views Summary Table Metadata

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Stats and charts gives you a quick summary of your data. Summary

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Filter, Sort, and Visual Bar! Table

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Metadata • You can describe your data with Markdown text. • With Data Dictionary, you can provide a description for each column.

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• View Insight • View Data • Download Data • Interact

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No content

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Download Data BI Excel Data Chart & Analytics Exploratory Server Exploratory Desktop Data Catalog CSV API Developer

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Make sure to check ‘CSV’ data download option enabled when publishing. 49

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If you are Excel or BI users you might want to download the data as CSV. 50

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If you are an application developer you might want to access the data via API. 51

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If you are Exploratory user you can directly access the data from Data Catalog UI inside Exploratory Desktop. 52 You can see all the data that you have published or shared with.

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Not only Data, but also Chart and Analytics can be downloaded as Data. 53

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• View Insight • View Data • Download Data • Interact

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55 You Team Mates I want data for Europe. I want data for Africa. I want data for Asia. Exploratory Server You can let others interact with your insights and data at Exploratory Server by using Parameters. They can see the data of their interest by changing the Parameter values. Publish

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56 You can flexibly design the Dashboard with Parameters.

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57 This parameter is used in the Filter step that effects all the charts.

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58 This parameter is used in a Chart Filter that effects only this chart.

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59 This parameter is used in a Analytics Filter that effects only this chart that is from ‘Time Series Forecasting with Prophet’.

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60 All you need is to add parameters to Step, Chart, and Analytics. Then all the required parameters will show up automatically in the Parameter pane.

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61 You can add Parameters to Data, Chart, Analytics, Dashboard, Note!

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62 Take a look at the past seminar for more details on Parameter.

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 66 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights

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67 Automate for extracting data from the data sources and transform the data by scheduling. Your data is always up-to-date even without opening Exploratory Desktop.

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68 You can subscribe the notification email so that you will receive it everytime the scheduling job is completed.

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69 Other folks can also subscribe the notification emails.

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70 You will receive the notification emails with thumbnail images that are up-to-date. This image is dynamically generated when the schedule is run. You don’t even open it in the web browser!

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How Scheduling Works

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Remote Files 72 Dashboard CSV Dashboard Exploratory Desktop Exploratory Server Publish URL URL

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Database 73 Dashboard Dashboard Exploratory Desktop Exploratory Server Publish Connection Connection

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74 Database Connection

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75 Dashboard Dashboard Exploratory Desktop Exploratory Server Publish OAuth OAuth Cloud App

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76 Usage Monitoring

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 80 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights

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81 “I have many data and insights published at the server. How can I find them?”

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My Insights Page 82

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83 My Insights Page

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84 You can find the ones that you didn’t publish but you are shared with by someone else.

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85 “How can I find the insights and data that other people published?”

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87 Insight Search Page

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 88 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights

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89 You can download data in a reproducible format (EDF / Exploratory Data Format) so that you can import it with the data wrangling steps.

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Data Wrangling Steps are imported together to reproduce the data. 91

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Referenced data frames are also imported together to reproduce the data. 92

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You can download / import the EDF even for Chart & Analytics. 93

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94 Dashboard and Note, too!

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Exploratory Server Lifecycle 99 Publish Share View Schedule Discover Reproduce Create Insights

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Exploratory Collaboration Server

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Exploratory Desktop BI Excel R / Python / JS Exploratory Desktop Search / Data View / API Data Catalog Insight Catalog Search / Insight Page Scheduling / Interactive Runtime Management Sharing Management Exploratory Server 101

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Exploratory Desktop Exploratory Server Outside Inside Data 102 Inside Company’s Network Firewall Publish

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Exploratory Desktop Exploratory Server Outside Inside Data 103 Inside Company’s Network Firewall Publish Your company might not allow you to publish any data outside your company’s network.

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Exploratory Desktop Outside Inside Data 104 Inside Company’s Network Firewall Collaboration Server Exploratory Server

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Collaboration Server Specific Features 105 • User / Team Management • Share / Publish as Team • Monitor all the Insights and Data • Manage Scheduling Jobs

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107 User Management

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108 Team Management

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112 For the Insights and Data published as a team, the team names are as part of the URL.

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113 Monitor all the Insights and Data published at the server.

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114 Access View Monitoring

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115 Usage Monitoring

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Manage Scheduling Jobs 116

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That’s it for today!

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Next Seminar

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EXPLORATORY Online Seminar #53 7/28/2021 (Wed) 11AM PT Exploratory x Google BigQuery

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No content

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Information Email [email protected] Website Twitter @ExploratoryData Seminar

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Q & A 122

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