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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] o ffi ce: 14 -227 CSC 307 Introduction to Software Engineering Lecture 14. Final Review

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Grading 2

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Disclaimer for Final Exam Review The f in a l ex a m is comprehensive, encomp a ssing a ll course m a teri a ls. This review covers only a subset of topics. Import a nt: • Ensure you review a ll lecture slides a nd course m a teri a ls. • The following slides include ex a mples rel a ted to selected topics. • This is NOT a n exh a ustive list of ex a m topics. 4

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Final Exam

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Key Topics • Softw a re Engineering is not Progr a mming. • Process Models a nd Agile Methods • Requirements a nd Storybo a rding. • T a sks a nd T a ig a • Softw a re Design (UML, i.e., softw a re blueprints). • Design Principles a nd GoF P a tterns • Libr a ries, Dependencies, M a ven • Project, Assignments, Coding 6

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Test Yourselves Process Models

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Strategies 8

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Activities 9

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We are here 10 Burndown Chart

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Sample 11

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Sample 12

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Test Yourselves Requirements and Stories

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INVEST in good requirements • Independent – loosely coupled with one another • Negotiable – Stories are what and why , not how ( 99% ). • Valuable – for the customer! • Estimatable – E ff ort/Cost of design, build, and test. • Small (sized appropriately) • Testable – pass or fail 14

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Is it a story, and is it INVEST? 15

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Is it a story, and is it INVEST? 16

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Is it a story, and is it INVEST? 17

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Question 18

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Question 19

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Question 20

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Case 1 21

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Case 2 22

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Case 3 23

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Test Yourselves Design and Coding

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Relationships 25 Association Directed Association Reflexive Association Multiplicity Aggregation Composition Generalization Realization

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GoF Patterns 26

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Draw the Class Diagram package myModel.impl; public class StudentImpl extends MinimalEObjectImpl.Container implements Student { protected boolean hasScholarship = HAS_SCHOLARSHIP_EDEFAULT; protected Computer computer; @Override public void setComputer(Computer newComputer) { Computer oldComputer = computer; computer = newComputer; if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl (this, Notification.SET, MyModelPackage.STUDENT__COMPUTER, oldComputer, computer)); } @Override public Computer getComputer() { if (computer != null && computer.eIsProxy()) { InternalEObject oldComputer = (InternalEObject)computer; computer = (Computer)eResolveProxy(oldComputer); if (computer != oldComputer) { if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl (this, Notification.RESOLVE, MyModelPackage.STUDENT__COMPUTER, oldComputer, computer)); } } return computer; } } 27

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Create the Class Diagram 28

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Problem • Students a nd St aff members c a n request the Libr a ry to notify him/her when a Book becomes a v a il a ble. • Also, they c a n reserve the book. Before reserving a Book for someone the Libr a ry check, for students, with the Registr a r, if the Student is currently enrolled, a nd for employees, with Hum a n Resources if the employee h a s a n a ctive contr a ct. 29

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Solution • Students a nd St aff members c a n request the Libr a ry to notify him/her when a Book becomes a v a il a ble. • Also, they c a n reserve the book. Before reserving a Book for someone the Libr a ry check, for students, with the Registr a r, if the Student is currently enrolled, a nd for employees, with Hum a n Resources if the employee h a s a n a ctive contr a ct. 30

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Problem 31

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Problem 32

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Problem 33

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Test Yourselves Software Quality

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Questions Metrics • LOC • eLOC • lLOC • Cyclom a tic complexity (M a x, Min, Aver a ge) 35

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Question 36

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Test Yourselves Structural Quality

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Calculate Structural Metrics 38

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Test Yourselves Utilities

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… pom.xml 40

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Logger 41

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Logger 42

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Final Project

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Final Project Submit Here your Fin a l Project, including: a ) Fin a l Version of your Source Code - submit your J a v a f iles (or GitHub) b) Softw a re Design - your UML cl a ss di a gr a m c) Requirements, t a sks, a nd Work distribution (from T a ig a ) e) Link to your video of the Fin a l Present a tion f) Peer-Ev a lu a tion 44

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Questions 45

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Lab 14 Project (team meeting)

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Let’s Work 47

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CSC 307 Introduction to Software Engineering Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC307 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.