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1 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE Lecture 3. Machine Learning Approach MINI- COURSE ON ANOMALY DETECTION FOR AI TESTING 6 june | 10.00 GET | 11.30 SLST Rostislav Yavorski Head of Research, Exactpro

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2 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Terms An outlier is a data point that differs significantly from other observations Anomalies are patterns in data that do not conform to a well-defined notion of normal behaviour

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3 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks ● fraud detection ● health monitoring ● medical diagnosis ● system fault detection ● cyber-security intrusion detection ● improving the performance of machine learning algorithms See Lecture 1 on Applications 3

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4 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Challenges in Anomaly Detection ● Definition of normal behaviour is extremely challenging ● Noise data aren’t anomalies ● The definition of anomaly is domain-specific ● Anomalies evolve over time ● Getting a set of labeled anomalous instances is difficult

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5 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks What is normal ● Average characteristics ● Similar to many ● Quite frequent occurrence ● Predictable from the past ● Labeled as normal

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6 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks See Lecture 2 on Statistical Methods ● Graphical Methods ● Interquartile Range ● Tukey's Fences ● Seasonal and Trend Decomposition ● Statistical Hypothesis Test ● p-value and t-statistic

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9 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Unsupervised learning

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10 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Unsupervised anomaly detection The objective is to detect rare objects or events without any prior knowledge: Step 1. Modelling the normal data distribution Step 2. Defining a measurement to classify samples as anomalous or normal.

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11 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Unsupervised anomaly detection The objective is to detect rare objects or events without any prior knowledge: Step 1. Modelling the normal data distribution Step 2. Defining a measurement to classify samples as anomalous or normal

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12 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Unsupervised anomaly detection The objective is to detect rare objects or events without any prior knowledge: Step 1. Modelling the normal data distribution ● Clustering (grouping) ● Dimensionality (number of parameters) reduction Step 2. Defining a measurement to classify samples as anomalous or normal

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14 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Unsupervised. Clustering Clustering is the task of dividing the population or data points into a number of groups such that data points in the same groups are more similar to other data points in the same group than those in other groups

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15 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Clustering algorithms Connectivity models are based on distance connectivity Centroid models represents each cluster by a single mean vector Density models define clusters as connected dense regions in the data space

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16 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Agglomerative "bottom-up" algorithm chick duckling cat rabbit hen dog rooster goose

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17 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks rabbit Agglomerative "bottom-up" algorithm chick duckling cat hen dog rooster goose

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18 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks rabbit chick duckling cat hen dog goose rooster fish

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19 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks rabbit chick duckling cat hen dog goose rooster fish Anomaly

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20 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Dimensionality Reduction

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21 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks What is dimension The dimension of a dataset corresponds to the number of attributes that exist in a dataset. A dataset with a large number of attributes (a hundred or more) is referred to as high dimensional data. Two dimensional array

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22 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Dimensionality Reduction Dimension reduction is the transformation of data from a high-dimensional space into a low-dimensional space so that the low-dimensional representation retains some meaningful properties of the original data. Three dimensional coordinate system

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23 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Example: Software Defect Prediction Number of instances: 10 885 modules. Creators: NASA, Hypotheses: ● code with complicated pathways are more error-prone ● code that is hard to read is more likely to be fault prone ● static measures are useful to guide software quality predictions ● static measures can never be a certain indicator of the presence of a fault Number of attributes (dimensionality): 22 ● 5 different lines of code measure ● 3 McCabe metrics (cyclomatic, essential, design complexity) ● 4 base Halstead measures (volume, length, difficulty, intelligence) ● 8 derived Halstead measures, a branch-count ● 1 goal field (module has/has not one or more reported defects)

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24 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Example. Operational Data from Enterprise Application Goal: effectively detect run-time anomalies using machine learning on operation metrics The dataset consists of metrics measured from the operating system and from WebLogic Server monitoring beans

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25 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Only keep the most important features Find a combination of new features Linear methods Non-linear methods ● Backward elimination ● Forward selection ● Random forests ● PCA ● Factor analysis ● LDA ● Truncated SVD ● Kernel PCA ● t-SNE ● MDS ● Isomap Dimensionality Reduction methods

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26 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Principal Component Analysis

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27 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Principal components are new variables that are linear combinations of the initial variables These combinations are done in such a way that the new variables are uncorrelated and most of the information within the initial variables compressed into the first components

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28 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Prerequisites: ● Linear algebra ○ matrix multiplication, transposition, inverses ○ matrix decomposition ○ eigenvectors and eigenvalues ● Statistics ○ standardization, variance, covariance ○ independence ● Machine learning ○ linear regression ○ feature selection

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29 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 1. Normalize the initial variables 2. Compute the covariance matrix: the correlations between all the possible pairs of variables 3. Compute eigenvectors and rank the eigenvalues in descending order (get the principal components in order of significance) 4. Compute the feature vector, which is a matrix that has as columns the eigenvectors of the components that we decide to keep 5. Reorient the data from the original axes to the ones represented by the principal components

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30 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Factor Analysis

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31 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Factor Analysis (FA) It is a method for modeling observed variables and their relationship in terms of unobserved variables, i.e. factors It is used to reduce a large number of variables into fewer numbers of factors Factor analysis is kind of extension of PCA FA is a complex mathematical procedure, so it is performed with software Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8 Factor A Factor B

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32 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Factor Analysis (FA) There are two types of FA, exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) EFA is used to find the underlying structure of a large set of variables and reduce data to a smaller set of summary variables, but EFA can generate a large number of possible models for your data If you do have an idea about what the models look like, and you want to test your hypotheses about the data structure, CFA is a better approach Geometric interpretation of Factor Analysis

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33 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Supervised learning

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34 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks Supervised anomaly detection Items in the training dataset are labeled into two categories: normal and abnormal The model will use these examples to recognize abnormal patterns in the previously unseen data It is rarely used due to unavailability of labelled data for the known anomalies

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36 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks A library for benchmarking, developing and deploying deep learning anomaly detection algorithms

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38 BUILD SOFTWARE TO TEST SOFTWARE AI Testing Talks AI Testing Talks Thank you! Questions?