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Laying the Cultural and Technical Foundation for Big Rails RailsConf, May 2022 Alex Evanczuk

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Thank you to those who have helped maintain and contribute to Rails. Thank you to those who have helped put together this conference.

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About Me We’re hiring! For questions, feedback, or info on working at Gusto:

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A Story of Growing Complexity at Gusto

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Is this story familiar to you? There’s something we can do about it.

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Big Rails

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What is Big Rails? A system of sociotechnical tools, practices, and conventions that scale Rails development in terms of lifespan, number of contributors, and complexity. A Definition Accountability and Ownership Clear Boundaries Thoughtful Dependency Management Gradual Adoption Intentionally Curated and Sustainable Feedback Loops Major Principles

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Accountability and Ownership

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module PayrollSyncer def self.sync_deductions! raise "I am an error" end end

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Clear Boundaries and Dependency Management

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app/ models/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ views/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ controllers/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ services/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/

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app/ models/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ views/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ controllers/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ services/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/

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app/ models/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ views/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ controllers/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ services/ benefits/ payroll/ hr/ packs/ benefits/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ payroll/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ hr/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/

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With domain-based organization, how can we now systematically manage the relationship between those domains?

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packs/ benefits/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ + package.yml payroll/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ + package.yml hr/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ + package.yml # packs/benefits/package.yml enforce_dependencies: true enforce_privacy: true dependencies: - packs/payroll metadata: owner: Enrollments

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packs/ benefits/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ + public/ + package.yml payroll/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ + public/ + package.yml hr/ models/ views/ controllers/ services/ + public/ + package.yml # packs/benefits/package.yml enforce_dependencies: true enforce_privacy: true dependencies: - packs/payroll metadata: owner: Enrollments

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# packs/benefits/app/services/benefits.rb module Benefits def self.some_method HrHelper.inform_administrator! end end # packs/benefits/deprecated_references.yml --- packs/hr: "::HrHelper": violations: - privacy - dependency files: - packs/benefits/app/services/benefits.rb

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Okay… but what about gems and engines? Gems/Engines Packages Supports gradual modularity ❌ ✅ Inexpensive to change boundaries ❌ ✅ Supports distribution ✅ ❌ Supports versioning ✅ ❌ Fast tests ✅ ✅* Supports strict boundaries ✅ ✅** Engine features ✅ ✅*** * With spring and bootsnap ** With package_protections *** With stimpack

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To start off, 100% of packages do not enforce privacy or dependency protections. The challenge: Push every team to turn on privacy and dependency enforcement Gradual Adoption

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Feedback loops to focus on… Dev writes code Dev commits code Dev’s packwerk build step fails Dev updates the packwerk TODO list Dev merges PRs to the main branch ? ? ? ? ?

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Dev writes code Dev commits code Dev’s packwerk build step fails Dev updates the packwerk TODO list Dev merges PRs to the main branch ? ? ? ‼‼‼ ? Feedback loops to focus on…

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Dev writes code Dev commits code Dev’s packwerk build step fails Dev updates the packwerk TODO list Dev merges PRs to the main branch VSCode Extension Pre-commit Hooks Inline Automated PR Comments Inline Automated PR Comments Datadog Metrics Feedback loops to focus on…

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What’s next?

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In what ways can Ruby and Rails continue to offer great tools and cultural norms that help users create well-modularized systems?

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What can the different conventions of packwerk packages, gemspecs, and other packaging systems learn from each other?

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We’re hiring! Feedback and Communities - Emailing me: or just starting a conversation - Creating issues, starting discussions, or opening PRs in any repository within - Joining us in the Ruby/Rails Modularity Slack Server: - Invite link: - Catch me after the talk and let’s pair! Other Resources and Tools - “Gradual Modularization for Ruby and Rails” by Stephan Hagemann - “Thinking in Systems” by Donella Meadows - “Boundaries” by Gary Bernhardt - (Gusto’s Engineering Blog) - Just released: Blog post version of this talk! Your feedback is important and appreciated!