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A Front End Developer at Concrete Felipe Sousa ✈

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Shared Web Components with StencilJS A simple alternative to create shared and smart components.

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- Web Components - StencilJS - Shared

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Web Components

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A little bit about history.

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/2010 /2013 /2013 /2014 /2016

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/2015 /2015 /2017

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Always restricted to run inside the same tool.

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What’s Web Components? Allow you create your own elements without a library or framework.

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Custom Elements Web Components concepts Custom Elements Shadow DOM HTML Templates

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Web Components concepts A set of JavaScript APIs that allow you to define custom elements and their behaviour, which can then be used as desired in your user interface. HTML Templates Custom Elements Shadow DOM

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Web Components concepts HTML Templates Custom Elements Shadow DOM

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Custom Elements Web Components concepts An important aspect of web components is encapsulation — being able to keep the markup structure, style, and behavior hidden and separate from other code on the page so that different parts do not clash, and the code can be kept nice and clean. Shadow DOM HTML Templates Custom Elements

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Custom Elements Web Components concepts The and elements enable you to write markup templates that are not displayed in the rendered page. These can then be reused multiple times as the basis of a custom element's structure. Custom Elements HTML Templates Shadow DOM

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Using only the browser power!

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But is really hard scale or manage big applications.

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The components way to create applications.

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Only available if you’ve the same technology

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Micro Front Ends

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StencilJS Stencil is a toolchain for building reusable, scalable Design Systems. Generate small, blazing fast, and 100% standards based Web Components that run in every browser.

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Personal Notes ○ Mixin between Angular & React ○ Web Components Based ○ Really shared concept ○ Easy to scale ○ No hard setups ○ Easy to learn

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Features ○ Virtual DOM ○ Async Rendering (inspired by React Fiber) ○ Reactive data-binding ○ TypeScript

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Components How? Applications

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○Decorators ○Lifecycle Hooks Components Notes

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@(Props) Decorator Name Decorator Definition string/object

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Decorators API ○ Component ○ Prop ○ State ○ Watch ○ Event ○ Method ○ Listen

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Lifecycle Hooks

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Stencil Component Life-Cycle ○ connectedCallback ○ disconnectedCallback ○ componentWillLoad ○ componentDidLoad ○ componentWillRender ○ componentDidRender ○ componentWillUpdate ○ componentDidUpdate

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Component Example

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Render Use JSX to create the component template.

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JSX - How to use

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Application Notes ○ Stencil Router ○ Services Workers - Optional Feature ○ Build Process

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Data Management

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Stencil Design System

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CLI/Utils ○ Tests: E2E & Unit Tests ○ Plugins • Sass • Less • Stylus • Posts CSS ○ Auto Documentation

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Auto Documentation You can create your documentation components using a command.

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Stencil Config File

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Terminal $ stencil build --docs-readme

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Who are using?

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You can also work with: $ npm init stencil

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A small experiment Angular 8 & Stencil

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/felipesousa @felipz_sousa @concretelatinoamerica /concrete-latinoamerica

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Thank’s! Obrigado! Gracias!