Slide 11
Slide 11 text
> Fargate only supports network mode awsvpc
> Fargate requires that the privileged setting be false at the container level
> Fargate requires log configuration options to include awslogs-stream-prefix to support
log driver awslogs
> Fargate requires task definition to have execution role ARN to support log driver
> Fargate requires that 'memory' be defined at the task level
> No Fargate configuration exists for given values
> The provided target group has target type instance, which is
incompatible with the awsvpc network mode specified in the task definition
> Network Configuration must be provided when networkMode 'awsvpc' is specified
> You cannot specify an IAM role for services that require a service linked role
> Placement strategies are not supported with FARGATE launch type
> CannotPullContainerError: API error (500): Get