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Maximizing opportunities in Tech

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Hello! I am Stanley Ndagi Software Engineer, Technical Writer You can find me at: @NdagiStanley 2

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“Think trajectory NOT the destination 3

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variables Roles in tech Opportunities Tips This talk, what to expect constants Value Process Skill 4

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Variables Liable to change ⬡ Roles ⬡ Opportunities ⬡ Tips 5

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1. Roles What roles are out there?

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SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle 7 1 3 5 6 4 2 Planning Design and Prototyping Software Testing Feasibility or Requirements of Analysis Software Development Implementation and Integration Operations and Maintenance 7

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Roles according SDLC ⬡ Relationship Manager ⬡ Product Manager ⬡ UI/UX Design ⬡ Software Engineer, Developer ∙ FrontEnd, BackEnd, FullStack, Mobile ⬡ QA (Quality Assurance)/ Testing ⬡ Networking ⬡ Infrastructure - SRE ⬡ Security & Fraud 8

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2. Opportunities Nairobi 9

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Opportunities ⬡ Location Silicon Valley ⬡ Industry FinTech, EdTech ⬡ Technology Web, Embedded, Blockchain SAP, Wordpress 10

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3. Tips What do I need to do?

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Tips ⬡ Searching tips ∙ LinkedIN ∙ Job boards ∙ Career pages ⬡ Interviewing tips ⬡ Salary, Perks, Fee negotiation ⬡ Leveraging for Career progression ⬡ Upskilling tips ∙ Courses ∙ Certifications 12

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Remaining the same overtime ⬡ Value ⬡ Process ⬡ Skill 13 Constants

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Venture Capital Advisor Value 14 Pharmacy Technician Web Developer Intern Software Engineer/ Core Maintainer Principal Developer Advocate Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer TV Series Technical Consultant

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There’s no one straight path! 15

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Process 16 DISCOVERY SDLC Business value FOUNDATION Heads down Fundamental Skills Hard skills Soft Skills UPSKILL Tools of trade ENTRY PIVOT

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My Timeline 17 UPSKILL OPTIMIZATION ENTRY LEVEL FOUNDATION DISCOVERY Diverse subjects Opinionated study Business value - Job - indie hacker Being 10x Growth Interest Basic deliverables Tooling Individual Contributor People Manager PIVOT: TW CAREER GROWTH 1ST JOB: SWE 4TH PROJECT, POST-UNI UNIVERSITY PIVOT

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21st century skills KNOWLEDGE - Know & Understand SKILLS - How to use the knowledge CHARACTER - Behave and Engage 18

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“Bonus Sleep Mindfulness Movement Nutrition 19

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20 Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at: @NdagiStanley

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Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ⬡ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ⬡ Photographs by Unsplash 21