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Introduction of php-ext by rust

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About me • gong023 • • PHP developer of • #mercari_wakate??

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Interested in rust

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rust is • supported by Mozilla • to replace Firefox engine • better C++ • golang is better C

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rust is good because…

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Safe memory You can compile errors with dangerous memory operations

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Safe memory You can compile errors with dangerous memory operations

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Modern syntax • Optional

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Modern syntax • Generics & Traits

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create php-ext by rust

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Overview 1. Create shared object file by rust 2. Test shared object file by C 3. Link shared object file from php-ext

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Create .so file by rust 1. cargo new 2. write a function in rust 3. cargo build • you can get *.so file

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Test .so file by C 1. Write test code in C 2. Include .so and compile C test code • Don’t forget to link shared object • gcc test.c -L SO_PATH -php_ext

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Link .so file from php-ext 1. Create php-ext by ext-skel 2. Edit config.m4 and configure • difficult…

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Link .so file from php-ext • Edit config.m4 I don’t know why it doesn’t work

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Link .so file from php-ext • Edit config.m4 I added a path ignoring errors

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Link .so file from php-ext 3. Write .h and .c in php-ext • see references to know more details 4. make && make install 5. Test

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Advanced • I tried to export rust-carbon to php-ext • • But I don’t succeed yet. I don’t know why it doesn’t work

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References • creating-a-php-extension-to-rust.html • • rust/