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気づかぬ間に浸透しています “RISC-V”
According to the LinkedIn profile, work on the Exynos 9820 began in January this year, and the
Samsung engineer appears to have been working on a 5G RF chip based on the RISC-V
architecture ever since May 2017, which could reinforce a 2019 release for the 5G smartphones.
NVIDIA gave a presentation about how its proprietary Falcon (Fast Logic CONtroller)
core will be replaced by RISC-V cores.
Internal Project to demonstrate ability to easily develop custom RISC-V implementation by
leveraging Rocket Chip.
BSC is promoting the adoption of RISC-V as a key partner of the European Processor Initiative, the
consortium to design and develop Europe’s low-power processors and related technologies for extreme-
scale, high-performance computing, which will be funded by the European Commission under
the Horizon 2020 program.
1. RISC-Vの概要 2. RISC-V Pros Cons 3. RISC-V Sim 4. オープンHWの将来