We can do better
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 15
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Explicit, component
based approach
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 16
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Components in some form
• Angular 2
• Ember
• Vue.js
• Cycle.js
• React
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 18
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Who actually likes
JavaScript these days?!
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 19
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Explicit about state
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 20
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Single source of truth
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 21
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Views represent state
view(state) => HTML
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 22
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View functions are pure
view(state1) => HTML1
view(state1) => HTML1
view(state2) => HTML2
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 23
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Explicitly define all actions that
can modify state
function addTodo() {
return {
type: 'USER_ADD_TODO',
text: 'Buy Milk'
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 24
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Have update functions that can
handle actions
update(action, state) => newState
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 25
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update encapsulates most
business logic
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 26
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Unidirectional Data Flow
user clicks
-> action
-> update(action, state)
-> view(newState)
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 27
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Recommended Reading
➡ Unidirectional User Interface Architectures by
André Staltz
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 28
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@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 29
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Explicit vs Magic
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 30
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function setNewUser(name) {
$scope.user = { name : 'jack' };
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 31
Even more explicit!
type Msg =
NewUser String
| LogOut
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 33
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Even more explicit because the
compiler says so
update msg model =
case msg of
NewUser name ->
{ model | user = name }
This `case` does not have branches for all possibilities.
22|> case msg of
You need to account for the following values:
Add a branch to cover this pattern!
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 34
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Elm: a language to solve
these problems.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 36
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Elm, my Dear Watson
-- Sherlock Holmes
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 37
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Not the finished article
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 38
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Not the perfect language
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 39
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Not the perfect solution
to all our problems
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 40
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No runtime errors!
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 41
add : Int -> Int -> Int
isEven : Int -> Bool
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 50
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Union Types
type Filter
= ShowAll
| ShowCompleted
| ShowActive
showTodos : Filter -> List Todo -> List Todo
showTodos filter todos =
case filter of
ShowAll -> todos
ShowCompleted -> List.filter (\t -> t.complete) todos
ShowActive -> List.filter (\t -> not t.complete) todos
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 51
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Union Types
! They can be checked by the compiler (typos
are spotted)
! Compiler ensures all are dealt with in
case ... of
! Easy to change / add a new one: add it and fix
each compiler error!
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 52
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Type aliases
type alias Person =
{ name : String
, age : Int
incrementAge : Person -> Person
incrementAge person =
{ person | person.age = person.age + 1 }
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 53
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! Clearer code, typed in your domain specific
! Compiler can guarantee you're meeting the
type requirements.
! No more 'undefined is not a function' !
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 54
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type alias Person =
{ name : String
, age : Int
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 55
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Immutability brings guarantees
var person = { name: 'Jack', age: 24 };
// has this mutated?
// does it return a new person?
// #javascript
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 57
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Sweet, sweet Elm
person = { name = "Jack", age = 24 }
incrementAge person
! person is untouched
! incrementAge has to return a new person
! goodbye mutation bugs
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 58
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! Everything is scoped
! Modules explicitly declare what they expose
! Modules explicitly declare what they import
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 59
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Dealing with nothing
No more null.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 60
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type Maybe a =
Just a
| Nothing
It's either Just some value, or Nothing.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 61
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type alias Model = {
user : Maybe User
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case model.user of
Nothing ->
div [] [ text "No user!" ]
Just user ->
div [] [ text ("Logged in as " ++ user.name) ]
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 62
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You must handle all cases
of missing / pending data
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 63
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A module for async actions that might fail
Task errType successType
Task String User
- if it fails, fail with a String
- if it succeeds, succeed with a User
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 64
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You have to deal with errors.
Task doesn't let you not.
(We'll come back to this later).
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 65
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Commands and Subcriptions
• Cmd : an async thing that Elm should run for
• Sub : a subscription to some data you care
about that might change
(We'll come back to these).
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 66
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Adjustment time
This does take time to get used to
• Syntax
• Types
• Immutablility
• Compiling!
• Maybe and explicit error handling
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 67
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When you apply a pattern everywhere it ends up
becoming a guarantee: that 100% of your code
will follow that pattern. Once you have that
guarantee you can build powerful developer tools
or cross module features.
-- Everywhereness as a Foundation, André Staltz
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 68
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The Elm compiler make sure that 100% of your
code is thoroughly checked against corner cases
and error cases. This everywhereness becomes a
guarantee. And it is only because of this guarantee
that Elm programs have virtually no runtime errors.
-- Everywhereness as a Foundation, André Staltz
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 69
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The Elm Architecture
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 70
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The three parts:
model : Model
view : Model -> Html Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 71
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First, define your Model
type alias Model = Int
initialModel : Model
initialModel = 0
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 74
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Secondly, define your Msgs
type Msg = Increment | Decrement
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 75
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Thirdly, define your update:
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Increment -> model + 1
Decrement -> model - 1
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 76
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Fourthly, define your view:
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
, div [] [ text (toString model) ]
, button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 77
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Finally, hook it all up!
main =
{ model = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 78
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! We left the view until last.
! Explained all our logic before the UI.
! Notice how easy update would be to test.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 80
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Side Effects
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 81
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Explicitly model side effects.
Hand off to Elm, it will hand back later.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 82
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Whenever you need to perform some
background work, you have to give Elm a
Elm will go off, perform the command, and call
your update function once it's done.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 84
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model : Model
view : Model -> Html Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 85
Firstly, define the model:
type alias GithubPerson =
{ name : String
, company : String
type alias Model =
{ username : String
, githubPerson : Maybe GithubPerson
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 88
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Secondly, define your Msgs
type Msg
= NewGithubData GithubPerson
| FetchGithubData
| FetchError Http.Error
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 89
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Thirdly, define your update (and note the new
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
FetchError error ->
-- deal with error here in reality
NewGithubData person ->
( { model | githubPerson = Just person }, Cmd.none )
FetchGithubData ->
( model, fetchGithubData model.username )
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 90
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NewGithubData person ->
( { model | githubPerson = Just person }, Cmd.none )
-- Cmd.none === do nothing
FetchGithubData ->
( model, fetchGithubData model.username )
--- fetchGithubData returns a command
--- which Elm will run for us
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 91
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Fourthly, define your view:
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case model.githubPerson of
Just person ->
div []
[ text (person.name ++ ", " ++ person.company) ]
Nothing ->
div [] [
button [ onClick FetchGithubData ] [ text "Load!" ]
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 93
Finally, hook it all together!
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 95
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That feels like a lot of code / effort!
-- All of you.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 103
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Boilerplate vs
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 104
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Benefits increase as
application grows
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 105
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Fetching Data
• Decoding JSON from an API into an Elm
• Use Elm's HTTP library to make the request.
• Code in the GitHub repo!
• Come and grab me if you'd like to see it in
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 106
Scaling your application
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 108
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@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 109
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The Elm Ecosystem
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 110
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elm reactor
Easily run a project in the browser with no
tooling required.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 111
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elm package
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 113
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@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 114
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Semantic versioning ensured.
~/git/elm-statey > elm package diff
Comparing jackfranklin/elm-statey 2.0.0 to local changes...
This is a MAJOR change.
------ Changes to module Statey - MAJOR ------
- makeState : String -> Statey.State
+ makeState : Statey.State
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 115
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elm format
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 116
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There's so much more I
haven't covered.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 117
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So, why / when
should you use
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 118
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You're fed up of
function errors
that take up loads of
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 119
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You're fed up of
packages on npm
breaking semantic
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 120
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You want to develop
with the confidence
of Types and a
clever compiler to
back you up
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 121
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You're happy to
"ride the wave" and
deal with a
language still
growing and settling
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 122
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You're happy to
build more
packages than
depend on existing
solutions which may
not exist in Elm
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 123
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But what if this
talk has put me
off Elm?
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 124
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Elm does take time to
learn, so please don't give
up after 30 minutes of
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 125
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Elm the language brings
many concepts that are
language agnostic
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 126
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The Elm Architecture
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 127
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Explicitness across your
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 128
Defining your application step
by step
1. Define your model.
2. Define your actions.
3. Define your update function.
4. Define your view.
5. Repeat.
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 131
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Will everyone be writing
Elm in 1/2/5 years?
@Jack_Franklin, bit.ly/elm-polyconf 132