How I Landed My Dream
Software Job in 12 Months
Matt Woods - @matopher
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From "What is
an Array?"
Pairing with my co-
founder & tackling
real code
! "
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Leveraged LinkedIn to connect with 25 growth
professionals from great companies in ~24 hours
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Opportunities to meet
founders & CEOs
from Hubspot, Drift,
Shareaholic & more
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3 Key Habits Opened the Door to
My Dream Job in Software
1) Become an automatic learning machine
2) Build a 3 circle network
3) Share your byproducts
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Hi, I’m
Matt Woods.
Marketer + Developer
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Become an Automatic
Learning Machine
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"Why am I feeling apprehensive
towards getting involved in new
projects involving software
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A: You need more wins.
How do you get wins?
Ship more.
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Start small & consistent
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"When you want the absolute
best chance to succeed at
anything you want, your
approach should always be the
same. Go small.”
- Gary Keller
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Healthy inputs & outputs
Input: Tutorials, Classes, Podcasts,
Events, Blog Posts
Output: Create a Forcing Function
for yourself to SHIP
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What worked for me )
Input: OK Coders, Tutorials,
Podcasts, Events
Output: Mentors & Work Projects
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Always Be Shipping
- Habit Tracking App
- Search Tool
- Simple API
- Blog
- Personal Website
- Random quote generator
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How to Ship MORE
- Pair with someone who ships
- Copy on "easy mode"
- The Airbnb 10-to-1 exercise
- FreeCodeCamp, Javascript 30
- Build something to learn something cool
- Get paid to make things
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What to Learn?
- How you learn is often more important
than a specific tech stack
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No content
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Build a Three-
Circle Network
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The Crowd
Start with
your Inner
Circle and
grow naturally
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Inner Circle
Prioritize Mentors, role models 1-level above
you, best-in-class peers, and mentees
“Who can I learn from for 10x growth and tough
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Professional Network
Professional groups, “superconnectors,”
classmates, family friends, relatives, former
“Who can I ask a favor from with a quick
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The Crowd
Social media followers, email subscribers,
website visitors, blog post readers
“Who can I meaningfully help today?”
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Surround yourself with the right people
Introduced me to new new ideas
✅ Gave feedback on my podcasts, videos, and side
project ideas
Keep me accountable to actually ship work — whether
it’s a blog post like this or a quick-and-dirty API.
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Endless follow-up = your new default.
Don’t attribute to hostility what can be
easily blamed on busyness.
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Once I followed
up with an
investor 48
times until I got
a meeting.
-Steli Efti, CEO
“ “No,” can mean
“not right now.”
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General Follow-Up Schedule
Day 1: First follow-up (+2)
Day 3: Follow-up (+4)
Day 7: Follow-up (+7)
Day 14: Follow-up (+14)
Day 28: Follow-up (+30)
Day 58: Follow-up (+30)
… (from there on once a month).
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Share Your Byproducts
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Why share your byproducts?
Help others, help yourself.
Create opportunities.
Always Say “Yes” to Public Speaking (Even
When It’s Scary)
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Pick 1 primary channel
(and stick to it.)
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Two contrasting specialties = your superpower
(Skill #1)
(Skill #2)
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1) Discover new pain points
2) Validate ideas quickly
Tap your community for on-
the-fly insights
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Social Post -> 1:1
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Matt Woods - @matopher
3 Key Habits Opened the Door
to My Dream Job in Software
1) Become an automatic learning
2) Build a 3 circle network
3) Share your byproducts