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Long Live Ride on Rails Koichi ITO / ESM, Inc.

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@koic Community Manager at ESM, Inc RuboCop committer Active Record Oracle enhanced adapter committer Cucumber Committer T ech Speaker

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Goal “Software is made for people by people” -Kenji Hiranabe (CEO at ESM, Inc.) * Oritinal phrase is “ιϑτ΢ΣΞ͸ਓ͕ਓͷͨΊʹ࡞͍ͬͯΔ” (JA) .

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Agenda Context: A continuous team Stage of upgrading Rails application(s) One for all, All for one

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Three laws for continuous software Money is Matter Money is Matter Money is Matter

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Three laws for continuous software Money is Matter Money is Matter Money is Matter

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Core members and temporary members Members will graduate someday But it will be done gently (minimize pain) Make core members (Increase truck number) The accumulated experience increases speed and quality to the system Members who know a lot of code can take the initiative to the team and proposals

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Give members the same authorities Anyone can participate in the meeting Anyone can proposal a new feature Anyone can report a bug Anyone can review, merge, release, etc… Positions are different for each member

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The real world development In fact, I think a specialized features will occur for each person, so it depends on that person Especially the author is detailed e.g. Review requests on GitHub I’m not sure if Mob and Pair Programming will solve it, but listening is important anyway

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T o make change, and embrace change This story will talk about RailsApp that involved more than 20 developers over 
 5 years ago.

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T o make change, and embrace change

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Upgrade Rails for (new) developers motivation Which project do you like prefer, Rails 4.2 or Rails 5.2?

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Stage of upgrading App bundle update without Rails Upgrading RailsApp Upgrading RailsApp(s) starts with you

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5W1H of `bundle update` Who: Bancho or somebody When: Weekly, daily, or not (CI tools or a noticed member, With new features or only updated gem release) Where: local development -> CI -> staging -> production What: Dependent gems (`>= 5.1.0, < 6.0.0`) Why: A few (breaking) change is easy understand How: `bundle outdated`, `gemdiff` or others

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When, Where When: Weekly, daily, or not (CI tools or a noticed member, with new features or only updated gem release) Where: local development -> CI -> staging -> production

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Who, What Who: Bancho or somebody What: Dependent gems e.g. `>= 5.1.0, < 6.0.0`

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Why, How Why: A few (breaking) change is easy understand How: `bundle outdated`, `gemdiff` or others

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5W1H of `bundle update rails` Who: Bancho or somebody When: Beta 1, RC 1... (only updated gem release) Where: local development (early preparing `bump_rails_to_6_0` branch)-> CI -> staging -> production What: Rails and dependent gems Why: A few (breaking) change is easy understand How: `bundle update rails` or handcraft after investigate

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When, Where When: Beta 1, RC 1... (only updated gem release, don’t include new features) Where: local development (early preparing `bump_rails_to_6_0` branch)-> CI -> staging -> production Don’t forget batch scripts

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Who, What Who: Bancho or somebody What: Rails and dependent gems

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Why, How Why: A few (breaking) change is easy understand How: `bundle update rails` or handcraft after investigate

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Do you develop the way? Or wait? Rails 6.0 Beta 1 has been released You can opening a new (bug) issue You maybe able to fix the bug and reduction to upstream "Let's go upgrade Rails app by everyone." by Ginza.rb

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First step: bundle update Loose the dependence of gems You can use the `:path` and `:github` options with Bundler When `bundle update` passes, it ends

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`:path` option (1/2) Loose dependency of gemspec in local gem code % cd path/to/devise % git diff devise.gemspec - s.add_dependency("railties", ">= 4.1.0", "< 6.0") + s.add_dependency("railties", ">= 4.1.0", "< 6.1")

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`:path` option (2/2) Specify the path where the code is being changed locally % cd path/to/rails-app % git diff Gemfile - gem 'devise' + gem 'devise', path: '/Users/ koic/src/ plataformatec/devise'

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`:github` option Specify the URL where the code has been updated in remote repo (e.g. GH) % git diff Gemfile - gem 'activerecord- oracle_enhanced-adapter' + gem 'activerecord- oracle_enhanced-adapter', github: 'rsim/oracle-enhanced'

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Second step: rails console Can you start the console without error? Can you use Active Record without error? If they do not pass, an error will also occur in “bin/rails server”

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Example: Bullet % bin/rails c (snip) /Users/koic/.rbenv/versions/ 2.6.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/ bullet-5.8.1/lib/bullet/ dependency.rb:32:in `active_record_version': Bullet does not support active_record 6.0.0.beta1 yet (RuntimeError)

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Example: Devise 1: from /Users/koic/src/ plataformatec/devise/app/ controllers/devise_controller.rb: 4:in `' /Users/koic/src/ plataformatec/devise/app/ controllers/devise_controller.rb: 18:in `': undefined local variable or method `mimes_for_respond_to' for DeviseController:Class (NameError)

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After that, rails s, testing… Code without automated tests Monthly or Weekly batch script, etc Please note the AC::Parameters when upgrading from Rails 4.2 to Rails 5.0 I made “Everlasting” gem

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Release cycle In terms of textbooks, it is better to separate feature release and bundle update release For example, when performance regression occurs in release, if it is only feature or bundle update release, we can quickly investigate the cause The reality is that bundle update whose change is known may be put in the feature release

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You may encounter issue first with the upgrade Our team try to upgrade to Rails 5.2 from Rails 5.1 Unfortunately we reverted the release. The result reverted to Rails 5.1, but we were able to exposed the problem “ORA-03113 end-of-file on communication channel”

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Rails/OSS patch meetup The Meetup hold in monthly at ESM, Inc We asked @yahonda in the meetup. He is an Oracle ACE and Oracle enhanced adapter maintainer

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Enable TCP keepalive

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The beginning of monkey patch Place the code commenting out the following in the config/initializers directory I often use “open class” there :-)

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Monkey patch is a debt White box code monkey patch may break with gem upgrade Someday should be reduced to upstream And our troubled problem may be a troubled problem for everyone

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My colleague started for Rails 6.0

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At the end of a dream If you know where I mean When the mist just stars to clear -Long Live Rock’n’Roll (Rainbow)