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What Symfony Components can do for you. php[tek] 2013 Chicago, May 15th Andreas Hucks

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@meandmymonkey Andreas Hucks Trainer & Consultant at SensioLabs Deutschland

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Symfony 2.0 Is a Full Stack Framework ...

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... not only.

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Symfony2 is a reusable set of standalone, decoupled, and cohesive PHP 5.3 components that solve common web development problems.

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Stuff built using SF2 Components (to varying degrees) • Symfony2 (duh) • Drupal 8 • Silex • Laravel • PPI • PHPUnit • Composer • ... I probably forgot something important

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if  ($_GET['action']  ==  'close') {        $query  =  'UPDATE  todo  SET  is_done  =  1  WHERE  id  =  '.  mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);        mysql_query($query,  $conn)  or  die('Unable  to  update  existing  task  :  '.  mysql_error());        header('Location:  /app.php/'); } $result  =  mysql_query('SELECT  COUNT(*)  FROM  todo',  $conn); $count    =  current(mysql_fetch_row($result)); $result  =  mysql_query('SELECT  *  FROM  todo',  $conn) ?>        ';                        echo  '    '.  $todo['id']  .'';                        echo  '    '.  $todo['title']  .'';                        echo  '    '; 4.0 TM

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HttpFoundation • OOP Interface for HTTP • No more Superglobals • Helper Methods

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Legacy Wrapper public  function  execute($file,  Request  $request) {        $file  =  $this-­‐>basePath  .  $file;        if  (!is_file($file)  &&  someSanityCheck($file))  {                throw  new  \Exception('Invalid  controller.');        }        extract($this-­‐>context);        ob_start();        require_once  $this-­‐>basePath  .  $file;        return  new  Response(ob_get_clean()); }

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web/app.php use  Legacy\Wrapper; use  Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug; use  Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $wrapper  =  new  Wrapper(__DIR__  .  '/../legacy'); $request  =  Request::createFromGlobals(); $response  =  $wrapper-­‐>execute(        $request-­‐>getPathInfo(),        $request ); $response-­‐>send();

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Testability & Compatibility $request  =  Request::createFromGlobals(); $response  =  doSomethingToGenerateResponse($request); $response-­‐>send();

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Wrap Up • Starting point for refactoring: • Isolated legacy code • Can now be integrated into new app • Testable!

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Debug • Error Handler • Exception Handler • Error Logging (optionally)

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Error Handler ErrorHandler::register($level  =  null); ErrorHandler::setLogger(LoggerInterface  $logger  =  null);

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Exception Handler ExceptionHandler::register($debug  =  true);

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Debug Debug::enable($level  =  null);

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Routing • Define routes as patterns • Assign attributes • Match an incoming URI to a route • Generate an URI from a route object

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Defining a Route $routeHome  =  new  Route('/index.php'); $routeHome-­‐>setDefault(        '_controller',        function(Request  $request)  use  ($wrapper)        {                return  $wrapper-­‐>execute('/index.php',  $request);        } );

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Matching $routes  =  new  RouteCollection(); $routes-­‐>add('list',  $routeHome); //  ... $context  =  new  RequestContext(); $context-­‐>fromRequest($request); $matcher  =  new  UrlMatcher($routes,  $context); $parameters  =  $matcher-­‐>match($request-­‐>getPathInfo());

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Parameters? $routeHome-­‐>setDefault('_controller',  'MyController'); $routeHome-­‐>setDefault('page',  1); $routes-­‐>add('list',  $routeHome); array  (        '_controller'  =>  'MyController',        '_route'            =>  'list',        'page'                =>  1 )

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Determine Controller $parameters  =  $matcher-­‐>match($request-­‐>getPathInfo()); $response  =  $parameters['_controller']($request); $response-­‐>send();

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• Simple, extensible templating engine • PHP! • Escaping, Inheritance • Generic Interface to allow for easy engine replacement (Twig!)

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       [...]  / / here be dragons 4.0 TM

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layout.php [...]
       output('content');  ?>

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list.php extend('layout.php')  ?> start('content')  ?>        [...]                                                                        /td>                                [...]                                                [...] stop()  ?>

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Rendering $templating  =  new  PhpEngine(        new  TemplateNameParser(),        new  FilesystemLoader(                array(__DIR__  .  '/../templates/%name%')        ) ); $html  =  $templating-­‐>render(    'list.php',    array(            'tasks'  =>  $tasks    ) );

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Inside the Controller public  function  listAction(Request  $request) {        //  load  tasks  from  db        return  new  Response(                $this-­‐>templating-­‐>render(                      'list.php',                      array(                          'urlGenerator'  =>  $router-­‐>getGenerator(),                          'tasks'                =>  $tasks                  )          )      ); }

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Generating URLs [...] [...]

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The all-in-one Router $context  =  new  RequestContext(); $context-­‐>fromRequest($request); $locator  =  new  FileLocator(__DIR__  .  '/../config'); $router  =  new  Router(        new  YamlFileLoader($locator),        'routing.yml',        array(                'cache_dir'  =>  __DIR__  .  '/../cache'        ),        $context );

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YAML Configuration list:        pattern:  /        methods:  GET        defaults:  {  _controller:  list  } show:        pattern:  /{id}        methods:  GET        defaults:  {  _controller:  show  } create:        pattern:  /        methods:  POST        defaults:  {  _controller:  create  }

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Matcher and Generator $urlGenerator  =  $router-­‐>getGenerator(); $matcher  =  $router-­‐>getMatcher();

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Call the (new) Controller $controller  =  //  create  controller  instance $parameters  =  $matcher-­‐>match($request-­‐>getPathInfo()); $response  =  call_user_func(   array(     $controller,     $parameters['_controller']  .  'Action'   ),   $request ); $response-­‐>send();

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HttpKernel • Provides a predefined workflow to convert a Request into a Response • Events to hook into • Error Logging (optionally)

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Let the kernel handle it. $dispatcher  =  new  EventDispatcher(); $dispatcher-­‐>addSubscriber(        new  RouterListener($router-­‐>getMatcher()) ); $resolver  =  new  MyControllerResolver($controller); $kernel  =  new  HttpKernel($dispatcher,  $resolver); $request  =  Request::createFromGlobals(); $response  =  $kernel-­‐>handle($request); $response-­‐>send();

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Controller Resolver? interface  ControllerResolverInterface {      public  function  getController(Request  $request);      public  function  getArguments(Request  $request,  $controller); }

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A look back $request  =  Request::createFromGlobals(); $response  =  $kernel-­‐>handle($request);

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BrowserKit & CssSelector

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Base Test use  Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Client; class  FunctionalTestCase  extends  \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {        protected  static  function  createClient()        {                $kernel  =  //  somehow  create  a  kernel                return  new  Client($kernel);        } }

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A Test Case class  IndexPageTest  extends  FunctionalTestCase {        public  function  testList()        {                $client  =  static::createClient();                $crawler  =  $client-­‐>request('GET',  '/');                $this-­‐>assertEquals(200,  $client-­‐>getResponse()-­‐>getStatusCode());                $this-­‐>assertCount(1,  $crawler-­‐>filter('h1:contains("My  Todos  List")'));        } }

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Testing Forms $form  =  $crawler-­‐>selectButton('send')-­‐>form(); $client-­‐>submit($form,  array('title'  =>  'MyTask')); $this-­‐>assertEquals(302,  $client-­‐>getResponse()-­‐>getStatusCode()); $crawler  =  $client-­‐>followRedirect(); $this-­‐>assertCount(1,  $crawler-­‐>filter(sprintf('a:contains("%s")',  'MyTask')));

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Config & Yaml

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Config • Locating, Loading, Caching of config files • Validation of config files • Merging of cascading config sets

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Loading Configuration Data $configPath  =  __DIR__  .  '/../config/config.yml'; $config  =  Yaml::parse($configPath);

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Loading Configuration Data $cachePath  =  __DIR__  .  '/../cache/config.php'; $configPath  =  __DIR__  .  '/../config/config.yml'; $configCache  =  new  ConfigCache($cachePath,  true); if  (!$configCache-­‐>isFresh())  {        $resource  =  new  FileResource($configPath);        $code  =  'write($code,  array($resource)); } $config  =  require  $cachePath;

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Console • Easy setup for CLI scripts • Output formatting, help system • Interactive dialogs

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Commands use  Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; class  AddTaskCommand  extends  Command {        public  function  configure()        {                $this-­‐>setName('todo:add');                $this-­‐>setDescription('Add  a  new  task  to  your  todo  list');                $this-­‐>addArgument('title',  InputArgument::OPTIONAL,  'The  task  title');        }        //  ... }

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The Application use  Symfony\Component\Console\Application; $db  =  //  create  PDO  instance $app  =  new  Application('Todo  List  Helpers'); $app-­‐>add(new  AddTaskCommand($db)); $app-­‐>add(new  ExpireTasksCommand($db)); $app-­‐>run();

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Execution public  function  execute(InputInterface  $input,  OutputInterface  $output) {        $dialog  =  $this-­‐>getHelperSet()-­‐>get('dialog');        $title  =  $dialog-­‐>ask(                $output,                'What  do  you  have  to  do?  '        );        if  ($title)  {                //  do  stuff                $output-­‐>writeln('Task  created.');        }  else  {                $output-­‐>writeln('No  input  given!');        } }

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What else is there? • Form • Security • Validator • Event Dispatcher • Finder • Process • PropertyAccess • OptionsResolver • ...

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Go forth and learn!

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