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How Browsers Work

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Browsers have evolved from an application that we use to read content to mini-operating systems that can run heavy applications written in JavaScript. Understanding how the browsers work is something you cannot ignore to grow in your career as a front-end developer. It’s almost always the key for understanding why your code behave in a certain way and how to trace and find the root of a problem you are facing. Learning the internals of browser operations helps you make better decisions and know the justifications behind development best practices

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What Browsers Can Do? • Display HTML content with style applied to it • Display images and play videos • Display PDF files

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Components of a Web Browser

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Rendering / JavaScript Engines Blink - V8 Webkit Gecko Spider Monkey Trident

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How Browsers Display the content

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HTML Parsing • HTML is downloaded and parsed from the top toward the bottom of the page. • As the browser start encountering external assets (link, image, script) it will attempt to download it under certain conditions • Web browsers have a forgiving nature and a way to handle error. A lot of these conditions are recommended by the W3C to ensure smooth and consistent error handling.

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Have you seen a browser throwing an exception cause you wrote invalid HTML?

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Browsers will close a script tag if it include a string matching the closing tag. Example:

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Other examples • Inserting block elements inside elements that only accept children of phrasing type only (paragraph). • Any type of elements other than
  • inside
        • Tables without tbody
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    Handling external assets

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    Images • Image in the HTML with valid src attribute will be downloaded no matter what.

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    Images in CSS • Image in the CSS will only be downloaded once the document content is parsed and the render tree is added.

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    Examples • Animating background images using CSS

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    Image lazy loading

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    Scripts • The specs says that the browser should only attempt to download a script only if it has a valid “type” attribute

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    Dynamic Scripts • Dynamically generated scripts should only be downloaded once the script is added to the document

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    Links • The specs says that resources on links should be downloaded once the link is inserted into the document

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    Links - Cont • If the link has an invalid type, it will be downloaded but not parsed

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    Fonts will be discussed separately

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    How rendering occurs

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    • While the document is downloading, a lot of factors affect its rendering: • Is there any scripts being downloaded or executed? • Are we still downloading CSS files? • Is the CSS inline or referenced in external files?

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    CSS • While downloading CSS files, rendering in the web page is completely blocked. This is because of a phenomenon called “Progressive Rendering”. Without it, you will see content shifting and changing their style while the assets are being downloaded. • Inline CSS is an exception, it will render immediately after loading.

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    Script async / defer

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