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Opening Up to Open Source An Introduction to Open Source Communities Cynthia Lin (@synicalsyntax) PyBay 2017 — 8/13/17

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1. Welcome to Open Source Software A brief introduction to the semantics of open source software

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Do you use… Linux? Atom? Python? They’re all open source!

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“ Open Source software is software that can be freely accessed, used, changed, and shared (in modified or unmodified form) by anyone. — Open Source Initiative, “Frequently Asked Questions”

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Open vs. Closed Software Open Source ◎ Distributed under licenses ◎ Accessible ◎ Permissive rights Closed Source ◎ Distributed under licenses ◎ Private; proprietary ◎ Strict usage limits

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Open Source Licenses MIT License (permissive) ◎ Permissions: ○ Commercial use ○ Private use ○ Modification ○ Distribution ◎ Copy of license must be included ◎ No warranty provided ◎ No liability claimed More details: GNU GPLv3 (copyleft) ◎ Permissions: ○ Commercial use ○ Patent use ○ Private use ○ Modification ○ Distribution ◎ Copy of license must be included ◎ Must use same license ◎ Disclose source and modifications ◎ No warranty provided ◎ No liability claimed

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Why do people open source their software? Open source’s accessibility leads to: ◎ Increased collaboration ◎ Better maintenance and quality ◎ Lower costs ◎ Transparency ◎ Increased popularity

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Why do people contribute to open source software? ◎ Improve coding/design/writing/etc. skills ◎ Learn best practices in software development from experienced mentors ◎ Capitalize on leadership and networking opportunities ◎ Give back to the community

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2. Anatomy of an Open Source Project Dissecting and analyzing the structure of a software-developing open source project

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The Head: The Project Codebase ◎ Definition: where all of the source code of the project is located ◎ Typically stored in a repository of a distributed version control system (e.g. Git, Subversion, Mercurial) ◎ Accessible through hosting services like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Gogs

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Components of a Codebase: Issue Tracker ◎ AKA bug tracker ◎ Serve as discussion forums for issues related to the codebase ◎ Where bug reports and feature requests are submitted ◎ Closed issues are archived for future reference

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Components of a Codebase: Pull Requests ◎ A way to submit contributions to a codebase ◎ Fellow contributors can review changes and offer feedback ◎ Project maintainers merge contributions once approved

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Components of a Codebase: Project Milestones ◎ Used to track project progress ◎ Mark important points in the timeline of a project (e.g. when a major issue has been resolved) ◎ Improve project management

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Components of a Codebase: Documentation ◎ README ○ Introduces new users to the project ○ Describes project purpose and vision ◎ CONTRIBUTING ○ Describes desired contributions to the project ○ Explains how contributions should be made ◎ CODE_OF_CONDUCT ○ Sets rules for behavior of community members ○ Helps creates warm, positive environement ◎ Miscellaneous ○ Developer-oriented tutorials and guides ○ Governance policies

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Maintaining Codebase Quality ◎ Continuous integration ○ Travis CI ○ Jenkins CI ○ Circle CI ◎ Code coverage ○ Codecov ○ Coveralls ◎ Quality assurance ◎ Testing ○ Unit testing ○ Integration testing ○ Functional testing ○ Acceptance testing

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The Heart: The Project Community ◎ Definition: The users and developers of open source software ◎ Use synchronous chat clients to communicate and collaborate (e.g. Slack, IRC, Gitter) ◎ May also use mailing lists or discussion forums to discuss

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Structure of an Open Source Community

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Other Roles in an Open Source Community ◎ Event planners: Plan and organize events, meetups, and code sprints ◎ Managers: Respond to questions and user feedback ◎ Designers: Improve the user interface and experience of the product ◎ Writers: Write user-facing docs and tutorials, product demonstrations, maintaining a newsletter ◎ Translators: Localize the product to other languages ◎ Promoters: Advertise the project to increase its popularity

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3. Beginning Your Open Source Journey How to find an open source project to contribute to and make your first contribution count

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Finding Your First Open Source Community ◎ Consider contributing to: ○ Projects developing software you use regularly ○ Projects with a focus you’re interested in ◎ Resources: ○ GitHub Explore ( ● Recommended: Great for New Contributors ( ○ CodeTriage ( ○ Up for Grabs (

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The Ideal Project Checklist ✓ License ❑ Available? ❑ Meets open source definition? ✓ Activity ❑ Latest commit? ❑ Amount of contributors? ❑ Rate of commits? ❑ Age of project? ✓ Documentation ❑ Developer docs? ❑ CONTRIBUTING? ✓ Issues ❑ Amount of open issues? ❑ Responsiveness to issues? ❑ Issues recently resolved? ✓ Pull Requests ❑ Amount of open pull requests? ❑ Responsiveness to pull requests? ❑ Pull requests recently merged?

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The Ideal Project Checklist ✓ Community ❑ Helpful? ❑ Responsive? ❑ Friendly? ❑ Positive collaboration and discussion? ❑ Pull request reviews? ❑ CODE_OF_CONDUCT?

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Making Your First Contribution ✓ Issue tracker ❑ Find a problem that you want to solve ❑ Propose an improvement ❑ Claim/open an issue ✓ Pull request ❑ Submit a quick fix ❑ Discuss with community on necessary changes to resolve issue ✓ Pull request (cont.) ❑ Fork repository ❑ Create branch for changes ❑ Document proposed changes in pull request description ❑ Make sure tests pass ❑ Wait for a review ❑ Make additional changes if requested ✓ Merged! First contribution complete!

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Tips and Tricks to Contributing ◎ Give context when asking for help ◎ Do your research ◎ Ask questions ◎ “Patience is a virtue” ◎ Do the “dirty work” ◎ Treat everyone with respect ◎ Be humble, but bold ◎ Communicate effectively

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Conclusion Open source software: Made by everyone for everyone

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