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Criando aplicações componentizadas com Polymer #cejs17

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Felipe Sousa Front End Developer GDG Fortaleza

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O que é o Polymer?

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Polymer is a JavaScript library that helps you create custom reusable HTML elements, and use them to build performant, maintainable apps.

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O que de ‘novo’ ele traz?

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Our mission is to make life better for users and developers, by helping developers unlock the web platform’s full potential and by spurring the web platform to evolve and improve.

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Web Components

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Shadow-dom Method of establishing and maintaining functional boundaries between DOM subtrees and how these subtrees interact with each other within a document tree.

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Isolated DOM Scoped CSS Simplifies CSS Productivity

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const header = document.createElement('header'); const shadowRoot = header.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); shadowRoot.innerHTML = '

Hello Shadow DOM


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Custom Elements Method for create and use new types of DOM elements in a document.

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Create Scope Atributes Life-cycles Callbacks

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class FlagIcon extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this._countryCode = null; } static get observedAttributes() { return ["country"]; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { this._countryCode = newValue; this._updateRendering(); } get country() { return this._countryCode; } set country(v) { this.setAttribute("country", v); } _updateRendering() { /* update the flag icon */ } }

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customElements.define("flag-icon", FlagIcon);

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extends HTMLElement {

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class PlasticButton extends HTMLButtonElement { constructor() { super(); this.addEventListener("click", () => { // do something }); } }

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customElements.define("plastic-button", PlasticButton, { extends: "button" });

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Click Me!

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Imports Include and reuse HTML documents in other HTML documents.

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Templates Method for declaring inert DOM subtrees in HTML and manipulating them to instantiate document fragments with identical contents

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Cool, but…

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Custom Elements v1 Shadow DOM v1 ES6 2 1

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:host { … }

Hello! I’m a personal component!

Polymer({ is: “my-personal-component” });

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:host { … }

Hello! I’m a personal component!

Polymer({ is: “my-personal-component” }); Imports

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:host { … }

Hello! I’m a personal component!

Polymer({ is: “my-personal-component” }); Custom Elements

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:host { … }

Hello! I’m a personal component!

Polymer({ is: “my-personal-component” }); Templates

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:host { … }

Hello! I’m a personal component!

Polymer({ is: “my-personal-component” }); Component!

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:host { … }

Hello! I’m a component!

Component! - Polymer 2.0 class DomElement extends Polymer.Element { static get is() { return “my-personal-component”; } } customElements.define(, DomElement);

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Everything is a component!

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Widgets! Web-components pode ser a solução perfeita para widgets.

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• UI • Properties, variables • Binds • Events/Listeners • Routes • Requests • Performance • Accessibility • Tests

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Progressive Web Apps?! • Offline App • Instalable web app • …

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UI Definition

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Document Title window.Polymer = { dom: 'shadow' } polyfill

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:host { /*your css here*/ } Polymer({ is: "my-component" });

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Material Design Concept

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Paper Elements

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App Layout

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Header Toolbar Icons

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Drawer Menu

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Properties, Binds and Methods

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:host { /*your css here*/ } Polymer({ is: "my-component", properties: { propertie_name: { type: property_type, value: property_value } } });

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:host { /*your css here*/ }


Polymer({ is: "my-component", properties: { propertie_name: { type: property_type, value: property_value } } });

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:host { /*your css here*/ }


Polymer({ is: "my-component", properties: { propertie_name: { type: property_type, value: property_value } } });

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:host { /*your css here*/ }


Polymer({ is: "my-component", properties: { propertie_name: { type: property_type, value: property_value } } });

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:host { /*your css here*/ } Click here Polymer({ is: "my-component", my_method: function () { // do something } });

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Life-cycle Events

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- created - ready - attached - detached - attributeChanged

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Data flow, Custom Events and Listeners.

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events properties

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:host { display: block; } Polymer({ is: "my-component", properties: { name_property: { type: String, value: "CEJS" } } });

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:host { display: block; }


// “CEJS” Polymer({ is: "my-second-component", properties: { name: { type: String, value: "" } } });

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:host { display: block; } click here Polymer({ is: "my-component", my_method: function () {"custom_event", { // your data here }) } });

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:host { display: block; } Polymer({ is: "my-component", listeners: { "custom_event": "listen_custom_event" }, listen_custom_event: function (e) { console.log(e.detail); // contain detail os method. } });

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/home /about

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1. Captura do estado/url

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App location Response Padrão da rota Dados da Rota Dados da Sub-rota

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/home/list {{_data}} = “home” {{_tail}} = “list”

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/home/list/all {{_data}} = “home” {{_tail}} = “/list/all

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2. Show/hide Component

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Drawer Menu pages content

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<404—app name="404">404-app>

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R.E.Q.U.E.S.T via HTML!

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// your conditional true here

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> polymer-cli

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THANK`S! #usetheplatform