Dependency Analysis Plugin
> Task :LibraryB:projectHealth
Unused dependencies which should be removed:
Slide 54
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Dependency Analysis Plugin
Plugin advice:
kotlin-kapt: no used annotation processors
Slide 55
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● Config time
● Dependencies
● Build cache
Slide 56
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Build Cache
Cache (id)
Slide 57
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Build Cache
Cache (id)
Slide 58
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Gradle Doctor Plugin
• Slower tasks from cache
• Build scan tags
Slide 59
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Gradle Doctor Plugin
plugins {
id "" version "0.7.3"
Slide 60
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Gradle Doctor Plugin
plugins {
id "" version "0.7.3"
Slide 61
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Gradle Doctor Plugin
• doctor-negative-savings
• doctor-slow-build-cache-connection
Slide 63
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How do you disable caching for a task?
Slide 64
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Disable Local Caching
tasks.named("").configure {
outputs.cacheIf { false }
Gradle Doctor Plugin
• Set threshold on Dagger processing
Slide 67
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Disable Remote Caching
doctor {
* Print a warning to the console if we spend more than this
* amount of time with Dagger annotation processors.
daggerThreshold = 5000
Slide 68
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Android Build Cache Plugin
• Plugin by Gradle
• Gradle plugin to fix Android build problems
• Workarounds for Room
Gradle Profiler
1. Write a performance scenario
2. Specify number of iterations
Slide 111
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Gradle Profiler
brew install gradle-profiler
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Performance Scenario
assemble {
# Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports
title = "Assemble"
# Run the 'assemble' task
tasks = ["assemble"]
assemble {
Slide 113
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Performance Scenario
assemble {
# Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports
title = "Assemble"
# Run the 'assemble' task
tasks = ["assemble"]
assemble {
tasks = ["assemble"]
Gradle Profiler
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Abi Change
Slide 126
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Gradle Profiler
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Slide 127
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Performance Scenario
assemble {
# Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports
title = "Assemble"
# Run the 'assemble' task
tasks = ["assemble"]
incremental_build {
apply-abi-change-to = “src/main/java/StringUtils.kt”
Slide 128
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Performance Scenario
assemble {
# Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports
title = "Assemble"
# Run the 'assemble' task
tasks = ["assemble"]
incremental_build {
apply-abi-change-to = “src/main/java/StringUtils.kt”
apply-android-resource-change-to = “strings.xml”
tasks = ["assemble"]
Performance Scenario
assemble {
# Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports
title = "Assemble"
# Run the 'assemble' task
tasks = ["assemble"]
androidStudioSync {
android-studio-sync {
Slide 133
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Performance Scenario
assemble {
# Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports
title = "Assemble"
# Run the 'assemble' task
tasks = ["assemble"]
androidStudioSync {
android-studio-sync {
studio-jvm-args = ["-Xms256m", "-Xmx4096m"]
Slide 134
Slide 134 text
Gradle Profiler
1. Write a performance scenario
2. Specify number of iterations
Benchmarking Build
• Benchmark with Anvil change
• Benchmark without Anvil change (Baseline)
• Compare results
Slide 146
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Performance Scenario
assemble {
# Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports
title = "Assemble"
# Run the 'assemble' task
tasks = ["assemble"]
incremental_build {
apply-abi-change-to = “src/main/java/StringUtils.kt”
tasks = ["assemble"]
Slide 147
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Module A Module B Module C
Baseline Anvil
Slide 148
Slide 148 text
• How to setup & run Gradle Profiler
• Performance scenarios
• Anvil