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Mohit Sarveiya Improving Gradle Builds @heyitsmohit

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Improving Gradle Builds ● Measure & Benchmark ● Modularization ● Optimizations ● Tools

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Measure Gradle Enterprise, Build Analyzer

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https: // Github

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Uber Build Eval ● Similar to Uber Production mobile apps ● 1292 Modules ● 21,235 Build Graph Edges

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How do we analyze our builds?

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How do we analyze our builds? ● Build Analyzer in Android Studio

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Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Build Data Collect

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Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Build Data Analyze

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How do we analyze our builds? ● Build Analyzer in Android Studio ● Gradle Enterprise

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https: // Gradle

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Build Scan $ ./gradlew rootModule:assembleDebug —scan

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Build Scan $ ./gradlew rootModule:assembleDebug —scan Publishing build scan ... https: //

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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Build Times ● Configuration time ● Task execution time ● Cache Hits/Misses

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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Exploring Config Time ● Plugin config ● Script config

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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Build Tags ● Local ● CI

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https: // Gradle

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https: // Gradle

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How do we integrate for Local and CI?

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Build Tags plugins { id "com.gradle.enterprise" version "3.8.1" }

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Build Tags gradleEnterprise { buildScan { if (System.getenv("CI")) { tag "CI" } else { tag "Local" } tag System.getProperty("") } }

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Build Tags gradleEnterprise { buildScan { if (System.getenv("CI")) { tag "CI" } else { tag "Local" } tag System.getProperty("") } }

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Build Tags gradleEnterprise { buildScan { if (System.getenv("CI")) { tag "CI" } else { tag "Local" } tag System.getProperty("") } }

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Build Tags gradleEnterprise { buildScan { if (System.getenv("CI")) { tag "CI" } else { tag "Local" } tag System.getProperty("") } }

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https: // Gradle

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Summary ● Gradle Enterprise ● How do we view build times across teams

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Optimizations ● Config time ● Dependencies ● Build cache

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Optimizations • Turn off unused Android Gradle Plugin features • Only apply AGP plugin where needed

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https: // Gradle

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Optimizations android.defaults.buildfeatures.renderscript = false

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Optimizations android.defaults.buildfeatures.shaders = false

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AGP Features • Build Config • Data binding • View binding

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Optimizations ● Config time ● Dependencies ● Build cache

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How do we remove unused plugins?

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Dependency Analysis Plugin • Removed unused plugins & dependencies • Provides suggestions on using api vs impl

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Dependency Analysis Plugin plugins { id 'com.autonomousapps.dependency-analysis' }

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Dependency Analysis Plugin ./gradlew projectHealth

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Dependency Analysis Plugin > Task :LibraryB:projectHealth Unused dependencies which should be removed: implementation("androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.1") implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.7.0") implementation("")

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Dependency Analysis Plugin Plugin advice: kotlin-kapt: no used annotation processors

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Optimizations ● Config time ● Dependencies ● Build cache

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Build Cache Task Output Cache (id) Result

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Build Cache Task Output Cache (id) Get

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Gradle Doctor Plugin • Slower tasks from cache • Build scan tags

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Gradle Doctor Plugin plugins { id "" version "0.7.3" }

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Gradle Doctor Plugin plugins { id "" version "0.7.3" }

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https: // Gradle

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Gradle Doctor Plugin • doctor-negative-savings • doctor-slow-build-cache-connection

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How do you disable caching for a task?

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Disable Local Caching tasks.named("").configure { outputs.cacheIf { false } }

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Disable Remote Caching tasks.named("").configure { outputs.cacheIf { !isCI } }

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Gradle Doctor Plugin • Set threshold on Dagger processing

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Disable Remote Caching doctor { /** * Print a warning to the console if we spend more than this * amount of time with Dagger annotation processors. */ daggerThreshold = 5000 }

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Android Build Cache Plugin • Plugin by Gradle • Gradle plugin to fix Android build problems • Workarounds for Room

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Summary ● Dependency Analysis Plugin ● Gradle Doctor Plugin ● Android Build Cache Fix Plugin

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Modularization Graph Assertions, Version Catalogs

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Modularization Module A Module B Module C

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How do we enforce best practices?

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Module Graph Assert Plugin • Check graph depth • Enforce conventions

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Module Graph Assert Plugin id "com.jraska.module.graph.assertion"

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Module Graph Assert Plugin moduleGraphAssert { maxHeight = 3 }

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Module Graph Assert Plugin Max height the number of edges on the longest path from the node to a leaf.

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Modularization Max height - 4

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Module Graph Assert Plugin ./gradlew assertModuleGraph

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Module Graph Assert Plugin > Task :app:assertMaxHeight FAILED 
 Module :app is allowed to have maximum height of 3, but has 4.

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Modularization Max height - 3

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Module Graph Assert Plugin moduleGraphAssert { maxHeight = 3 allowed = [‘:app’ -> ‘:feature-[a-z]’, ‘:feature.* -> :lib’] }

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Module Graph Assert Plugin moduleGraphAssert { maxHeight = 3 allowed = [‘:app’ -> ‘:feature-[a-z]’, ‘:feature.* -> :lib’] restricted = [‘:feature-[a-z]*’ :forbidden-module,] }

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How do we visualize all Gradle modules?

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Module Graph Assert Plugin • Generate full graph of all modules • Visualize a subgraph

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GraphViz • Tool to create graphs • Color nodes based on config

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Module Graph Assert Plugin ./gradlew generateModulesGraphvizText

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Module Graph Assert Plugin ./gradlew generateModulesGraphvizText 

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Module Graph Assert Plugin Generate Graph GraphViz File Visualize with GraphViz

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Module Graph Assert Plugin digraph G { ":leafModuleAvg" -> ":module785" ":leafModuleAvg" -> ":module574" ... }

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Full Graph

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Full Graph

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Module Graph Assert Plugin ./gradlew generateModulesGraphvizText 

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How do we gets stats on all modules?

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Module Graph Assert Plugin ./gradlew generateModulesGraphStatistics 

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Module Graph Stats • Number of modules • Number of edges • Longest path

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How do we setup dependencies?

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Version Catalogs • Define all deps in TOML file • Gradle feature to share deps between modules

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Version Catalogs [versions] androidx-core = “1.6.0-beta01”

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Version Catalogs [versions] androidx-core = “1.6.0-beta01” [libraries] androidx-core-ktx = { module = "androidx.core:core-ktx", version.ref = “androidx-core" }

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Version Catalogs dependencies { implementation(libs.androidx.core.ktx) }

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Version Catalogs [bundles] compose = [ “androidx-composeUi", “androidx-composeMaterial”, “androidx-composeUiTooling" ]

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Version Catalogs dependencies { implementation(libs.bundles.compose) }

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Version Catalogs enableFeaturePreview("VERSION_CATALOGS")

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Summary ● Module Assert Graph Plugin ● Version Catalogs

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Benchmark Gradle Profiler

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Gradle Profiler ● Automates benchmarking builds ● Detect regressions

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Gradle Profiler

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Gradle Profiler Change

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How do we find regressions?

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Gradle Profiler 1. Write a performance scenario 2. Specify number of iterations

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Gradle Profiler brew install gradle-profiler

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Performance Scenario assemble { # Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports title = "Assemble" # Run the 'assemble' task tasks = ["assemble"] } assemble { }

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Performance Scenario assemble { # Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports title = "Assemble" # Run the 'assemble' task tasks = ["assemble"] } assemble { tasks = ["assemble"] }

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Gradle Profiler gradle-profiler —benchmark

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Gradle Profiler gradle-profiler —benchmark —iterations=

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Gradle Profiler gradle-profiler —benchmark —iterations= Profiling - 1 Benchmarking - 10

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Gradle Profiler gradle-profiler —benchmark —iterations=10

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Gradle Profiler gradle-profiler —benchmark —iterations=10 —warmups= Profiling - 2 Benchmarking - 6

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Gradle Profiler gradle-profiler —benchmark —iterations=10 —warmups=6

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Gradle Profiler

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Gradle Profiler Mean: 348 ms Min: 319 ms P25: 330 ms Median: 341 ms P75: 368 ms Std dev: 22.71 ms

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How do we test incremental builds?

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Gradle Profiler Change

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Gradle Profiler Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3

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Gradle Profiler Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Abi Change

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Gradle Profiler Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Result

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Performance Scenario assemble { # Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports title = "Assemble" # Run the 'assemble' task tasks = ["assemble"] } incremental_build { apply-abi-change-to = “src/main/java/StringUtils.kt” }

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Performance Scenario assemble { # Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports title = "Assemble" # Run the 'assemble' task tasks = ["assemble"] } incremental_build { apply-abi-change-to = “src/main/java/StringUtils.kt” apply-android-resource-change-to = “strings.xml” tasks = ["assemble"] }

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Gradle Profiler gradle-profiler —benchmark —iterations=10 —warmups=6

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Gradle Profiler

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How do we test Gradle sync?

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Performance Scenario assemble { # Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports title = "Assemble" # Run the 'assemble' task tasks = ["assemble"] } androidStudioSync { android-studio-sync { } }

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Performance Scenario assemble { # Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports title = "Assemble" # Run the 'assemble' task tasks = ["assemble"] } androidStudioSync { android-studio-sync { studio-jvm-args = ["-Xms256m", "-Xmx4096m"] } }

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Gradle Profiler 1. Write a performance scenario 2. Specify number of iterations

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How do we automate profiling on CI?

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CI Pipeline 1. Create pipeline runs nightly 2. Collect metrics overtime

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CI Pipeline Docker image with 
 Gradle Profiler

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CI Pipeline Docker image with 
 Gradle Profiler Performance 

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CI Pipeline Docker image with 
 Gradle Profiler Performance 
 Scenarios Run 

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Use Cases 1. Anvil 2. KSP

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Anvil • Kotlin Compiler Plugin • Generate factories • Improve build times

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Anvil Dagger Module A Module B Module C

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How do we use Anvil to generate factories?

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Anvil anvil { generateDaggerFactories = true }

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Benchmarking Build • Benchmark with Anvil change • Benchmark without Anvil change (Baseline) • Compare results

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Performance Scenario assemble { # Show a slightly more human-readable title in reports title = "Assemble" # Run the 'assemble' task tasks = ["assemble"] } incremental_build { apply-abi-change-to = “src/main/java/StringUtils.kt” tasks = ["assemble"] }

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Results Module A Module B Module C Baseline Anvil

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Summary • How to setup & run Gradle Profiler • Performance scenarios • Anvil

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Thank You! @heyitsmohit