Slide 12
Slide 12 text
Assignment 4. “Smart Contracts”
Please think freely with the image of the word “smart contract” to fantasize a
specific application example, and state the application briefly
That is, go ahead and write a very short science fiction
Deadline and how to submit
December 12, 2023 at 17:59 JST
From Moodle (mandatory) (Q&A forum)
So that your classmates can read your report, refer to it, and comment on it
Optionally, you can also post to #assignments channel at Discord
So that anyone in our Discord can read your report, refer to it, and comment on it
Just plain text, and be concise, please
You may want to apply Kent Beck style for abstracts (4 sentences)
(problem) (why it is a problem) (startling sentence) (consequences) of a story
Lecture 10 : Blockchain and Smart Contracts — FinTech — Financial Innovation and the Internet 2023 Fall — 2023-12-15 – p.12/42