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Project Lateralus A distributed relay system in JavaScript by Raul Pino JSConf Uruguay 2016 1

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Who am I? • Born in Venezuela. • Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) • Living in Chile. • Axiom Zen • ZenHub • Groupon Latam. 2

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Agenda Project Lateralus * Motivation * Problem * Solution Deatour into distributed systems Lateral ß * Architecture * Implementation * Demo 3

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Lateralus: Motivation • Interested in the topic (Cloud Computing (Coursera)). • Situation in Venezuela. • Political, economical, and social unstability, ... • Situation in Chile. • Earthquakes, volcanos, wildfires, tsunamis, ... 4

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Lateralus: Problem • No internet connection. • Voice calls service 1:1. • SMS by itself is 1:1 too. 5

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Lateralus: Solution • Login once in a website with your Twitter account. • Send SMS to certified (local) phones. • Your message gets published. That's all. Twitter has that right? 6

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Deatour into distributed systems Multicast Problem Failure Detection Problem 7

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Multicast Problem Share information across the network 8

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Multicast Problem Gossip protocol 9

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Failure Detection Problem Keep track of available nodes 10

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Failure Detection Problem Membership protocol 11

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Failure Detection Problem Membership protocol: Centralized Heartbeating 12

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Lateralus ß: Architecture 13

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Lateralus ß: Architecture Gossip protocol variant 14

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Lateralus ß: Architecture Membership protocol variant 15

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Lateralus ß: Implementation Lets build the prototype! Lateral Server: * Node.js server (Express) * Twilio access (twilio package) * Twitter login (passport-twitter) * Phone number valdiation (google- libphonenumber) * * Database on MongoDB (listeners list). 16

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Lateralus ß: Implementation Lateral App: * Ionic * Send/receive SMS (cordova-plugin- sms) * Listeners list on PouchDB (cordova adapter) * Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) cordova- plugin-bluetoothle * 17

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Lateralus ß: Demo 18

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Roadmap • Release ß version! • GitHub org: project-lateralus • Bluetooth Low Energy • Paper draft about the protocol 19

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Takeaways Universal JavaScript is here to stay and ready to support you! 20

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Thanks! The only thing needed is your will, because you already have the power. Twitter: @p1nox GitHub: p1nox 21