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Introduction to API Testing Automation by Postman STAR 2021 12/11 (Sat) @konifar

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Agenda 1. Postman as a testing tool 2. CLI tool: Newman & GitHub Actions 3. Automation practices 4. Cons of Postman and alternative tool

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Agenda 1. Postman as a testing tool 2. CLI tool: Newman & GitHub Actions 3. Automation practices 4. Cons of Postman and alternative tool ● What are Collection and Request? ● How to write test code?

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Agenda 1. Postman as a testing tool 2. CLI tool: Newman & GitHub Actions 3. Automation practices 4. Cons of Postman and alternative tool ● What is Newman? ● How to run Newman?

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Agenda 1. Postman as a testing tool 2. CLI tool: Newman & GitHub Actions 3. Automation practices 4. Cons of Postman and alternative tool ● Switching API endpoint by environment ● Preparing before request ● Solving API dependencies

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Agenda 1. Postman as a testing tool 2. CLI tool: Newman & GitHub Actions 3. Automation practices 4. Cons of Postman and alternative tool ● Pros and cons of Postman ● Introduction to Scenarigo

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Sample API: Pixela Thanks for awesome API! @a_know

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1. Postman as a testing tool

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Sending HTTP Request

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Sending HTTP Request Test cases Request Details Request Result

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Collection and Request Test cases Collection Folder Request

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Building Request Request Details Method, URL Headers, Body…

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Checking response Request Result

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Verifying response

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Test code snippets Verify Status code Verify JSON response Code snippets

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Test results

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2. CLI tool: Newman & GitHub Actions

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Newman ❯ npm install -g newman ❯ newman run newman E2E Test ❏ POST /v1/users ↳ 200_success POST [200 OK, 518B, 118ms] ✓ Status code is 200 ✓ message is correct ✓ isSuccess is correct

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Install Newman ❯ npm install -g newman ❯ newman run newman E2E Test ❏ POST /v1/users ↳ 200_success POST [200 OK, 518B, 118ms] ✓ Status code is 200 ✓ message is correct ✓ isSuccess is correct Install via npm

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Run Newman ❯ npm install -g newman ❯ newman run newman E2E Test ❏ POST /v1/users ↳ 200_success POST [200 OK, 518B, 118ms] ✓ Status code is 200 ✓ message is correct ✓ isSuccess is correct Run requests in specific collection

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Run Newman ❯ npm install -g newman ❯ newman run newman E2E Test ❏ POST /v1/users ↳ 200_success POST [200 OK, 518B, 118ms] ✓ Status code is 200 ✓ message is correct ✓ isSuccess is correct Show results. All tests are passed!

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# With API Key ❯ newman run{collection_id}?apikey={api_key} # Specify folder ❯ newman run{collection_id} --folder '{folder_name}' With API Key

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# With API Key ❯ newman run{collection_id}?apikey={api_key} # Specify folder ❯ newman run{collection_id} --folder '{folder_name}' Specify folder

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GitHub Actions workflow jobs: run: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 - run: sudo npm install -g newman - name: Run newman run: newman run$POSTMAN_COLLECTION_ID env: POSTMAN_COLLECTION_ID: ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_COLLECTION_ID }}

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Using newman-action jobs: run: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - uses: matt-ball/newman-action@master with: apiKey: ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_API_KEY }} collection: ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_COLLECTION_ID }} environment: ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_ENVIRONMENT_ID }}

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3. Automation practices

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3 Practices 1. Preparing to run repeatedly 2. Generating data before request 3. Switching API URL by environment

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1. Preparing to run repeatedly

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1. Preparing to run repeatedly Failed when the request runs again because the user already exists.

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Solution1 Solution1: Create different user every time.

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Use dynamic variables Set unique username by using timestamp.

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Solution1 cons Many test users are created😰

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Solution2 Create another request which delete user in same Collection and run it before the same user is created.

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Run all requests in Collection

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Solution2 cons Depends on run order😰

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Solution3 Call user delete API in Pre-request Script I prefer this way.

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2. Generating data before request

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2. Generating data before request ● Base64 encoding ● Create random parameter ● etc…

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Base64 encoding in Pre-request Script // Get env variables const clientId = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_ID'); const clientSecret = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_SECRET'); // Base64 encoding const base64encoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)); console.log(`base64encoded: ${base64encoded}`); // Set value to collection variables pm.collectionVariables.set("base64encoded", base64encoded);

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Get environment variables // Get env variables const clientId = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_ID'); const clientSecret = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_SECRET'); // Base64 encoding const base64encoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)); console.log(`base64encoded: ${base64encoded}`); // Set value to collection variables pm.collectionVariables.set("base64encoded", base64encoded); Defined env variables in Postman

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Base64 encoding // Get env variables const clientId = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_ID'); const clientSecret = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_SECRET'); // Base64 encoding const base64encoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)); console.log(`base64encoded: ${base64encoded}`); // Set value to collection variables pm.collectionVariables.set("base64encoded", base64encoded);

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Collection variables // Get env variables const clientId = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_ID'); const clientSecret = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_SECRET'); // Base64 encoding const base64encoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)); console.log(`base64encoded: ${base64encoded}`); // Set value to collection variables pm.collectionVariables.set("base64encoded", base64encoded);

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Collection variables // Get env variables const clientId = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_ID'); const clientSecret = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_SECRET'); // Base64 encoding const base64encoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)); console.log(`base64encoded: ${base64encoded}`); // Set value to collection variables pm.collectionVariables.set("base64encoded", base64encoded); Check collection variable is set

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Collection variables // Get env variables const clientId = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_ID'); const clientSecret = pm.environment.get('VALID_CLIENT_SECRET'); // Base64 encoding const base64encoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)); console.log(`base64encoded: ${base64encoded}`); // Set value to collection variables pm.collectionVariables.set("base64encoded", base64encoded); Use variable in request

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3. Switching API URL by environment

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Depends on test environment Different URLs for staging and prod Different usernames and tokens for each environment

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Define Environment Define variables for each environments. I prefer upper snake case style.

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Use Environment in request

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Use Environment in script

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4. Cons of Postman and alternative tool

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Pros of Postman 1. Simple GUI. No coding skills required. 2. Easy to setup CI by Newman. 3. Apply JavaScript code.

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Cons of Postman 1. Can not reuse code in Pre-request scripts. 2. Difficult to maintain with several members. 3. Pricing.

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Cons of Postman 1. Can not reuse code in Pre-request scripts. 2. Difficult to maintain with several members. 3. Pricing. We may have to write many same code for authentication request in Pre-requests

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Cons of Postman 1. Can not reuse code in Pre-request scripts. 2. Difficult to maintain with several members. 3. Pricing. ● Postman has some features like Fork, GitHub integration. ● But it's hard to setup and difficult to review each other. ● I prefer GitHub Pull Request driven development 🙂

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Cons of Postman 1. Can not reuse code in Pre-request scripts. 2. Difficult to maintain with several members. 3. Pricing. ● free for up to 3 users. ● $12 per user/month on Basic plan. ● Not so expensive but it depends on the budget.

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Scenarigo ● A scenario based API testing tool written in Go. ● Easy to write test scenarios as YAML file. ● Enable to customize by writing Go plugin. Thanks for awesome tool! @zoncoen

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Create User scenario yaml steps: - include: '../include/delete_user.yml' - protocol: http request: method: POST url: '{{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/v1/users' body: token: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_TOKEN}}' username: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}}' agreeTermsOfService: 'yes' notMinor: 'yes' expect: code: 200 body: message: "Success. Let's visit {{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/@{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}} , it is your profile page!" isSuccess: true

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Create User scenario yaml steps: - include: '../include/delete_user.yml' - protocol: http request: method: POST url: '{{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/v1/users' body: token: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_TOKEN}}' username: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}}' agreeTermsOfService: 'yes' notMinor: 'yes' expect: code: 200 body: message: "Success. Let's visit {{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/@{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}} , it is your profile page!" isSuccess: true Define delete user request in other yaml file. Same feature to Postman Pre-request Script.

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Create User scenario yaml steps: - include: '../include/delete_user.yml' - protocol: http request: method: POST url: '{{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/v1/users' body: token: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_TOKEN}}' username: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}}' agreeTermsOfService: 'yes' notMinor: 'yes' expect: code: 200 body: message: "Success. Let's visit {{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/@{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}} , it is your profile page!" isSuccess: true Define create user request. Same feature to Postman request. Environment variables are available.

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Create User scenario yaml steps: - include: '../include/delete_user.yml' - protocol: http request: method: POST url: '{{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/v1/users' body: token: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_TOKEN}}' username: '{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}}' agreeTermsOfService: 'yes' notMinor: 'yes' expect: code: 200 body: message: "Success. Let's visit {{env.SCENARIGO_BASE_URL}}/@{{env.SCENARIGO_TEST_USER_NAME}} , it is your profile page!" isSuccess: true Verify response values here. Same feature to Postman tests.

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Run scenarigo ❯ scenarigo run ok scenarios/include/delete_user.yml 0.415s --- FAIL: scenarios/post_v1_users/200_success.yml (0.19s) … 10 | agreeTermsOfService: 'yes' 11 | notMinor: 'yes' 12 | expect: > 13 | code: 500 ^ … expected 500 but got OK FAIL FAIL scenarios/post_v1_users/200_success.yml 0.201s

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Postman & Scenarigo Postman Scenarigo Manage scenarios in… Postman GUI GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket… We can review in Pull Request! Define Request in… Postman GUI request block in YAML file Define Environment in… Postman Environment System Environment Generate data before request Pre-request Script Go Plugin Request before request as... Pre-request Script Include another YAML file We can reuse it! Define Test in… Tests expect block in YAML file

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Postman & Scenarigo Postman Scenarigo Manage scenarios in… Postman GUI GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket… We can review in Pull Request! Define Request in… Postman GUI request block in YAML file Define Environment in… Postman Environment System Environment Generate data before request Pre-request Script Go Plugin Request before request as... Pre-request Script Include another YAML file We can reuse it! Define Test in… Tests expect block in YAML file QA Team needs to learn YAML, Go, Git and GitHub. (We did it !)

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Postman is awesome! ● Simple GUI makes easy to set up API tests for especially non-developers. ● Newman makes easy to run tests on CI.

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But Scenarigo is better for us! ● We prefer Pull Request based development style ● So we decided to migrate Postman to Scenarigo ● Scenarigo covers major features of Postman

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Thanks for watching!

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Appendix ● Sample code to run Newman and Scenarigo on GitHub Actions ○ ● Sample API: Pixela ○ ● Postman official docs ○ ● Newman ○ ● Scenarigo ○