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Class 23: Cryptosystems cs2102: Discrete Mathematics | F17 David Evans University of Virginia

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Plan Goal for today: Understand how discrete math enables asymmetric cryptography Groups and Fields Symmetric Cryptography Asymmetric Cryptography

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Recap: Abelian Group is Abelian (commutative) under the first operation (): ∀, , ∈ : associative: = commutative: = identity: ∃ ∈ : = inverse: ∃ ∈ : = = ℕ, = + is not an Abelian group: no additive inverse

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Making Addition Abelian ∀, , ∈ : associative: + + = + + commutative: + = + identity: + 0 = inverse: ∀ . ∃ ∈ : + = 0 = ℕ, = + is not an Abelian group: no additive inverse

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Modular Arithmetic

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Congruence Prove: ≡ mod iff rem , = rem(, ) A number is congruent to modulo iff | ( – ). Notation: ≡ mod

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Congruence Prove: ≡ mod iff rem , = rem(, ) A number is congruent to modulo iff | ( – ). Notation: ≡ mod By division theorem, ∃A , A , C , C, such that: = A + A = C + C − = (A −C ) + (A −C )

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Preservation of Congruence If ≡ (mod ) and ≡ mod , (addition) + ≡ + (mod ) (multiplication) ≡ (mod ) (Proofs by algebra, in book.)

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Defining Subsets of ℕ ℕF = ∈ ℕ ∧ < }

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Abelian Addition ∀, , ∈ : associative: + + = + + commutative: + = + identity: + 0 = inverse: ∀ . ∃ ∈ : + = 0 ℤL = ( = ℕL , = + mod ) What is the inverse in ℤL of ∈ ℕL?

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A ring is a set, , with two binary operations (e.g., + and ⋅) that satisfy the ring axioms: 1. is Abelian (commutative) under +: ∀, , ∈ : associative: ( + ) + = + ( + ), commutative: + = + additive identity: + 0 = additive inverse: + (−) = 0 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative: ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅ ( ⋅ ) multiplicative identity: ⋅ 1 = = 1 ⋅ 3. Distributive: ⋅ + = ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ = ⋅ + ( ⋅ ) Note: lots of disagreement about this definition – many versions do not require multiplicative identity.

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A ring is a set, , with two binary operations (e.g., + and ⋅) that satisfy the ring axioms: 1. is Abelian (commutative) under +: ∀, , ∈ : associative: ( + ) + = + ( + ) commutative: + = + additive identity: + = additive inverse: + (−) = 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative: ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅ ( ⋅ ) mult. identity: ⋅ = = ⋅ 3. Distributive: ⋅ + = ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ = ⋅ + ( ⋅ ) Is ℤL = ( = ℕL , A = + mod , C = ×(mod )) a ring?

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Problem Set ⍵ Create an artifact that conveys some idea from this class to a selected target audience. Teams of any size, expectations scale as √. Optional: no credit for something of no real value (test is if it is worthwhile for others). One or more PS equivalent for something valuable.

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Groups, Rings, and Fields Abelian group:set: , binary operation: + associative, commutative, additive identity (), additive inverse (−) Ring: set: , binary operations: +, × Abelian group under + associative, multiplicative identity () under × distributive: × distributes over + Field: set: , binary operations: +, × Ring with multiplicative inverse:

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Multiplicative Inverse

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Groups, Rings, and Fields Abelian group:set: , binary operation: + associative, commutative, additive identity (), additive inverse (−) Ring: set: , binary operations: +, × Abelian group under + associative, multiplicative identity () under × distributive: × distributes over + Field: set: , binary operations: +, × Ring with multiplicative inverse: ∀ ∈ − 0 . ∃UA ∈ . × UA = Most cryptography is done in finite fields

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A field is a set, , with two binary operations (e.g., + and ⋅) that satisfy the ring axioms: 1. is Abelian (commutative) under +: ∀, , ∈ : associative: ( + ) + = + ( + ) commutative: + = + additive identity: + = additive inverse: + (−) = 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative: ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅ ( ⋅ ) mult. identity: ⋅ = = ⋅ mult. inverse: ∀ ∈ − 0 . ∃UA ∈ . × UA = 3. Distributive: ⋅ + = ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ = ⋅ + ( ⋅ ) Fields of Dreams Which of these are fields? (1)ℚ, +,× (2){0, 1}, +,× (3)ℕL , +,×

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1. is Abelian under +: associative. commutative, 0, − 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative, , UA 3. Distributive ℚ, +,×

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1. is Abelian under +: associative. commutative, 0, − 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative, , UA 3. Distributive {0, 1}, +,×

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1. is Abelian under +: associative. commutative, 0, − 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative, , UA 3. Distributive {0, 1}, +,× GF(2) Évariste Galois

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Is ℤL = ( = ℕL , A = + mod , C = × (mod )) a field? 1. is Abelian under +: associative. commutative, 0, − 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative, , UA 3. Distributive

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Is ℤL = ( = ℕL , A = + mod , C = × (mod )) a field? 1. is Abelian under +: associative. commutative, 0, − 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative, , UA 3. Distributive Which of the ℤL rings are fields?

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If ∈ ℕL is relatively prime to , has a multiplicative inverse in ℤL. (Lemma 9.9.1 in MCS) Definition: is relatively prime to iff gcd (, ) = 1.

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If ∈ ℕL is relatively prime to , has a multiplicative inverse in ℤL. (Lemma 9.9.1 in MCS) Definition: is relatively prime to iff gcd (, ) = 1. “Pulverizer” Theorem: ∀, ∈ ℕ. ∃, ∈ ℤ . gcd , = +

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Is ℤL = ( = ℕL , A = + mod , C = × (mod )) a field? 1. is Abelian under +: associative. commutative, 0, − 2. is monoid (associative) under ⋅: associative, , UA 3. Distributive If is prime, ℤL is a field. If ∈ ℕL is relatively prime to , has a multiplicative inverse in ℤL. (Lemma 9.9.1 in MCS)

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28 Introductions Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Alice Bob Eve (passive attacker) Insecure Channel

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29 Active Attacker Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Alice Bob Insecure Channel (e.g., the Internet) Mallory (active attacker)

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30 Message Cryptosystem Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Ciphertext Two functions: → and → Correctness property: for all possible messages ∈ , = Security property: given = it is “hard” to learn anything interesting about .

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31 It is possible to state the security property precisely (and prove a cryptosystem satisfies it given hardness assumptions). Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali 2013 Turing Award Winners (for doing this in the 1980s)

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32 Message Cryptosystem Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Ciphertext Two functions: → and → Correctness property: for all possible messages ∈ , = Security property: given = it is “hard” to learn anything interesting about .

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33 Auguste Kerckhoffs Kerckhoff’s Principle

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34 “The enemy knows the system being used.” Claude Shannon, Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems (1949) Claude Shannon 1916-2001

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(Keyed) Symmetric Cryptosystem 35 Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Insecure Channel Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Insecure Channel Key Key Only secret is the key, not the E and D functions that now take key as input.

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36 Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Insecure Channel Key Key How well can shared key cryptosystems work on the Internet? ∈ , ∈ . F F =

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37 Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Insecure Channel Key Key

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38 Encrypt Decrypt Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Insecure Channel Key Key

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Martin Hellman Whit Diffie

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Martin Hellman Whit Diffie Ralph Merkle Spurned by ACM Cropped by NYT Included in cs2102!

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Key Exchange Armadillo Armadillo and Bunny drawings by Sandra Boynton Bunny Goal: Armadillo and Bunny want to communicate securely, but have not already established a shared key. Insecure Channel

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Diffie-Hellman(-Merkle) Key Exchange f mod h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Armadillo and Bunny drawings by Sandra Boynton Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime)

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Diffie-Hellman(-Merkle) Key Exchange f = f mod h = h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Armadillo and Bunny drawings by Sandra Boynton Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) fh = h f hf = f h

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Key Agreement Requirements Correctness: both participants produce the same key, Security: an eavesdropper cannot find K from all intercepted values 44

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Correctness f = f mod h = h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) fh = h f mod hf = f h mod

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Security f = f mod h = h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) fh = h f mod hf = f h mod Eavesdropper cannot learn anything useful about fh from: , , f = f mod , h = hmod

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Security Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) is a primitive root of p if ∀ ∈ 1, … , − 1 . ∃ ∈ 1, … , − 1 . l = mod What are the primitive roots of 7?

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Security Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) is a primitive root of p if ∀ ∈ 1, … , − 1 . ∃ ∈ 1, … , − 1 . l = mod Theorem (asserted without proof): If is prime, it has a primitive root.

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Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) is a primitive root of p if ∀ ∈ 1, … , − 1 . ∃ ∈ 1, … , − 1 . l = mod Theorem (asserted without proof): If is prime, it has a primitive root.

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Security f = f mod h = h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) fh = h f mod hf = f h mod Eavesdropper cannot learn anything useful about fh from: , , f = f mod , h = hmod

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Security f = f mod h = h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) fh = h f mod hf = f h mod Eavesdropper cannot learn anything useful about fh from: , , f = f mod , h = hmod Given f mod , can the adversary find ?

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Discrete Logarithm Problem Given , , = f mod , find .

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Continuous Logarithm Problem 285573486297238f = 18592341634236334720583 Given , = f, find .

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No content

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Discrete Logarithm Problem Given , , = f mod , find . Believed to be “hard” for well chosen values of and , so long as your adversary doesn’t have a large quantum computer.

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Security f = f mod h = h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) fh = h f mod hf = f h mod Eavesdropper cannot learn anything useful about fh from: , , f = f mod , h = hmod

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DH(M) Key Exchange: Security f = f mod h = h mod Picks secret Picks secret Armadillo Bunny Public values: (primitive root), (large prime) fh = h f mod hf = f h mod Eavesdropper cannot learn anything useful about fh from: , , f = f mod , h = hmod

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Charge Problem Set 9: will be posted Sunday, due Dec 1 Tuesday’s class: cryptography in practice