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It’s important everything is up to OSHA standards, so Mateo uses a special machine called the “Bio Betty” which validates OSHA
standards on the four audiometers. While Betty is doing her thing, Mateo checks the wire connectivity and response switches to
assure there isn’t any static. Concurrently, he’s calibrating the ANM (Ambient Noise Monitor) to ensure all sounds outside my walls
are kept to a minimum. He’s so good at doing multiple things that I sometimes have to remember he is a human and not a machine
like me.
Before the first group, Mateo cleans me up to makes me spotless and shiny for the clients.
Meanwhile, Camille is inside the client’s facility, setting up the PortaCount and calibrating that equipment to ensure everything runs
When Camille and Mateo have finalized their preparation, they let the client contact know we are ready to see the first participants.
This is my favorite part. Time to go to work!
8:00 AM – Mateo is really good at getting employees on and off and helping things run efficient for the client. In 20 minutes, four
participants run through the test, train & counsel process. Inside my body the employees watch a training video, take a hearing test
in a separate sound-proof booth and get counseling. This helps our clients stay compliant with the OSHA requirements of a Hearing
Conservation Program.
Meanwhile, Camille is fit testing employees who wear facemasks to stay safe. The respirator fit process is very different from
hearing, so she can only test one person every 20 minutes. Camille’s main job is to make sure the mask fits snugly against the
participant’s skin. She watches as the participants place their hands over the filter. If the mask collapses, there’s a seal! After the seal
is confirmed, Camille walks the participant through several exercises that mimic conditions or situations they may come across while
wearing a respirator.
12:00 PM – Phew! We are halfway done for the 8-hour shift and so far, so good! Camille and Mateo are going to take a break. They
take Camille’s car and visit a nearby mom & pop eatery to enjoy local flavor.