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Brandon Philips CTO, CoreOS @brandonphilips

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Building Tectonic Investments & Plans

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Kubernetes Scaling Cluster-wide Identities Container Standards Increasing Kubernetes Use Investments

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Kubernetes Scaling It scales.

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Kubernetes Scaling It scales. But, we can do better.

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Initial Focus Improve scheduler throughput Build fine-grained scheduler benchmarks Reduce container runtime overhead

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Consensus Getting Machines to Agree

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Consensus Store CHALLENGE GOALS Store critical data Replicate data Provide distributed lock Automatically handle machine failures

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Chubby At the Heart of Google

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At the Heart of Kubernetes

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Upcoming Improvements API Efficient GRPC protocol Multi-key transactions DATASTORE Longer event history Better memory efficiency

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Future Outcomes Improved utilization and application density Scaling of clusters to 100,000 pods and beyond User runnable performance benchmarks

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Establish Kubernetes as the high-scale distributed application kernel GOAL

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Distributed Trusted Computing Only software your company allows will run

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Distributed Trusted Computing Only software your company allows will run On hardware your team controls

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Web Identity Powered by OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0

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Dex User Identity for Cloud Native Open Source Built on web standards Integrates with Kubernetes Cryptographic best practices

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Dex groups for organizing teams Use existing directory IDs Certifications from OpenID Easily protect apps inside cluster Future Identity Work

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Server Identity Machine Identity and Admission

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Kubernetes API node 1 node 2 node 3

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Kubernetes API node 1 node 2 node 3

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Kubernetes API node 1 node 2 node 3

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Kubernetes API node 1 node 2 node 3

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Kubernetes API node 1 node 2 node 3

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Kubernetes API node 1 node 2 node 3

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Build distributed systems with strong cryptographic identity that operators trust GOAL

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Container Lifecycle Audit 1. Build 2. Distribute 3. Run

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Image Format Naming & Discovery Runtime Identity & Signing Building the Standard Software Container

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A Standard for Software Shipping Containers

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Experiment with new container build systems Support image mirrors and "air-gapped" systems Create new container runtimes like rkt Provide a reliable contract to application writers

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Runtime Standard Software Container APPC OCI Image format Naming & Discovery Runtime Signing

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Runtime Standard Software Container APPC OCI Image format Naming & Discovery Runtime Signing

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Security Scanning After scanning millions of containers we found that over 80% still had Heartbleed 80%

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Clair Open Source Container Image Auditing

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container image

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/bin/java /opt/app.jar /pkg.db

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/bin/java /opt/app.jar /pkg.db

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/bin/java /opt/app.jar /pkg.db

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Future Work More data sources Integration with Kubernetes Create standard for auditable container metadata

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Create software container standards so developers can build and ship apps confidently GOAL

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Enabling Kubernetes Adoption Networking and Onboarding

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PROBLEMS VALUE Less complex DNS Works Same IP inside Multiple IPs is a challenge in many networks Kubernetes Networking

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Default Easy Networking Option

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A Reasonable Default Provide easy IPv4 overlay pod networking

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Container Network Interface Simple network plugins Un-opinionated and minimal interface Engaged by networking ecosystem Adopted in rkt and Kubernetes

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Easy and centrally managed IPSec encryption Future of Flannel Future of CNI Continued network vendor adoption Release of first revision of the standard Promoted as default Kubernetes network plugin

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Increasing Adoption Cluster Bootstrap Improvements

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Increasing Adoption Operational Guides to Recovery Bootstrap and configuration of cluster Upgrades from Kubernetes releases Disaster recovery of etcd and Kubernetes

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Increase adoption of Kubernetes through integration and ease of use in any environment GOAL

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Our Role in CNCF

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Develop Standard Software Container Donate appc and release appc 1.0

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Donate etcd and flannel Donate Critical Software

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Shared Plugin Model Donate Container Networking Interface And help create a Container Volume Interface

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Join us

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Join us To build critical infrastructure software as open source

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Join us To establish Kubernetes as the ubiquitous cluster kernel

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Join us To create container specifications that solve problems simply

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Thank You Brandon Philips CTO, CoreOS @brandonphilips