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DON'T BUILD APPS. BUILD SPREADSHEETS. Reactive programming and mutable data structures in large applications Michel Weststrate @mweststrate

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What do I think about JQuery? JQuery

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479 Fully editable domain concepts

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How would you build this? Our solution is simpler (and faster)

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❏ React contexts ❏ Store / data subscriptions ❏ Lenses ❏ Smart components ❏ Stateful components ❏ Immutable State ❏ Denormalized data

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Data Cells Formulas, Charts Data Entry / Import mutates formula (observe) Library Stars React 30,588 Angular 43,808 MobX 1,418

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State Views boxes arrows Canvas BoxView BoxView ArrowView ArrowView Action mutate view function (observe) invoke

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1. Observable State

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const store = { boxes: [], arrows: [], selection: null }; store.boxes.push( new Box("Rotterdam", 100, 100), new Box("Vienna", 700, 150) ); store.arrows.push({ id: randomUuid(), from: store.boxes[ 0], to: store.boxes[ 1] }); classes plain objects arrays references boxes arrows

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const store = observable({ boxes: [], arrows: [], selection: null }); store.boxes.push( new Box("Rotterdam", 100, 100), new Box("Vienna", 700, 150) ); store.arrows.push({ id: randomUuid(), from: store.boxes[ 0], to: store.boxes[ 1] }); boxes arrows make stuff recursively observable

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class Box { id = randomUuid(); @observable name = "A box"; @observable x = 0; @observable y = 0; @observable get width() { return * 15; } constructor(name, x, y, id) { = name; this.x = x; this.y = y; = id || randomUuid(); } }

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Immutables Data Structures ❏ Never change ❏ Structural equality ❏ Easy to memoize, structural sharing, no defensive copies, time travelling ❏ Assumes state is a tree, not a graph ❏ Denormalize the rest boxes arrows

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1. Non-normalized data 2. Forgotten data subscriptions

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Observable Mutable Data Structures ❏ Identity equality ❏ Concept should exists only once in memory ❏ Always up-to-date ❏ Composition & associations ❏ Prototypes and type checking ❏ Natural mental model ❏ Simple actions boxes arrows

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Automatically pushing changes through the system

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2. Reactive Views

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class Canvas extends Component { render() { const {store} = this.props; return (
{ => ) } { => ) }
); } } arrows boxes

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class ArrowView extends Component { render() { const {from, to} = this.props.arrow; const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = [ from.x + from.width / 2, from.y + 30, to.x + to.width / 2, to.y + 30 ]; return ; } } @observer boxes box props ?! that's all

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@observer class Canvas extends Component { render() { const {store} = this.props; return (
{ => ) } { => ) }
); } }

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@observer ❏ mobx.autorun(() => this.render()) ❏ autorun ❏ Takes a function, makes it reactive: ❏ After each run: subscribe to all data accessed while running ❏ Re-run on data changes ❏ Optimizes dependency tree ❏ PureRenderMixin

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DOM comp. tree state graph patches patches

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const ArrowView = observer(props => { const {from, to} = props.arrow; const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = [ from.x + from.width / 2, from.y + 62, to.x + to.width / 2, to.y ]; return ; }); stateless function components

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3. Actions

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@observer class Sidebar extends Component { render() { const {selection} =; return selection !== null ? < div className="sidebar sidebar-open" > < input onChange={this.onChange} value={} /> div> : < div className="sidebar" />; } onChange = (e) => { } } onChange = (e) => { =; }; } just references updates all 'name' observers

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onCanvasMouseUp = (e) => { const {store} = this.props; if (e.button === LEFT_BUTTON) { store.selection = null; } else if (e.button === RIGHT_BUTTON) { const newBox = store.addBox( "Hi.", e.clientX - 50, e.clientY - 20, store.selection ); store.selection = newBox; } }

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store.addBox = function(name, x, y, fromBox ) { const newBox = new Box(name, x, y); this.boxes.push(newBox); if (fromBox) { this.arrows.push({ id : randomUuid(), from: fromBox, to: newBox }); } return newBox; };

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Actions ❏ Straightforward data mutations ❏ No contextual awareness required ❏ No boilerplate

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What about.. ❏ Time Traveling? ❏ Hot Reloading?

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const states = []; autorun(() => { states.push(serializeState(store)); }); reads all data tracks all reads, fires on each write

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MobX core API (@)observable Makes stuff observable autorun Creates a self-updating function that monitors observable data @observer Wraps react component render in autorun

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4. How does it work?

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Transparent reactive programming 1. Decorate all objects properties and arrays indices 2. Store running views in a stack 3. Getters register observers 4. Setters notify observers autorun Function Stack x * 2 get x x x set x

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Dependency tree analysis 1. Subscription change over time! 2. Synchronous updates + transactions 3. Atomic updates 4. Cycle detection 5. Non-pure view function detection 6. Lazy / eager evaluation 7. Garbage collection

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The most fluid parts of your application should be the simplest to build feel free to more ask on gitter! in production

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@observer class BoxView extends Component { render() { const {box} = this.props; return (
); } handleDrag = (e, dragInfo) => { += dragInfo.position.deltaX; += dragInfo.position.deltaY; } }

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Questions? For example: 1. What about garbage collection? 2. Does it evaluate eagerly or lazily? 3. What about async actions? 4. Why not RxJS? 5. It updates synchronously, isn't that expensive? 6. What about flux?