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Kyle Crum - Senior Developer / Team Lead twitter: @kylecrum email: [email protected] Communicating Code

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1. Sellers List Item

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1. Sellers List Item 2. Buyers Purchase Item

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1. Sellers List Item 2. Buyers Purchase Item 3. Profit

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1. Sellers List Item

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1. Sellers List Item 2….15 Humans being Humans.

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1. Sellers List Item 2….15 Humans being Humans. 16. Profit

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Why do I care about communication?

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Code is for people.

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People need to understand.

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Misunderstanding Bugs

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Misunderstanding Bugs Less Coding Time

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Unclear Code = Less Efficiency

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Even Businesses Agree Moar efficiency = moar good

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Unclear code

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Unclear code Sugar?

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Unclear code Puppy? Sugar?

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Unclear code Puppy? Sugar?

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Clear Code

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Design Principles

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Design Principles S O L I D

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Design Principles S O L I D Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion

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Design Principles S O L I D Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion KISS

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Design Principles S O L I D Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion KISS DRY

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Design Principles S O L I D Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion KISS YAGNI DRY

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Just communicate.

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2 Things to communicate

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2 Things to communicate 1. What you are doing.

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2 Things to communicate 1. What you are doing. 2. Why you are doing it.

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The “What”

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Ruby can be artistic

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Ruby can be artistic

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Ruby can be artistic

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Sometimes it’s too much

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code != art

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code == a_manual

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code == a_manual

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How can we make code more manual-like?

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Class naming

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2 kinds of classes

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2 kinds of classes • Things (models, views, controllers, view models). Has state.

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2 kinds of classes • Things (models, views, controllers, view models). Has state. • Processes

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2 kinds of classes • Things (models, views, controllers, view models). Has state. • Processes Easy Naming

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2 kinds of classes • Things (models, views, controllers, view models). Has state. • Processes Hard Naming Easy Naming

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When we do the easy thing..

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Refund Part

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Refund Part Charge Part

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Refund Part Void Part Charge Part

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Break into processes instead

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Naming Process Classes

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Naming Process Classes 1.

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Naming Process Classes 1. 2.

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? Existential Crisis!

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? Is Person?

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? Is Person? Is Machine?

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? Is Person? Is Machine? ?

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What does this say?

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What does this say? • Has state

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What does this say? • Has state • Can be passed as argument / variable

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Is that what I want to say?

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Probably not.

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One step away from..

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One step away from..

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Verb “process” classes

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Easier to spot naming smells

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Easier to spot naming smells • what does it do?

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Easier to spot naming smells • what does it do? • what is it executing?

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• clearly says “what”

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• clearly says “what” • constrains ability to bloat

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Still too generic!

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Still too generic! For all the times?

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Namespace! Not lib

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Namespace! Not lib Used during checkout

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Namespace! The What

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Namespace! The What The Why

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Yell at Rails section

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Is href?

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Is href? Is href?

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Is href? Is href? ID of?

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Let’s time travel!

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Let’s time travel! …and bring ruby 2.0

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Is content!

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Is content! href required!

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Is content! href required! HTML Attributes!

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No reason not to use key-value arguments

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No reason not to use key-value arguments* * Ruby > 2 only

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Key-value arg all the things!

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Things needed

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Things needed Things I can do

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All kinds of space!

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• All code executes

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• All code executes • Does not add to the understanding.

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= =

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= =

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Too much communication?

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Probably* * But who cares?

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More communication > Less communication

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More clarity > Less clarity

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Refund Void Charge Add

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Inside the methods..

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Read the code out loud

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Code is fun to read again!

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Let’s talk about meta- programming

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What methods does it have?

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False Economy

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False Economy • You saved on typing.

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False Economy • You saved on typing. • Everyone else spends more time reading/ understanding.

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Meta programming as salt

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Just a little

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Too much…

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The “Why”

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Why “The Why”?

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Why “The Why”? 1. Empathy

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Why “The Why”? 1. Empathy 2. See #1

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All Code Starts

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But becomes…

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How the did this get here?

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Commit Messages

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Bad Commit messages Fix Bug

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Bad Commit messages Fix Bug What

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Bad Commit messages Fix Bug What Why?

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Bad Commit messages Fix Bug What Why?

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Good Commit Messages

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Good Commit Messages Handle payments of $0 With a marketing promotion, some buyers are able to buy low-cost, free shipping items for free. - Skip credit card processing when >= $0 - Create a payment for $0 for tracking

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Good Commit Messages Handle payments of $0 With a marketing promotion, some buyers are able to buy low-cost, free shipping items for free. - Skip credit card processing when >= $0 - Create a payment for $0 for tracking What

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Good Commit Messages Handle payments of $0 With a marketing promotion, some buyers are able to buy low-cost, free shipping items for free. - Skip credit card processing when >= $0 - Create a payment for $0 for tracking What Why

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Reads Code

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Reads Code

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Reads Code git log

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Reads Code git log

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You have the space! Use it!

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Code Comments

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This seems wrong

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This seems wrong

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This seems wrong Ah, ok

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Bad Comments

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Bad Comments Same

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Bad Comments Same Doesn’t help understanding.

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“What happened?”

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“What happened?” “2 cars hit each other"

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Good Comments Added info

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Empathy is important!

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Empathy is important! Read bad code

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Empathy is important! Read bad code Knows why it is bad

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Knowing why = having empathy

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When we know what and why

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When we know what and why • Understand the code better.

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When we know what and why • Understand the code better. • Understand each other better

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When we know what and why • Understand the code better. • Understand each other better • Happier, more productive team.

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When we know what and why • Understand the code better. • Understand each other better • Happier, more productive team. • Programming is fun!

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twitter: @kylecrum email: [email protected]