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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 1 1 Hidden Scalability Hidden Scalability Gotchas Gotchas in in Memcached Memcached and Friends and Friends Neil Neil Gunther Gunther, , Performance Dynamics Performance Dynamics Shanti Subramanyam Shanti Subramanyam, , Oracle Corp Oracle Corporation oration Stefan Stefan Parvu Parvu, , Oracle Finland Oracle Finland

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 2 2 Scalability Scalability

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 3 3 Memcached Memcached scale out scale out • Tier of older servers • Mostly single CPU • Single threading ok

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 4 4 Scalability Strategies Scalability Strategies • Qualitative scalability – Scale up, e.g., big SMP servers – Scale out,e.g, many cheap servers (Unis) • Quantitative scalability – What this talk is about – Need controlled measurements – Need numbers to see cost-benefit

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 5 5 Been Bad for Web 2.0 Been Bad for Web 2.0 Lately Lately

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 6 6 Capacity Planning Capacity Planning • You know you need it – The planning bit, especially – Data ain’t information – Info is hidden in the data • Just like finance, you need a model Metrics + Models == Information

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 7 7 Controlled Controlled Measurements Measurements

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 8 8 Why Controlled Measurements? Why Controlled Measurements? Trying to predict scalability by looking at time series data is like trying to predict the stock mkt by watching the DJX ticker

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 9 9 Bad Throughput Bad Throughput Measurements Measurements Need x-axis to be load (N) defined in terms of processes or users Need throughput measured in steady state (which this isn’t)

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 10 10 Average Throughput in Time Average Throughput in Time This is what steady state looks like as function of time. It corresponds to ONE throughput load point (N).

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 11 11 Controlled MCD Tests Controlled MCD Tests Load Drivers 2 Sun Fire X4170 2 sockets, 64 GB SUT Memcached Sun Fire X4170 2 sockets, 64 GB 10 Gbe Switch

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 12 12 Memcached Memcached scaling is thread limited scaling is thread limited

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 13 13 Better on SPARC Better on SPARC Multicore Multicore

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 14 14 Quantifying Scalability Quantifying Scalability Universal Universal Scalability Law Scalability Law USL USL

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 15 15 1. Equal Bang for The Buck 1. Equal Bang for The Buck Capacity Load Ideal parallelism

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 16 16 2. Cost of Sharing Resources 2. Cost of Sharing Resources Capacity Load

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 17 17 3. Resource Limitation 3. Resource Limitation Capacity Load Amdahl’s law

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 18 18 4. Degradation Negative Return 4. Degradation Negative Return Load Capacity

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 19 19 Universal Scalability Law (USL) Universal Scalability Law (USL) ! C(N) = N 1+ "(N #1) + $N(N #1) Concurrency α = 0, β = 0 Contention α > 0, β = 0 Coherency α > 0, β > 0

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 20 20 USL regression in Excel USL regression in Excel

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 21 21 Memcached Memcached Scalability Scalability Quantitative USL Analysis Quantitative USL Analysis

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 22 22 Scalability of Scalability of mcd mcd 1.2.8 1.2.8 Nmax = 7 α = 0.0255, β = 0.0210

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 23 23 Scalability of Scalability of mcd mcd 1.4.1 1.4.1 Nmax = 6 α = 0.0821, β = 0.0207

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 24 24 Scalability of Scalability of mcd mcd 1.4.5 1.4.5 Nmax = 6 α = 0.0988, β = 0.0209

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 25 25 Scalability of SPARC version Scalability of SPARC version α = 0, β = 0.000434 Nmax = 22 α = 0.0041, β = 0.00197

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 26 26 USL projected scalability USL projected scalability α = 0.0041, β = 0.00197 Nmax = 22 Nmax = 48 α = 0, β = 0.000434

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 27 27 Parameter interpretation Parameter interpretation • Why α ~ 0 – Cache further partitioned – Single lock replaced by multiple locks • Why β > 0? – Is it in mcd code? – Could it be in O/S, H/W, …?

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 28 28 Scaling Among Friends Scaling Among Friends Scalability as a function of Scalability as a function of virtual virtual users users ( (“ “friends friends” ”) not threads ) not threads

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 29 29 JAppServer JAppServer USL Analysis USL Analysis N = 700 users α = 0.00001486 β = 6.7E-9 N = 1200 users α = 0 β = 2.4E-7

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 30 30 Scalability on Amazon EC2 Scalability on Amazon EC2 Nmax = 22 α = 0.038988298 β = 0.001432176

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 31 31 Memcached Gotchas Memcached Gotchas

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 32 32 Just throw more hardware at Just throw more hardware at it! it!

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 33 33 Old scaling rules will be broken Old scaling rules will be broken • Current scale-out strategy relies on using older cheap hardware • Older hardware is often single CPU – Single-threadedness of mcd is ok • Newer hardware will be multicore – New hardware is faster with lots of cores – But mcd won’t be able to utilize all cores – Multiple mcd instances are mgmt headache

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 34 34 Single threading can wreck you Single threading can wreck you

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 35 35 Summary Summary • Current mcd versions are thread limited – OK for older uniprocessor servers – Not OK for deployment on new multicores – Reason: unused processor capacity • Controlled measurements – Not time-series prod data – Steady state throughput • Quantify scalability – Data + Models == Information – Goal is reduce contention (α) and coherency (β) – Nmax: increased from 6 to 48 threads

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Velocity 6-24-2010 Velocity 6-24-2010 36 36 Resources Resources • Neil • • • • • Shanti – – • Stefan – –