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Automated Canary Analysis (New Relic-flavored introduction) @smithclay 5/14/2018

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It looks like you're doing a canary deploy.

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It looks like you're doing a canary deploy. I want to make sure this really works in production. DO

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Load Balancer Canary Existing in Production Majority of traffic Some traffic If the canary traffic "looks good"—it's safe! CANARY DEPLOY Metrics

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Production uncertainty circa 2018 What's really going to happen when I deploy a change to service C? Did it work? A D E B C F ... Z Many services, many relationships: major incidents are almost always a surprise ("didn't know it worked that way!")

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Production uncertainty circa 2018 What's really going to happen when I make a change to {service}? Did it work? ... 6 hours later I looked at 5TB of logs and created a pivot table in Microsoft Excel—maybe? DO

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Is there a better way? I work at [redacted large SV- based company]. Let me send you this paper!* * DO

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Is there A BETTER aN EASIER way? Application/service instrumentation and metrics can help (a lot). DO

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Things *not* discussed -IN this talK- • Jenkins (how to build using a pipeline) • Rollout tools (how do I script a canary deploy, etc) • Orchestration layer (i.e. Kubernetes, Marathon, etc) • Non-code changes (configuration, firmware, recipes, etc) AGENDA

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Things discussed -IN this talK- • Assumption: You have something (image, container, etc) that you want to put in production. • Introduction: automated canary analysis • How to: instrumentation of services and applications for canary deploys • Code: Public-cloud proof of concept • Resources: Miscellaneous other tools or approaches AGENDA

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(KINDA) CONTROL THEORY* FEEDBACK LOOP APPLIED TO DEPLOYS deployer running application monitoring baseline + - *apologies to anyone with an academic background in control theory output This is where people talk a lot about observability: how well can you measure the work the system is doing from output?

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"OBSERVABILITY" credit: @peterbourgon,, @copyconstruct, https://

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MONITORING OR OBSERVABILITY? credit: @peterbourgon,, @copyconstruct, https:// White Box Black Box Instrumentation of code Is it working? (i.e. ping or nagios check—traditional "monitoring") (i.e. application performance monitoring using agents—increases observability)

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AUTOMATED CANARIES: We have the technology. baseline + - output ... instrumentation deploy solutions containers + immutable infra // TO DO: insert automation here to detect good/bad deploys above

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What is 'bad'? And how do you measure that? It depends on several things. DO

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• Should be stable over time (service level objective perhaps?) • If customer-facing: does it clearly indicate something's broken for your users when it goes sideways? • Scoped to the individual app/service with version as a dimension. CANARY METRIC(S)

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APP INSTRUMENTATION FOR CANARY DEPLOYS (part 1) Build Artifact (container, image, binary, etc) Version (this is done almost universally)

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HOW DO YOU GET THE VERSION IN CODE? (This stuff is ideally exposed through platform tooling: exists in Mesos, ECS, K8S, Fargate, and others) application/environment-variable-expose-pod- information/#the-downward-api 'The Kubernetes Downward API' Orchestrator metadata Injected into Container/ App as Env Var

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APP INSTRUMENTATION FOR CANARY DEPLOYS newrelic.addCustomParameter ('VERSION', deployedV); Version Annotate transaction traces with current running version In service/app code:

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CLOSING THE LOOP Is the canary better or worse? (NRQL style) SELECT percentile(duration, 90) FROM Transaction WHERE appName='RPM API Production' SINCE 7 minutes ago WHERE appGitRevision='a2e441...' Event Name Measurement Selector: app name Selector: time window Selector: version

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SOLUTION RECAP Version artifacts. Add custom parameter (version) to monitoring. Query metrics for particular version. Automate?

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case studies Not automated, quasi-automated, fully-automated.

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CASE STUDY 1: mobile Phased Releases (iOS) or Google Play Staged Rollouts (Android) More users (%) get new version Is it working? Are there crashes? New version of app Automation score:

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CASE STUDY 2: NO SERVERS (AWS) Deploy Start Deploy End Before Allow Traffic (first check) After Allow Traffic (final check) Event-driven deploys: hook into them as needed Run some code in response to event Run some code in response to event

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NEW FUNCTION DEPLOY Deploy Start Deploy End Before Allow Traffic (first check) After Allow Traffic (final check) (Some) customers interact with new version • Is it slower for people? • Are there no errors? Metrics • Error count • Perceived Performance Facets • Function Version • Browser, Geo, Device Canary10Percent10Minutes ... Linear10PercentEvery10Minutes .. AllAtOnce ... Supported Types: Automation score:

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WHAT MEANS 'GOOD'? SELECT percentile(duration, 90) from PageView SINCE 10 minutes ago WHERE functionVersion='14' SELECT count(*) from JavaScriptError SINCE 10 minutes ago WHERE releaseIds='{"functionVersion":"14"}' Is the page loading slower than expected?* (New Relic NRQL) How many errors are there?* (New Relic NRQL) * These also make great alert conditions

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CANARY CHECK: static baseline const response = JSON.parse(nrqlResponse); const errorCount = response.results[0].count; if (errorCount > 0) { status = 'Failed'; } traffic-hook/index.js Rejecting any deploys with frontend- errors in AWS CodeDeploy

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CASE STUDY 3: Kayenta Load Balancer Canary Existing Majority of traffic Some traffic Metrics Baseline

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WHAT's THIS? Load Balancer Canary Existing Majority of traffic Some traffic Metrics Baseline "Creating a brand new baseline cluster ensures that the metrics produced are free of any effects caused by long-running processes."

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YOU MUST BE THIS TALL TO DO AUTOMATED CANARY ANALYSIS Real-time metrics from multiple data sources Dimensionality in metrics: especially version Solid deployment tooling + infrastructure

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Next steps Create dashboards with application metrics with version dimensions (error rate, response time, throughput)... you'll never believe what happens next!

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Thank you! @smithclay 5/14/2018