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Raft in Scylla Consensus in an eventually consistent database @duarte_nunes

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Presenter bio Duarte is a Software Engineer working on Scylla. He has a background in concurrent programming, distributed systems and low-latency software. Prior to ScyllaDB, he worked on distributed network virtualization.

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ScyllaDB ▪ Clustered NoSQL database compatible with Apache Cassandra ▪ ~10X throughput on same hardware ▪ Low latency, esp. higher percentiles ▪ Self tuning ▪ Mechanically sympathetic C++17

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Data placement ▪ Masterless ▪ Data is replicated across a set of replicas ▪ Data is partitioned across all nodes ▪ An operation can specify a Consistency Level

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Data model Partition Key1 Clustering Key1 Clustering Key1 Clustering Key2 Clustering Key2 ... ... ... ... ... CREATE TABLE playlists (id int, song_id int, title text, PRIMARY KEY (id, song_id)); INSERT INTO playlists (id, song_id, title) VALUES (62, 209466, 'Ænima’'); Sorted by Primary Key

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Consistency ✓ ✓

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Consistency ✓ ✓ ✓

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Consistency ✓ ✓ ✓

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Consistency ✓

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Consistency ✓ ✓ ✓

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Concurrent Updates 1: c = ‘a’ 1: c = ‘b’

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Seastar - ▪ Thread-per-core design • No blocking, ever.

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Seastar - ▪ Thread-per-core design • No blocking, ever. ▪ Asynchronous networking, file I/O, multicore • Future/promise based APIs

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Thread-per-core ▪ Request path is replicated per CPU ▪ Internal sharding by partition key • Like having multiple nodes on the same machine ▪ Uses middle bits to avoid aliasing a node with a shard

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Strong consistency ▪ Strong guarantees enable more use cases

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Strong consistency ▪ Strong guarantees enable more use cases • Uniqueness constraints

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Strong consistency ▪ Strong guarantees enable more use cases • Uniqueness constraints • Read-modify-write accesses

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Strong consistency ▪ Strong guarantees enable more use cases • Uniqueness constraints • Read-modify-write accesses • All-or-nothing writes

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Strong consistency ▪ Strong guarantees enable more use cases • Uniqueness constraints • Read-modify-write accesses • All-or-nothing writes ▪ Opt-in, due to inherent performance costs

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Lightweight Transactions (LWT) ▪ Per-partition strong consistency

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Lightweight Transactions (LWT) ▪ Per-partition strong consistency ▪ Essentially, a distributed compare-and-swap • INSERT ... IF NOT EXISTS DELETE ... IF EXISTS DELETE ... IF col_a = ? AND col_b = ? UPDATE ... IF col_a = ? AND col_b = ?

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Lightweight Transactions (LWT) ▪ Per-partition strong consistency ▪ Essentially, a distributed compare-and-swap • INSERT ... IF NOT EXISTS DELETE ... IF EXISTS DELETE ... IF col_a = ? AND col_b = ? UPDATE ... IF col_a = ? AND col_b = ? ▪ Fast-path operation warranting high performance and availability

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Lightweight Transactions (LWT) ▪ Per-partition strong consistency ▪ Essentially, a distributed compare-and-swap • INSERT ... IF NOT EXISTS DELETE ... IF EXISTS DELETE ... IF col_a = ? AND col_b = ? UPDATE ... IF col_a = ? AND col_b = ? ▪ Fast-path operation warranting high performance and availability ▪ Requires internal read-before-write

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Definition “The process by which we reach agreement over system state between unreliable machines connected by asynchronous networks”

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Consensus Protocols ▪ Strong consistency guarantees about the underlying data

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Consensus Protocols ▪ Strong consistency guarantees about the underlying data ▪ Leveraged to implement Replicated State Machines • A set of replicas to work together as a coherent unit

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Consensus Protocols ▪ Strong consistency guarantees about the underlying data ▪ Leveraged to implement Replicated State Machines • A set of replicas to work together as a coherent unit ▪ Tolerate non-byzantine failures • 2F + 1 nodes to tolerate F failures

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Consensus Protocols ▪ Strong consistency guarantees about the underlying data ▪ Leveraged to implement Replicated State Machines • A set of replicas to work together as a coherent unit ▪ Tolerate non-byzantine failures • 2F + 1 nodes to tolerate F failures ▪ A consensus protocol round advances the underlying state

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▪ Stability • If a value is decided at a replica p, it remains decided forever ▪ Agreement • No two replicas should decide differently ▪ Validity • If a value is decided, this value must have been proposed by at least one of the replicas ▪ Termination • Eventually, a decision is reached on all correct replicas Guarantees

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Choosing an Algorithm

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Design Space ▪ Understandability

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Paxos Made Live “There are significant gaps between the description of the Paxos algorithm and the needs of a real-world system. In order to build a real-world system, an expert needs to use numerous ideas scattered in the literature and make several relatively small protocol extensions. The cumulative effort will be substantial and the final system will be based on an unproven protocol.” By Google, when building Chubby using Multi-Paxos and SMR

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Design Space ▪ Understandability ▪ Experienced & successful, well-known usages

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Design Space ▪ Understandability ▪ Experienced & successful, well-known usages ▪ Latency, RTTs to agreement

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Design Space ▪ Understandability ▪ Experienced & successful, well-known usages ▪ Latency, RTTs to agreement ▪ General performance (e.g., batching opportunities)

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Leader vs RTTs ▪ Any node can decide a value • At least 2RTTs • Classical Paxos, CASPaxos

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Leader vs RTTs ▪ Any node can decide a value • At least 2RTTs • Classical Paxos, CASPaxos ▪ Leader election • 1 RTT, but leader can limit throughput • Multi-paxos, Raft, Zab

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Challenges ▪ Dealing with limited storage capacity ▪ Effectively handling read-only requests ▪ Dynamic membership and cluster reconfiguration ▪ Multi-key transaction support ▪ Acceptable performance over the WAN ▪ Formal and empirical validation of its safety

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Raft ▪ Focused on understandability ▪ Widely used ▪ Amenable to nice optimizations ▪ Strong leadership ▪ For LWT, leader does read-before-write ▪ Log easily compacted in our case

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Raft states Follower Candidate Leader

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Raft components Consensus Module Log State Machine Client

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Raft guarantees (1/2) ▪ Election Safety • At most one leader can be elected in a given term ▪ Leader Append-Only • A leader only appends new entries to its log ▪ Log Matching • If two logs contain an entry with the same index and term, then the logs are identical in all entries up through the given index

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Raft guarantees (2/2) ▪ Leader Completeness • If a log entry is committed in a given term, then that entry will be present in the logs of the leaders for all higher-numbered terms ▪ State Machine Safety • If a server has applied a log entry at a given index to its state machine, no other server will ever apply a different log entry for the same index

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Time in Raft follower/leader election Term T1 T2 T3 T4 Terms

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Scylla Raft

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Design Node Group Keyspace Vnode

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Design ▪ A Scylla node participates in more than one group • A natural consequence of how data is partitioned

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Design ▪ A Scylla node participates in more than one group • A natural consequence of how data is partitioned • Increased concurrency

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Design ▪ A Scylla node participates in more than one group • A natural consequence of how data is partitioned • Increased concurrency • Leader failures affects only a subset of operations*

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Design ▪ A Scylla node participates in more than one group • A natural consequence of how data is partitioned • Increased concurrency • Leader failures affects only a subset of operations* ▪ Each group on a node is itself sharded

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Design ▪ A Scylla node participates in more than one group • A natural consequence of how data is partitioned • Increased concurrency • Leader failures affects only a subset of operations* ▪ Each group on a node is itself sharded • A shard handles a subset of the operations of the group

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Design ▪ A Scylla node participates in more than one group • A natural consequence of how data is partitioned • Increased concurrency • Leader failures affects only a subset of operations* ▪ Each group on a node is itself sharded • A shard handles a subset of the operations of the group • Impacts how logs are organized

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Organization Log Core Raft Database State RPC Log Core Raft Database State RPC Group 0 Group N - 1

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Organization Shard 0 Shard N - 1 ... Log Core Raft Database State RPC Log Core Raft Database State RPC Group 0 Group N - 1

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Organization Heartbeats Shard 0 Shard N - 1 ... Log Core Raft Database State RPC Log Core Raft Database State RPC Group 0 Group N - 1

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Write path (simplified) 1. lock() locked_cell[] 7. Release locks mutation mutation restrictions Log RPC ... 3. Match 4. Append if matched cell_locker 2. query() 5. Replicate to majority 6. apply() Node N, Shard S Database

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Sharding ▪ State explosion if groups are per-shard ▪ (term, leader shard, index) tuple ▪ Heterogeneous cluster ▪ Resharding

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▪ All data is correctly partitioned across the cluster Homogeneous nodes RPC Leader Shard 0 RPC Follower Shard 0

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▪ Entries not totally ordered at the follower Heterogeneous nodes (1) RPC Leader Shard 0 RPC Shard 1 RPC Follower Shard 0

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▪ Follower logs will contain gaps Heterogeneous nodes (2) RPC Follower Shard 0 RPC Shard 1 RPC Leader Shard 0

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Sharding solutions ▪ Organize logs by term and leader shard • For each term, the leader shard count is stable

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Sharding solutions ▪ Organize logs by term and leader shard • For each term, the leader shard count is stable ▪ Leader restart ends the term

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Sharding solutions ▪ Organize logs by term and leader shard • For each term, the leader shard count is stable ▪ Leader restart ends the term ▪ A log is stored for each leader shard • May require synchronization at followers with different shard count

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Log compaction ▪ Log entries are applied to the state machine when committed • A log entry is committed when replicated to a majority of nodes • The commit index of an entry is per shard

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Log compaction ▪ Log entries are applied to the state machine when committed • A log entry is committed when replicated to a majority of nodes • The commit index of an entry is per shard ▪ Committed entries can be discarded • Responsibility for a prefix of the log is transferred to the database

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Log compaction ▪ Log entries are applied to the state machine when committed • A log entry is committed when replicated to a majority of nodes • The commit index of an entry is per shard ▪ Committed entries can be discarded • Responsibility for a prefix of the log is transferred to the database ▪ Leverage repair • Benign overlap between log entries and database state • How many committed log segments to keep around?

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Membership changes ▪ For the set of keyspaces K, each node will be a member of ks ∈ K RF(ks) * vnodes • TL;DR: potentially many groups ▪ Raft restricts the types of changes that are allowed • Only one server can be added or removed from a group at a time • Complex changes implemented as a series of single-server changes • Unless the RF is being changed, group member count is constant

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Adding a node A C B

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Adding a node D A C A C B B Bootstrap D

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Bootstrap + Raft (1) ▪ The ranges for the Raft group of which B is the primary replica have changed ▪ Node D introduces a new Raft group, of which D, B and C are members ▪ Node D joins the Raft group of which A is the primary replica ▪ Node C leaves the Raft group of which A is the primary replica

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Bootstrap + Raft (2) ▪ Need to wait until the new node has joined all groups • Then the other nodes can exit groups ▪ Doing a single operation at a time ensures majorities overlap ▪ Configurations are special log entries ▪ New nodes become non-voting members until they are caught up

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Another LWT constraint ▪ LOCAL_SERIAL consistency level • Precludes cross-DC groups • Each DC has its own group for a token range • Need agreement between two groups ▪ More up-front work, but worth it later • Leveraged for multi-partition transactions

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Agreement Node Group Keyspace Vnode Agreement

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Replicated 2PC Coordinator Resource Managers Transaction Status

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Internal Use Cases

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Concurrent schema changes ▪ Schemas changes are carried out locally and then propagated throughout the cluster

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Concurrent schema changes ▪ Schemas changes are carried out locally and then propagated throughout the cluster ▪ No protection against concurrent schema changes • Different IDs even if the schema is the same • Cluster-wide order of changes is not enforced

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Distributed schema tables CREATE TABLE ks.t ( p int, x my_type PRIMARY KEY (p)); DROP TYPE ks.my_type;

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Distributed schema tables CREATE TABLE ks.t ( p int, x my_type PRIMARY KEY (p)); DROP TYPE ks.my_type;

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Range movements ▪ Concurrent range operations can select overlapping token ranges

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Range movements ▪ Concurrent range operations can select overlapping token ranges ▪ Token selection is not optimal

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Range movements ▪ Concurrent range operations can select overlapping token ranges ▪ Token selection is not optimal ▪ Can’t use a partitioning approach

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Range movements ▪ Concurrent range operations can select overlapping token ranges ▪ Token selection is not optimal ▪ Can’t use a partitioning approach • Need to centralize token selection

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Global Group

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Specific Group

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Consistent materialized views ▪ Views are updated asynchronously • Eventually consistent • Preserves base replica availability • Issues with consistency, flow control

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Consistent materialized views ▪ Views are updated asynchronously • Eventually consistent • Preserves base replica availability • Issues with consistency, flow control ▪ Can leverage multi-key transactions • Base and view are both updated, or none are • Strongly consistent

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Thank You Any Questions ? Please stay in touch @duarte_nunes