Dharmesh Kakadia
Dharmesh Kakadia
Slide 2
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Micro services are cool
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Unix - Microservice before it was cool
tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' | tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | sed ${1}q
Slide 4
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Lets write and run Hello World
• Manage memory
• Manage scheduling – which CPU you want to run this on? How long ?
• Handle isolation
• Manage hardware
• User login
• Boot up
main() {
printf("Hello World");
Slide 5
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What an OS does?
• Resource management
• Isolation
• Inter-process communication
• Authentication + Authorization
Slide 6
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Lets write and run scalable Hello World
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is a
Data Center Kernel
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What a Data center OS does?
Slide 9
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What a Data center OS does?
• Resource management
• Isolation
• Inter-process communication
• Authentication + Authorization
Slide 10
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What a Data center OS does?
• Resource management
• Isolation
• Inter-process communication
• Authentication + Authorization
• Scalability
• Fault tolerance
• Service Discovery/ Load balancing
• … and many more